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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Tiki Den - Feeling Corky?

Pages: 1 4 replies

Tiki Den posted on 07/12/2007

Hey All!

A few ppl asked to see my wine cork carvings, so I decided not to be so shy and show some :)
I work at a winery so corks were easy to come by! and I originally got the idea from a post by CutThroat at...


Tools I used were just a simple razor blade box cutter, and inspiration from the TC boards :)

I also have a few bigger corks I carved that I'll post soon :)

Tiki Den

[ Edited by: Tiki Den 2007-07-12 12:59 ]

mieko posted on 07/12/2007

Yay! I'm so glad you posted them! They look great! You'll be able to use a lot of what you learned on these guys for your palm tiki. :) I really like the nose on the far left guy, the headress on the middle guy, the bodies on the 2 guys, and how deep you got the mouth on the guy on the right. :)
We've gotta get you something other than a box cutter, these are great, I can't imagine what some more versatile tools is gonna do. :)

Tiki Den posted on 08/06/2007

I've done some more larger corks~!

I like the way these turned out :)

Haole'akamai posted on 08/06/2007

The crown on the far right one is very cool. Nice job. :)

Benzart posted on 08/08/2007

Nice stuff TikiDen. I don't think I've seen carved cork around here yet, it Looks Great but difficult to carve. I also like tha last one on the right looking like a crown. Well done. You'll have to shoot a few progress pic's so we can see how you do it. Thanks and WELCOME to Tiki Central

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