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Le Tour

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 07/29/2007

Woot!! Contador wins! Leipheimer, third.

Now for a new sponsor. I was hoping that Discovery would have stayed and bought the rights to air the Tour. I think Versus uses hand-me-downs for their Tour productions.

Haole'akamai posted on 07/29/2007

Hand-Me-Downs? Do you mean the announcers? I liked them, especially the one guy who pronounces it "Tour DEEE France."

Or do you mean the coverage? I thought it was fine, but then I'm nowhere near a rabid Tour (or even a bicycle race) fan. I'm just a podunk with a minor interest. I'm really glad it's on a channel I get with my oh-so-basic cable this time.

I had a feeling Contador might be in contention after that stage (in the Pyrenees?) when he kept toying with whats-his-face.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 07/29/2007

On 2007-07-29 10:19, Haole'akamai wrote:
Hand-Me-Downs? Do you mean the announcers? I liked them, especially the one guy who pronounces it "Tour DEEE France."

Nahhhh. I mean video equipment. I want NFL/NASCAR quality dammit! Not some French guy running around with foil on his head who is still in to Jerry Lewis.

Today was the last stage. Hmmmm, for some reason VS. lost power for about 6 or 8 minutes. Coming back with about 45 seconds left before Contador came across the line. I say it is a French thing when something like that happens.

It's the 90's man, errr...well, you know.

I dig watching. I definitely watch more road riding than actual road riding. I mountain bike. And not a whole lot of that lately.

If Discovery was still the sponsor AND took over the broadcast they could have the Tour in full HD. They could bring road biking back to America in a better way than Lance. Put it on one of their 30 channels that has the most national access.

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