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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Cammo posted on 07/18/2007

Got no time to digi-paint a birthday cake, but


Congrats Buzz Buzz you got all the answers!

T_birdman posted on 07/19/2007

Congrats too yoo Bud! Chip-chip-chip away!

Benzart posted on 07/19/2007

Buzzy, Way to go with the high page count. I thought you would reach 100 a Long time ago, HappyHappy, Enough celebrating, get on with the NEXT 100 and lets see MORE Tiki Carving, More sunsets and More commentary in this nest bunch. HOORAY, Yippee

Really Buzz, you have grown more and Given more than almost Anyone, Keep up the Great work!

McTiki posted on 07/19/2007

Congratz Buzzy! Way to go!



hiltiki posted on 07/19/2007


GROG posted on 07/19/2007

Hiltilki really has a way words. GROG couldn't have said it any better.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/21/2007

Yeah! 100 pages! I'm glad that I didn't scare all of you away by now.
thanks to everyone who has ever looked here or ever posted here.

And an extra special thanks to all my regulars here!

Here's another sunset from a couple days ago:

Did a little body refining:

And this guy is done:

House of KU: Hey Freddie, I really liked that "What piece is this from?" game. Let's see how good YOU are at your own game:

Good Luck!

Here's to a (few) hundred more! :drink:
Buzzy Out!

RevBambooBen posted on 07/21/2007

Looks like some sort of dried up squash leaf to me!

Zucinni maybe?

Or, Yellow Crook Neck?

RevBambooBen posted on 07/21/2007


How long is this

page gonna stay

on 100?

Come on 101!!!

tikidreams posted on 07/22/2007

Congrats to great productivity!

Tornhalo posted on 07/22/2007

Can't wait for the next 100 Buzzy, Keep it up!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/23/2007

Yesterday's sunset:

Spent some time this morning cleaning logs and getting them in order:

I think this will do it for pg 100.

See you guys soon!
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/23/2007

Some in progress shots:

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/24/2007

Today's sunset:

A little facework:

Buzzy Out!

T_birdman posted on 07/24/2007

Looks cool bro. BTW, Zaya's pics made you look extremely comfortable at the bash, hope you had a good time!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/24/2007

Hey Tbirdman: Since you brought it up...

another day at the office.

More progress:

I still think it was a mistake for John Cougar to add Mellancamp to his name. It's like he got married and hyphenated his name as a result. He probably lost most of his male fans after that. That whole pink house thing didn't exactly bring em back, either. Poor John. At one time he almost looked tough, with that leather jacket and cigarette. Where is he now?
Who would win in a fight between George Michael and Jon Cougar Mellancamp?

Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 07/24/2007

On 2007-07-23 23:44, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Who would win in a fight between George Michael and Jon Cougar Mellancamp?


T_birdman posted on 07/24/2007

Mellencamp or not, the cig is tougher than smokin the "White Owl" like Georgy-boy!

Tornhalo posted on 07/24/2007

On 2007-07-24 00:40, GROG wrote:

On 2007-07-23 23:44, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Who would win in a fight between George Michael and Jon Cougar Mellancamp?


Grog wins!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 07/24/2007

House of KU: Hey Freddie, I really liked that "What piece is this from?" game. Let's see how good YOU are at your own game:

Good Luck!

Is that the half brother of these guys? :) There is a strong Ku family resemblance.
Aloha, Freddie

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/24/2007

Hey Freddie: You were real close, but as you can see, it was a trick question

True lava guys rarely consider a hapawood base. :wink:

Did some more work on this guy last night:

I put another cut through behind the nose

I will say that Buffy could beat both George Michael and JC Mellencamp. But, I don't think either one of them is a very well trained fighter, so she's still not all that great in my book. Grog's right, but he doesn't win anything.

back to work...
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/25/2007

Today's sunset:

Some more of today's in progress shots:

I got a couple palms today. Here they are installed in my front yard:

Much better.

Buzzy Out!

tikidreams posted on 07/25/2007

It´s always interesting to see your progress shots. And i envy your beautiful yard space/work area. :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/25/2007

Tikidreams: It's all trick photography, my friend. Here's an update too:

All the bad stuff is hidden behind the board.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-07-25 01:58 ]

benella posted on 07/25/2007

Beautiful work on the eyes, very surprising.


tikidreams posted on 07/25/2007

I don´t believe you!
And a palm tree like the one´s you´ve planted is atleast 600$ each here in sweden.

Tiki Duddy posted on 07/25/2007

looking GREAT buzzy! i like the look on his face and how you did the body there.

cant wait for more

Babalu posted on 07/25/2007

Hey Boss...I agree with Benjamin; the eyes, or lack there of, are very cool on this guy.

However, come on....George Michael?? That dude couldn't take on Festus from Gun Smoke! You could even tie Festus' hands tied behind his back, and GM would still loose...You could even let GM have his purse to fight with, and tie Festus' hands behind his back, and he would still loose.

Gotta go with John Cougar...At least he has "Cougar" in his name...that's enough to make ole Georgie's knees wobble right there. Melloncamp? - the dude might be a melon picker who lives in a pink house, but he is a tough farm kid from Indiana....uhhhhhh...wait a minute...I live in a pink house, and I was born on a farm in Indiana too? Okay, I'm not saying any more here....

Tornhalo posted on 07/27/2007

I love the palms, I wish I had the climate here for them.. Come on global warming!

The new carving is well, amazing as usual. Can't wait to see the finish!

Benzart posted on 07/27/2007

Just Keep it up Buzzy and One of these dayz you just might learn to carve. In the Meantime you are doing one Hell of an impersonation of a real carver. HappyHappy

Tornhalo posted on 07/28/2007

I thought he was using a stunt carver?

hiltiki posted on 07/28/2007

Three days and no Buzzeroni? Love the last tiki and love your new palms. Where are you?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/28/2007

A couple days worth of sunsets:

TikiDreams: Estimates put those palms in the $350 or so each range around these parts. I got them delivered and installed for about 100% less than that price.
Benella: Those eyes keep playing tricks on my eyes. My eyes can't seem to focus on the eyes, only the lack thereof. There's all kinds of trickery going on with this guy. I had to take a break because it was getting too hard to figure out. I think I can see where I need to go now.
TDuddy: Thanks Duddy. I accomplished one of my goals on this body. Finally solved a problem I had been having getting those ridges on the legs. Now I just have to work on my 10,000 other weaknesses...
Babalu: I only picked Georgey Boy because I couldn't think of any other guy that couldn't kick JCougarmellencamp's ass. I didn't want to pick a chick either, because that would be sexist. Maybe George" Bad to the Bone" Thorogood vs. Heuy " Need a New Drug" Lewis would be a better fight.
Tornhalo: I'm with you on that whole global warming thing. Bikini season should be extended by another few months, in my opinion. In fact, I think I'll go burn my old fence right now, use up some of my carbon emission credits.
Hiltiki: Oh man, I've been busy these last couple days. Getting those palm trees motivated me to finally finish my fence project. It basically took a whole day to remove the bushes where the fence was to go, then it took another day to put up the rest of the fence, and now it will take a few days to clean all the crap up.
Here's some pictures:

This was the final section I needed to construct. I ran out of the big posts, so I had to secure a premade 6x8 fence section through a purchase. This nearly doulbled the entire project cost to about $72.

The whole reason I wanted to do this fence thing was to extend my back yard by another 15 feet. Here was my old back yard fence:

Same view with the old fence gone:

My back yard just got bigger!
Here's the view of the newest fence section and all the crap I need to deal with:

I'm going to burn all that wood. Hooray for carbon emissions!
And now a view from the street:

I think I actually started my extend the back yard project about 9 years ago. That shows I have resolve. I'll put that on my resume under "strengths."

Benzart: These stunt carvers are working out real well for me so far, but I feel like I should actually be doing my own work. It would be helpful to get some advice from an experienced carver at some point in my life. That got me thinking, maybe someone like you should have a carving seminar to help people like me. Now I'm just free thinking/brainstorming here: But, maybe you could secure a location and invite some carvers to join you for a weekend, and teach them about carving. I'd bet people would even pay to do something like that. You should think about doing that sometime.

There has got to be something I can do to help the environment. I'll think I'll go get a smog check for my car, just because I care.
Buzzy Out!

T_birdman posted on 07/28/2007

So what is your source for the bamboo, the fence looks great bro!

greentikipat posted on 07/30/2007

hey Buzzy- lookin good! i just planted some palms today,- always nice to transform the pad some more. oh- and by 'lookin good' i meant the tiki. must be a cannibal- definatly hasn't had a v8 lately. cheers, man!

hiltiki posted on 07/30/2007

Buzzy, the front yard looks great. I wish I had some of those palms. I can't afford big ones like that, I think they are slow growing, but I am not sure. The orange tiki that I love, looks great with the palms. So when is The Front Yard New Buzzpau-Hana Mug Release Party? You can have vendors, music, you have the nice bar now to serve drinks,plenty of parking space. and a nice view from the street. ha? what do you think. All you need is to design a mug. Make it cheap will you? I think the way we are going on TC. I am averaging one new mug a week now...

GMAN posted on 07/30/2007


This guy is looking great! Mad chips at the House of Buzz! SWEET!


Zaya posted on 07/31/2007

Hey, I was inspired today when I went out into my front garden and saw this beautiful flower. I think I found my new tiki chick hair accessory to go along with you're "Mack Daddy" pendant! You don't think it's too much do you? :lol:

hiltiki posted on 07/31/2007

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love it. Maybe you should sell these off at Tiki Oasis.

T_birdman posted on 07/31/2007

I think it hides too much of your pretty face, just put it in a vase or have buzzy carve one just like it for you so when it withers you'll still have it, waddya think?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/31/2007

All these sunsets are starting to look the same:
This one might be from yesterday or the day before

I can't remember which is which

I'm doing the final tweaking and sanding of this guy now

He's got some teeth now

I also just started to refinish this bar I picked up a few months ago:

It's cleaning up a lot nicer and easier than thought it would.

Buzzy Out!

Tiki Bird posted on 07/31/2007

Nice bar, please post pics of restoration.


kingstiedye posted on 07/31/2007

On 2007-07-30 23:18, T_birdman wrote:
I think it hides too much of your pretty face, just put it in a vase or have buzzy carve one just like it for you so when it withers you'll still have it, waddya think?

yeah, i'm with birdman here. :D buzzy, the new guy looks great. i hope i can score a buzzy tiki at oasis. i dig your sunset pics too. not the same thing, but they inspired me to post a pic of a spiderweb in my backyard in my collecting thread.

4WDtiki posted on 07/31/2007

Buzzy, here's a pic of what it could look like. This one was on ebay a while ago, and I was going to use it as a fix-up inspiration. :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/01/2007

TikiBird: Here are a couple before after shots of the condition of the bar

After a couple seconds of sanding:

4WD: Thanks for that picture. :)

I'm just cramming in this project with all the other crap I have going right now

Speaking of crap, I sanded and stained this today:

It was partly cloudy today,so I wanted to spend my day outside. I cleaned a log and carved a little piece of it.
Here is my journey of carving this face on a log today
Started by rounding the forehead

Roughed out nose and mouth marked out

Eyes, more nose work, and the tongue started

Tapering in the middle of the head:

Softened up a bit, and now awaiting final sanding and staining:

KTD: Still got "your" tiki sitting right here...

He says: "Damn it, I've been waiting to go home forever now!" Liked that picture you posted too.

TBirdman: You need some bamboo? Got access to a ton of it. Actually, a few tons...
Greentikipat: I love that feeling that I get when I walk out there and do not recognize my own place because it looks so nice. :) Hope you got that feeling now too.

Zaya: Nice Hat!

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-07-31 18:43 ]

kingstiedye posted on 08/01/2007

On 2007-07-31 18:42, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

KTD: Still got "your" tiki sitting right here...


oh yes! i kinda figured you were just keeping that guy for yourself. happy happy happy!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/01/2007


Started another one of those low price leader slash and burn a face on a log things before sunset

That was the last picture i was able to take before I ran out light. After this picture, I did a little more on it.

I think I finished sanding the little ficus Ku a little while ago. I just need to not look at it for a couple hours and see if there was anything that I missed seeing on it earlier, when i thought I was done with it for only the sixth or seventh time.

I just looked up at the tv and there was a tiki in the background while they interviewing Ami on Miami Ink.

KTD: Of course, you are in no way bound to that guy...You're always more than welcome to upgrade. :)

If I had not lost/misplaced my hookknife earler today, I'd do some work on the mini Maori right now. Instead, I'm going to look for my hookknife.

Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 08/01/2007

Buzzy I think your hooknife is under the sock in the picture with KTD's tiki in it. :o

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