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Humuhumu Roll Call -- OC Tiki Tour on Thurs, 5/8

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My Great American Tiki Road Trip will be taking me through the Land of the Hoiti and the Toiti on the way to the Oasis. There's been some rumblings about taking me on a tour of the local tiki sights, including Sam's Seafood, Tiki Ti and Bamboo Ben's. I need to get at least some of the arrangements worked out soon, as I'm hitting the open road this Saturday the 2nd at about noon.

Who cares to join me? In particular, would one of you be able to be my Official Hoiti Toiti Tour Guide? I'd like to make sure someone there has my cell phone number.

stentiki (maybe)
hula hula
inkylouise (in spirit)

The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2003-05-01 12:13 ]


Hey Humu,

Would love to tour you around on Thursday but I will be on a plane heading home from Boston.

Perhaps if you and the Hoiti Toities end up at Sam's later that evening, I might join you there as it is only 10 minutes from the Stentiki Hut.

If not, I look forward to meeting you at Tiki Oasis.

Cool itinerary. You're gonna have a blast!



Show Me The Moai!

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-04-29 17:17 ]


This'll be a afternoon/evening thing, as it's a weekday, and I'll be making the loooong drive down from the Bay Area that morning. If you'd like, Sten, you can email me with your phone #, and I'll call from my cell when we get to Sam's so you can meet us if you feel up to it.

I know this is a difficult question to answer but what time will you be at Tiki Ti? I'm planning to have dinner with friends in nearby Silverlake, and we want to go to Tiki Ti afterwards.



Hopefully, I will be bringing back NYC greetings for you from Inkylouise and Manic Cat.


id love to be your guide, oops, forgot about that restraining order.

J/k but im gonna be in late thurday night too so im gonna have to call polypop to find out where you guy are when I get into town.

Okay, we'll be at Tiki Ti at about 9pm or so.

Hey OC Tiki peeps,

Even though it is the night before all hell breaks loose at Tiki Oasis, are we gonna show Humuhumu around or what?

Post here with ideas. There's always drinks at Bongs Tiki Hut.

Alright, Bong to the rescue! I was starting to think you Hoiti Toitis were too good for me. :)

Seriously, it is the day before Oasis, and I totally understand if folks wanna rest up for the big weekend. I'll just meet up with whoever isn't a big sissy-pants.

I'd be more than happy to join in on the Thursday events!



Shoot- I was posting to this yesterday and the computer crashed, and then I forgot that it never went through.

I'd like to build up a mass of tiki peeps at the Tiki Ti on Thursday nite (Thki Shock & Awe!). I was thinking about much earlier (say 6:00) so we can get into the damn thing. Nine seems like we'll be in a line and crowded.

However, I've never seen the Royal Hawaiian- is it worth a trip down? Can they match the superb taste sensation of the Ti?


Hey, this old dog needs to keep it in OC on Thursday night. If you youngins' are gonna hit Tiki Ti, well, after my Metamucil and rum drink, I'll be sleeping.

BUT, if you want to party like it's 2003 in OC, see me.


What if we hit Tiki Ti as early as possibe for a quickie, and then head for OC? Is that just craziness, will we end up in nasty rush hour traffic? Otherwise, I might be more inclined to stick to OC. I know that means we'll miss paranoid123 -- I don't suppose you'd be able to consider doing Tiki Ti before your dinner?

The best tiki bar is the one that's within stumbling distance of your bed
The Humuhumu Room

[ Edited by: Humuhumu on 2003-04-30 14:16 ]

A Tiki Ti to Sam's Seafood trek is quite a trip in itself. If people are preferring to meet up in OC, then I'm game. Sam's Seafood is a great must-see if you've never been there. Plus, they have a drink named after us - The Tiki Central! Count me in. I'll check this post for meeting time.

Woah! Everybody stop! How did this get so far along with out me seeing this? I believe that maybe a Bong's hut to Sam's thing may sound kinda nice. Bong's bar is very much worth seeing and just down the street from Sam's. I love inviting people to Bong's with out his permission. Maybe the Menehunes can cook something up too.

laney posted on Wed, Apr 30, 2003 6:45 PM

I'd be game to meet Thurs. at Sam's. Will they stay open a little later, maybe 10:30? There's other places on Main for drinks later-Aloha Grill, Tuna Town??? SCD you too?

I don't know about those places. I heard the sushi isn't very good there.

....now where did I hear that?

laney posted on Wed, Apr 30, 2003 7:47 PM

Instigator! :wink:

humuhumu...another reason to wish i wuz a hoity toity!

I see more hula in your future...you better save your energy for hukilau!

laney posted on Thu, May 1, 2003 3:58 AM

Hey Luckyd why don't we all just hit Billy's after? Now that's a hoity toity experience!

I'd offer to open the Bamboo Ben store for you's all inbetween the trek but, we'll be at the Tropics pounding nails into Bamboo! Have fun and we'll see you's out in da desert.



Maybe you're right about 'Tuna Town. I tell you what, how's about we all meet you there about 9:00 or 10:00 after we have some drinks and music at Bong's Tiki Hut

See you there!

(all other's, I'll email you with itinerary...)

laney wrote:
There's other places on Main for drinks later-Aloha Grill, Tuna Town??? SCD you too?

I already let Humuhumu know by PM that I'll be in Palm Springs Thursday morning.

You're going to give up your "Survivor" night? I guess as long as Tuna Town is on the schedule, right Laney? :wink:


Alright, it sounds like Tiki Ti is out for me(sorry paranoid123 & martiki6!). Bong's & then Sam's sounds like a great plan. But please don't make me go to Billy's! Unless laney & I find ourselves in a kicking-asses mood.


Unless things change by next Thursday, we can do drinks for Humuhumu and my hut, and then head over to Sam's.

Ah..., er..., and ah..., Laney we'll meet you at Tuna Town around 12:00 or so.

My hut around 7:00 folks. Those that are going probably already know where it is. If not let me know and I'll email you directions.

Unlike all the other gigs at my hut, except for Humuhumu, anyone coming please bring a bottle of dark or gold rum (not required, as I have a few liters) and I'll take care of the mixers, etc...

Humu, I'll email you directions.


[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2003-05-02 23:12 ]


Hey Humu,

Regarding Billy's, nothing really to fear if you don't mind big time hoiti toitiness. They do make a mean Navy Grog and from what little I recall, their mai tais were pretty tasty.

Me and mine went back last Friday and the bartender working that day was pretty cool. Great decor -- bamboo matting, tapa, Hawaiiana, Leetegs, and two Marquesan style tikis greet you at the door.

I doubt if you'll have time for all that, but they were a lot nicer to me when I was not trying to steal their mai tai glasses. You'll be in good hands with Bong at his hut and at Sam's. If Tiki wills it, I'll see you all there.

Okay, I see this is becoming an Orange County evening and that's cool. I always have a good time down there with you fine southerners. But just incase you want to visit the absolute pinnacle and apex of tiki bars, Tiki-Ti, they will be open and later in the evening our good friend King Kukulele will be performing with his band The Friki Tikis at Taix Restaurant only 2 miles away. Tiki-Ti is at 4427 Sunset Blvd. and Taix is at 1911 Sunset Blvd. Could make for a fun and completely entertaining night. Just thought I'd throw it out there. Welcome to California where a big problem is that there's too much to do!

-Weird Unc


I'll probably be up for a trip to Tiki Ti, let's see where the night leads us. I'm leaving right now, so I'll see you guys at Bong's!

laney posted on Sun, May 4, 2003 4:32 AM

You're going to give up your "Survivor" night? I guess as long as Tuna Town is on the schedule, right Laney? :wink:

Actually no. Survivor night is my special night with my son. Since I get extra snuggles (rare when you have a hard headed, independant, boy) I will stay home for our Survivor (it's getting down to the wire too only that show before the last episode) That's why I was wondering how late Sam's would stay open. We'll see how things go, I'd love to meet up with everyone at Sam's but wouldn't be able to make it out there until after 9:30 at the earliest, which is why I suggested after Sam's drinking spots. I may just hit Tiki-Ti instead, I've never been there.
Humuhumu, I was hoping to pick up some single guys with you as we'd be, pretty much, the only single tiki nerd ladies in hoity-toity land. Have a great trip, if I don't get a chance to meet you, Laney

[ Edited by: laney on 2003-05-04 04:51 ]

On Thursday at Taix, King Kukulele and the Friki Tikis will take the stage at midnight. Very hip.

Thursday is shaping up to be a busy night! Here's an itinerary to keep us in line so we can squeeze everything in:

6:00pm - Drinks/Dinner at Royal Hawaiian - 331 N. Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach

7:30ish - Drinks and special private performance with the Smokin' Menehune's at Bong's Hut - email Bong directly for directions.

9:30pm - Sam's Seafood - 16278 S. Pacific Coast Hwy, Huntington Beach

And, if you're still up to it --

11:30pm - King Kukulele & the Friki Tikis at Taix - 1911 W. Sunset Blvd, Hollywood

Can't wait to get the weekend started early!!!

**Poly-Pop ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-05-05 13:53 ]

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-05-07 14:10 ]


I'll be looking for a cheap place to stay near Bong's/Sam's. Any suggestions for reasonable accomodation?


Johnnie and Lady Velour will be at Sams for all the hoti toti-ness. We wont have time to get down to to the Royal Hawaiian, I am usually working 'till 6:00.



There's a inexpensive (read cheap) hotel right across the street from Bamboo Ben's shop, which is about 2 blocks from my hut.

They don't take, nor do you need, reservations. And if you're in need of any lovin' or medications, those are easily available out in front of the hotel.

A number of TC'ers stayed there after OC Tiki Crawl III.



On 2003-05-05 11:19, PolynesianPop wrote:
Here's an itinerary to keep us in line so we can squeeze everything in:

Man Pop, what a control freak. Hey, bring the conch shell so we don't 'blow it' (ha ha).

Aloha Hoiti Toities!!

While chatting with Humuhumu last night at Trader Vic's, I realized that since I have to go visit my mother in Visalia this week, I could...possibly...take the OC Tour as well!!!

I mean, it's only a LEETLE way further, right???!! Yes, it IS.

Humuhumu gave me her # and offered to share a hotel room Thursday night, so I anticipate being able to make it. Here's hoping!!

Thus far, I see that we are to meet at Bong's, correct? In case Humu and I miss each other, I'm going to send him a private message for directions...anyway, it should all work out fine.

Is six pm at the Royal Hawaiian still set?

can't wait,

travelling tikivixen

p.s. Martin, perhaps we can all stay at that No-tell Motel near Bong's??


I should be able to make Sam's, and maybe Bong's as well. I'm afraid I will not be able to amke Royal Hawaiian, though. Since I am going to miss Oasis through my own stupidity and procrastination, Sam's will make for a nice consolation.


Vixen, if you get this in time, we'll see you for drinks (yea!) and we'll protect each other at the no-tell motel.


Sounds good, Martin! I've sent you a private e-mail with my cellphone number...

See ya soon!


Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight. For those of you who haven't seen Bong's bar yet, you're in for something else! -I mean that the bar is really great, not that there is something else to see. WooHoo, Tiki Oasis starts here!


Lucky, there is something else to see. It is the dining set Bong gave his wife that will supposedly make up for abandoning her and the kids for Mother's Day and her birthday!


Oh, THAT'S how he gets away with it. He buys her off with furniture.

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