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HOME Tiki Mugs - Please ID

Pages: 1 4 replies

jthole posted on 07/24/2007

Pair of 2 burgandy red ceramic Tiki mugs. Each measure 6 1/2" high by 3" wide. The bottoms are stamped: HOME - May get hot in microwave - Dishwasher safe - Made in China. Can anyone tell me the age, maker, or value?

Tiki Royale posted on 07/24/2007

They look like the ones that were available at Target a couple of seasons ago.
Dishwasher safe makes them good for everyday use.

Unkle John posted on 07/24/2007

Yeah they were the ones Target sold a few years ago.

As well as the ones on my personal site: http://www.unklejohn.com/lounge.htm
Dang, I really need to finnish posting all my mugs or something!

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 07/24/2007

"Home" is Targets house brand. Get it? :lol:

Those are good 99 centers at the thrift stores. Excellent for your guests that are sloppy drunks. Makes cousin Eddie feel like part of the crowd.
I've seen some people and fancy thrift stores trying to sell them for five bucks. Target always has loads of stuff like that as low as 50 cents or a buck after the season.

As a side note, the season is OFFICIALLY over (at Target). School supplies are in and summer stuff has been slashed.

Signature? I ain't signin nothin!

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2007-07-24 07:41 ]

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2007-07-24 07:42 ]

Kenike posted on 07/24/2007

Those are also knockoffs of the Clay Art mugs that are knockoffs of vintage mugs.

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