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Witco Find in Vegas!

Pages: 1 4 replies

Tiki Lee's posted on 08/07/2007


I found these great Witco Sconces and hanging lamp a little bit ago and thought I'd post 'em! They are Witco's lighter wood style from the "Marco Polo" collection.

I found TWO of these. They need new material, but otherwise they're in great shape.

The lamp is in great shape, too. It's just missing the globe.

*By the way, does anyone know where to get the globes that fit this lamp? It's that old "wide-mouth" style and I can't seem to find any here in Vegas yet. Short of going to my dealer friends and asking if they have any spares, I was just wondering if any of you knew where to go online to order one.


[ Edited by: Tiki Lee's 2007-08-06 22:15 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/07/2007

first of all, which of my secret vegas tiki hunting spots did you find these in??..i must have missed them on the last run out there.....

as for lamp parts.....p,m. me. There's a place here in chicago that i buy from when it comes to lamp parts..they've been here for years and they are real old school.....they have tons of discontinued parts, especially globes of all shapes and sizes. It's the type of place ya gotta dig around in, but worth it.......see if keigs20 knows what size they used to use back in the day and get back to me with some dimensions. Thanks to them i was able to refurbish a few tiki lamps using original parts no longer manufactured........they should have what you need.

Haole'akamai posted on 08/07/2007

Fabulous! Hey, do you guys think the fabric medallion on the sconce is original?

Tiki Lee's posted on 08/08/2007


The medallion is original, but the fabric is not. The original fabric was kinda like a snow leopard that came out of a Flintstone's cartoon. I'll be re-covering these in (what else) Cheetah!

Haole'akamai posted on 08/08/2007

Thought so. A bit too Southwestern, yes?

Mmmmmm, Cheetah...

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