Tiki Central / California Events
Tiki Farm Bash Big Alohas....
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Or "Shout Outs" as the kids say.... Sorry. I'm starting a new thread for this... Had a great time at this event. I've been a TC member for quite a while now, and an avid Tiki News reader since 96', but never attended any events. This was my 2nd (the thing at the Egyptian 2 weeks ago was my first) and my first one as a vender.... So I wanted to say Aloha and Mahalo to various folks (or "peeps" as the kids say) Mahalo SQUID...thanx for inviting me to sell my CD's, and HOLDEN for agreeing to it, and putting the T.O. coasters in the goodie bags. AlohaCurrent, BigTikiDude, Tiki Al, Populule...you shred..., Nick and Jon from Tiki Mag, Kevin from the Smokin Menehunes, Kirby,Grog, BarTiki, TikiTrav,Bamboo Ben...great moves on the dance floor during the Dynotones....DJ Lee...always a pleasure.... Of course, Soccer Tiki and WooHooWahine...always great to see you guys. I know there's more, but I'm forgetting...it was along nite. Dynotones, Clouseaux, Populele, and the King...great sets. Hope everyone got home without a hitch...as I was leaving I saw 5-0 in full effect...I know they were looking for DWI's. Big Mahalos to everyone who bought a CD or print. Look forward to more events like this. Aloha Tikiyaki |
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