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Hot Rod & Rockabilly Rumble - East Hartford, CT

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Lukeulele posted on 07/17/2007

OK, I know this isn't exactly a tiki event, but we do have some kustom kulture vendors selling cool tiki stuff and a couple of great surf bands! Also, I know there is a huge hot rod crossover on this board, so I figured I'd put the word out.

It's the 8th Annual Road Agents Hot Rod Rumble
9 Rockabilly and Surf bands
Hot Rods, Custom Cars, Choppers, '50s style burlesque, vendors and so much more.
All the information is here if you want it: http://www.theroadagents.com/Rumble2007.htm

PM me if you need more details!


Lukeulele posted on 07/19/2007

Oh yeah,
Surf bands go on at 5:30pm on Friday night
and 10:30am Saturday

4WDtiki posted on 07/19/2007

It's kinda far for me, so please post pics! :D

Big Kahuna posted on 07/20/2007

And don't forget kiddies, Galaxy Rod & Custom will be there selling kool Hot Rod & Kustom parts and accessories. The more stuff you buy, the more tiki stuff I can buy! Honestly folks, if you're in the area, this is a show not to be missed! The Road Agents throw a first class bash with no weenies!
See Ya There!!!!

Bargoyle posted on 07/20/2007

We're iffy on Friday night, but we're definately gonna stop by on Saturday!!

Lukeulele posted on 07/20/2007

On 2007-07-19 17:25, Bargoyle wrote:
We're iffy on Friday night, but we're definately gonna stop by on Saturday!!

Cool! Friday night is a little more "wild", especially as the night wears on. Saturday is more the car show and vendors, but still lots of fun.

Bargoyle posted on 07/23/2007

Had a great time at the show (Thanks Luke!). My personal highlight was the rockabilly version of Prince's "Lets Go Crazy".

The little lady bought a ton of vintage clothes & stuff, and I just drooled over the hundreds of sick rat-rods & customs there.

Bargoyle needs to customize something....

I've started on the snow blower...got a nice chrome skull shift knob on it. I'm thinking of welding some teeth to the front, and paint the sides with an open mouth (ala WWII spitfires). Maybe some nice pinstiping on the handle bars?

Hey, it'll hold me over until I get my Studebaker Hawk (someday).

Big Kahuna posted on 07/24/2007

Hey! You didn't say hello!

Bargoyle posted on 07/24/2007

Hey Kahuna, I looked for ya.

Galaxy was one of the tents along the back tree line, right? (Like if you came in, walked through the pavilion and just kept going straight until you hit woods...that side).

Of course, I may have walked right past ya. I was a few cocktails into the night when we met at the Milky Way. You were the blurry section of color that I was talking to that night, right? lol

But seriously, sorry I missed ya. We had a great time. And it really did rekindle my desire for the Hawk. Now if I just had any mechanical talent..... :)

Lukeulele posted on 07/30/2007

Bargoyle, THANKS for being there! Glad you and Jess had a good time! Lot's of neat stuff there for sale. I got my shrunken head from Tomcat Barbers
He had other cool ones too, including a shrunken Jesus head. Strange but true!
BTW, did you know that you had at least 3 "tour attendees" at the show? (that I know of!) and two others who are on the waiting list! I also overheard someone talking about it at one point too! You've created a monster!!!

Bargoyle posted on 07/30/2007

You cats going to the Fallout on 10/20 in So. Glastonbury?

Lukeulele posted on 07/31/2007

Yes! Another great show!

Big Kahuna posted on 08/01/2007

I was set up a couple of spots past Luke on the right. I was the guy with the greasy hair & the sideburns! Hey, Luke! I now have a very kool blue shrunken head from Tomkat hangin' in my '59! Very kool!

Bargoyle posted on 08/01/2007

Damn! I think I walked right past you guys multiple times. Damn this wet brain of mine.

Really dig the shrunken head, Luke. Also I got your package yesterday. SUper-cool. Thanks a bunch.

Lukeulele posted on 08/01/2007

*On 2007-07-31 20:45, Big Kahuna wrote:*I was the guy with the greasy hair & the sideburns!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Big Kahuna posted on 08/03/2007

Here's a shot of my shrunken head:

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/6956/46b29969.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=696e06d316fcb8a8dda9dddf27ebeae8

Lukeulele posted on 08/03/2007

Wow! The color matches perfectly with your interior!

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