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new tiki bowl - shocking new monster zombie bowl

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Here's a work in progress for my latest mug/bowl creation.

The Zombie Horde Bowl
This bowl is exclusive to the Mahiki London. Shown unglazed. It's designed to serve 4 with the potent classic Zombie cocktail.

The four feet match my tiki mug design [only smaller]. With a volcano style centre piece, featuring a zombie with a caved in skull which you can fill with 151 and light before serving.

Includes bites out of the bowl, zombie action, to rest your straw.
And yes the bowl is slighty wonky, in true zombie stagger. Although by the time you get half way through this baby everything will be wonky!

The molds have been loving put together by the lovely crew at Cheekytiki, who's dental records will be available to see at the Mahiki.

In a stroke of genius they also got the foot and centre piece made as shot mugs. Bring on the horde.

As my good friend alone says "Walk softly and carry an axe... maybe two."


[ Edited by: tikiracer 2007-06-26 11:09 ]

[ Edited by: tikiracer 2007-08-08 13:10 ]


We were with Jamie & Anjy on Saturday, Sian working with Anjy finishing off the great LONDON LUAU mugs and me...glazing two...yes two, of the mugs I am producing with CheekyTiki from a vintage 60s Duncan mold. Anyway I digress. That ZOMBIE HORDE BOWL is just KILLER! You gotta see it in person to appreciate what a beast it is!

That is going to be a serious night's drinking! The dead drunk will walk the earth...and probably fall flat on their scabrous arses!

The ZOMBIE shot mugs are real neat too...what a great set. I'm looking forward to seeing, and drinking from, the finished thing!

Trader Jim - Make mine a Mai-Tai...a real BIG 'UN in a ZOMBIE HORDE BOWL!!!!


Sian just said she loves the teeth marks chomped out of the bowl! She's right that bowl IS good enough to EAT!!!

kctiki posted on Mon, Jun 4, 2007 3:26 PM

Those bites are too much!

First time the drinking bowl itself, rather than its contents, has caused me to giggle with abandon.

Truly a "piece de resistance"!


All I can say is WOW! That is one amazing bowl! I want, I want!

Love the bowl, that is truely cool!


That bowl is really nifty! The bites/straw rests are inspired! If it was still smoke-a-rama midcentury you could do an ashtray where those bites were ciggy rests, I'm sure the smokers nowadays would dig it too.

YEAH BABY YEAH! Right-O TR...grooovy bowl!! :D


hewey posted on Wed, Jun 6, 2007 7:17 PM

Looks great! Cant wait to see it glazed :D

hewey posted on Wed, Jun 6, 2007 7:17 PM

the double post monster strikes agin... too much excitement over zombies :lol:

The coolest tiki art is not bought on ebay, it comes personally from my fellow artists on TC

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-06-06 19:18 ]


That bowl is sweet, I love the bite marks.



The bowl looks terrific, I can't wait to see it in color!

Thanks to all for the great feedback.

Here's the latest pics from Cheekytiki, the makers of the finest tiki mugwear.

Now the whole family is together.

Can't wait to load up the bowl with Zombie Cocktail and fire up the centre zombie head with overproof.
More pics from that scene soon...


We're a happy 'Zombie' family!!

Too cool for words Tiki Racer...Great work CheekyTiki!! The finest of BRITIKI!!!

Trader Jim - Make mine gallons of Mai-Tai out of one o' them there Zombie Horde Bowls!

hewey posted on Tue, Jun 26, 2007 8:52 PM

That looks great! :D

Note the almost finished bottle of rum on the counter top. Been testing the bowl out guys?

All the pop-horror side of me just did a somersault. I MUST have one. My fav tikibowl drink is a green zombie (yet another incarnation of the classic [although I put it together years ago and am sad to say it doesn't much resemble the actual vintage concoction. It is delish though.])

When are these slated for production?


Hi Tiki-Atari

Sorry but these bowls are exclusive to the London Tiki Bar - Mahiki. They are only going to be produced in very small numbers [just enough to keep the bar stocked]. At the moment Mahiki are not planning on selling mugs or bowls :(

But the mugs are available in green and a limited edition hand painted version.



It was my wife and I's shared 40th birthday party. A mix of friends over 40 years, some tiki some just mates from the village I grew up in. The house was full, when Cheekytiki arrived, carrying a heavy load covering in a blood red tapa cloth.

This was my birthday present!

Removing the cloth I find this AWESOME, one off hand made, hand painted bowl. A MONSTER zombie bowl.

The bowl uses the zombie mug I carved as feet!

The shot mug volcano style zombie sits in the centre.
Lying in the base of the bowl are the remains of zombies, these slowly come into view as you drink from the bowl.

If you look past the centre zombie, you'll see a small hole, this feeds the mug/legs so that the bowl feeds each of the legs. Even with plenty of ice, it took Jamie and I awhile to fill the bowl with 8 zombies!!

We lit the centre zombie brain cavity with 151 and added some cinnamon to spark and flash the bowl into life!!

Simone and I enjoy the heady mix.

A massive thanks to Jamie and Angy [cheekytiki] for making this for me. This must have taken a huge effort and I know how busy they have been with work. I very proud to show all comers to my home tiki bar this MONSTER bowl.

Not all survive the encounter...

As my good friend alone from zombiesoutside.com says
"walk softly and carry an axe, maybe two"

That bowl is zombie-licious!!!!! mmmmmmm brains!!!!

Love the drink going into the legs. Great idea.

I can definately say after drinking out of it,the morning after we definately felt like the walking dead.
Enjoy Tiki Racer

you are right ..i am shocked.....

hey, i can see those mugs in the background from that mold you purchased from me....when are those going to be available?? i always liked that tiki sculpt and would love to have a mug of it..

On 2007-08-15 08:41, Tipsy McStagger wrote:

hey, i can see those mugs in the background from that mold you purchased from me....when are those going to be available?? i always liked that tiki sculpt and would love to have a mug of it..

You would have to ask Trader Jim from POCKETIKI about those, we have just made them for him.

hey tikiracer,
i love your zombie bowl, looks great!
the monster zombie bowl is fantastic as well.
Belated best wishes from Haikai and me.

Is the zombie family still available to buy?

This was fun to see. I passed a Zombie in the park this week. Scary like your bowl.

GROG posted on Wed, Aug 14, 2024 10:27 AM

GROG love how the straws go into supporting Zombies and not into the bowl.

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