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4WDtiki - Bill's stuff. - first new pics in years

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Tiki Trav posted on 07/06/2007

On 2007-07-02 06:29, 4WDtiki wrote:
I managed to get some minor progress on this guy at the Chop over the weekend, just sanding and de-angularizing.

Sunday, I broke out the flexcut V and started the detail work. Here's what I have so far.

That's Kool! I dig it!

Benzart posted on 07/06/2007

Looking Great 4 wheele, make sure you keep that v-liner sharp!

GMAN posted on 07/06/2007

Yes Sir, I have to agree, that is great. Very impressive work going on over there 4Wheels. You've switched it on to warp-speed and I'm seriously digging it.

4WDtiki posted on 07/07/2007

Thanks, T, B, and G!
Ben, I have picked up the the basics of The Benzart Method of Sharpening Flexcuts from some of the locals. :wink:

Here's where I'm at today.

AlohaStation posted on 07/08/2007

That is excellent! The extra lines give your stuff new life and awesome character.

hiltiki posted on 07/08/2007

Very nice work Bill.

hewey posted on 07/08/2007

Looks awesome, this one has seen your quality just jump! :D

Clarita posted on 07/09/2007


tikidreams posted on 07/10/2007

It´s both rough and detailed at the same time, and the contrasting burning brings it out perfect. Thumbs up!

Benzart posted on 07/10/2007

You have dwfinitely taken it up to the higher level. MAn these look Fantastic. Nice clean, crisp details, Very nice.

McTiki posted on 07/10/2007

!!!Daddy like!!! (last one with Moko)

Keep em coming



4WDtiki posted on 07/16/2007

I finished this one today. I know in the pic, it doesn't really look any different from the last pic, but I stained it golden oak, used the propane torch to brown the grain a little, and gave it another coat of golden oak, because it wasn't golden enough. :P The sun wasn't out, so I really had to play with the photo editing to get the color to show, and it's still not true. :shrug: You'll just hafta come by and see it!

T_birdman posted on 07/16/2007

Bill, I think the general concensus of this one is that it's a Masterpiece! You know, when I first saw you working on this one at the June chop, I wasn't sure where it was going (I don't have your vision for tikis yet!) and thought it had a lot of styles I might incorporate into stuff I would try in the future, but I can only hope to chop anything worthy of sitting in this ones shadow, serious!

The Birdman

Bowana posted on 07/16/2007

Extremely consistant tattooing. Especially impressive are the rings around the eyes. Very difficult to get the first triangle shape to match up with the final triangle after having gone all the way around. Lots of measuring first I would imagine. You are a good geometrist, Bill. :)

tikidreams posted on 07/16/2007

He turned out really good. Can´t you take some more pictures if him? All pictures are from the same angle, he hasn't´t got an ugly wart or something on the other side? :wink:

benella posted on 07/16/2007

Very good one 4WD.


4WDtiki posted on 07/17/2007

On 2007-07-15 21:21, tikidreams wrote:
Can´t you take some more pictures if him? All pictures are from the same angle, he hasn't´t got an ugly wart or something on the other side? :wink:

Haha, good point! Here's the other sides.

hewey posted on 07/18/2007

This looks great! Nic work 4WD. Now more! :D

Paipo posted on 07/18/2007

Flat-out awesome! Easily one of the nicest log tikis I've seen all year, and definitely my favourite tattooing job. Beautiful work 4WD!

4WDtiki posted on 07/23/2007

Compliments from around the globe, sweet! :D

I started this one yesterday, stained it today. It's ~3 feet tall.

Bowana posted on 07/23/2007

That's one weekend's worth of work?! :o

Your new name is 4WDSpeedy.

T_birdman posted on 07/23/2007

ok, I just want to know how much longer I have to chop to get that good consistantly, huh? Can anyone answer me cuz I need to know!!! (If you're gonna tell me a long time I don't wanna know!)

4WDtiki posted on 08/05/2007

At one of our jobsites at work, there is a pile of about 20 pieces of 6x8s that were trimmed off the rafters at 26". I decided to take two home to see if there were any tikis inside.
There were. :wink:

I knocked these guys out this afternoon, and will stain them tomorrow.
Now I need to get the other 18!

Moondance posted on 08/05/2007

Sweeeet Tki's my friend!! Really clean lines, very nice. Do you use power tools, hand chisels or both??

Moondance posted on 08/05/2007

How do you mark this tiki out before start carving?


greentikipat posted on 08/05/2007

wow! this stuff's awesome!! sorry i don't get around this block often enough, i've been missing out! thanks for showing- mahalo & keep it up!

T_birdman posted on 08/05/2007

The folks next door to me knocked down their old house and are building a 2 story in it's place, they had a huge piece of 6x12x4' that I wanted but the contractor said he was going to use it, I think he just didn't want me to have it! I was curious to know how the laminated lines would look, now I know, now I'll jump the wall and see if he really is using it!

4WDtiki posted on 08/05/2007

Moondance, I used a chainsaw to rough them out, some chisels to even them out, and an angle grinder to smooth them out.
I mark out all my tikis by first putting a centerline down the front, then rough drawing one side with a crayon. Then, I measure and transfer to the other side.

Here's the two pieces stained. Minwax Golden Oak, and Jacobean.

mieko posted on 08/05/2007

Wow, I really like the Golden Oak one. Great find on that wood - how hard is it with the chisels compared to palm?

4WDtiki posted on 08/05/2007

Mieko, it's slightly harder than palm, but I only used chisels for about 2% of the work on them.:wink:
98% power tools.8)

Here's today's work! Started this morning. I had a palm log that split just laying in the yard, so I decided to try something different (for me).

Here's a side and back view.

They are about 3' tall, and extremely light, maybe 5lbs each. This wood was FULLY dried.

hewey posted on 08/06/2007

More nice work mate :D

benella posted on 08/06/2007

Very very good.

hiltiki posted on 08/06/2007

Excellent work.....:)

Billy the Crud posted on 08/06/2007

On 2007-08-05 16:44, 4WDtiki wrote:
Mieko, it's slightly harder than palm, but I only used chisels for about 2% of the work on them.:wink:
98% power tools.8)

Here's today's work! Started this morning. I had a palm log that split just laying in the yard, so I decided to try something different (for me).

Here's a side and back view.

They are about 3' tall, and extremely light, maybe 5lbs each. This wood was FULLY dried.

These are VERY cool, Bill! You should call them Beavis and Butthead!

That mask piece you gave me has come along very nicely. You'd be proud!

Paipo posted on 08/06/2007

Once again proving fast and good need not be mutually exclusive. I have a severe case of productivity envy!

McTiki posted on 08/06/2007

Wow! 4WD!

The Moais have a Witco feel to them. Very nice!

I love the masks too.

I have "Time to carve" envy.



4WDtiki posted on 08/07/2007

Thanks to all!

I took home a couple more of those 6x8 pieces. Here's a sort of before and after shot, so you can really see what I'm working with.

I started in on the shorter piece tonight, all excited to do another Moai. It fought me all the way. Those cracks did me in, two large pieces split off, and the wood is in the trash. :(
But I learned something, respect the crack!
I'll try again tomorrow.

hewey posted on 08/08/2007

On 2007-08-06 19:23, 4WDtiki wrote:
But I learned something, respect the crack!


Benzart posted on 08/08/2007

Yeah, with kiln dried lumber like that those cracks can go all the way through and on a short cut-off theres not much holding it together. You can vill the voids with plenty of glue and clamp it a bit before you even start and it will hold together. Nice stuff you Did do though, I Love both Moai.

4WDtiki posted on 08/15/2007

Ben, I'll have ample opportunity to try gluing the cracks, I brought home half the pile of these today.

A couple pieces are actually clear, but most have a few knots. There's a 5' piece of 12x12 that I may grab, if I can get a hand lifting it. :wink:

This past Saturday, I had a booth at a Luau fundraiser for the local outrigger club. Here's my stuff. I came home with three fewer tikis. 8)

There were two different hula halaus, and a reggae band.

See you all at the Oasis!

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hewey posted on 08/16/2007

Congrats on the sales mate! well deserved.

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Moondance posted on 08/16/2007

Bro, Any more photo's of this fine specimen??
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4WDtiki posted on 08/17/2007

Thanks Hewey!

Moondance, here's a couple other views.
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And here's another cube Moai I did over the weekend, and a small commissioned piece I did today.

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Bowana posted on 08/17/2007

Dang Bill! You are on FIRE!! You, Buzzy, and Clysdalle need to have a Who-Can-Carve-It-The-Fastest contest.

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Moondance posted on 08/17/2007

Thanks for the extra photo's 4WDTIKI!
You rawk Bro!!

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Clysdalle posted on 08/17/2007

On 2007-08-16 20:15, Tikidav wrote:
Dang Bill! You are on FIRE!! You, Buzzy, and Clysdalle need to have a Who-Can-Carve-It-The-Fastest contest.

hahahah...a carve off!! now is it power tools or not :wink:

I'm pretty sure Bill finished 3 while I was typing this...

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T_birdman posted on 08/17/2007

Hey Bill, bring a few of those 6 X pieces, I'll ave a go with it too, maybe bring some for all and do just that a carve off! Fastest moai!

KK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2234cf3f28896a4d9119e616dd2e4ee8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
kaha kii posted on 08/17/2007

Love that Moai! Youve got great style! Dig it...

Keep it up, hana hou brah!

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