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Alameda Antiques Fair--first Sunday each month

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tikivixen posted on 05/02/2003

MrSmiley, Enid and myself will be selling at the Alameda Point Antiques and Collectibles Faire in Alameda CA this upcoming Sunday, May 4th. Space is R-10. For information, directions, etc, call 510-522-7500 and listen to the message.

Hours are 7 am to 4 pm; admission varies by how early you arrive. Best shopping is often in the back, unless you like really expensive stuff, by the way--we usually start at the back and work forwards.

Hope to see you there!!!

cynfulcynner posted on 05/02/2003

On 2003-05-02 00:06, tikivixen wrote:
MrSmiley, Enid and myself will be selling at the Alameda Point Antiques and Collectibles Faire in Alameda CA this upcoming Sunday, May 4th.

What happens if it rains on Sunday?


tikivixen posted on 05/02/2003

In theory, we get our money back and go get plastered. Er, cheaply, at home.

But the weather forecast is hopeful...

crossing my fingers,


p.s. Thanks for reminding me of the Tiki Ti info! I do remember seeing that drink now. And I'm going to have one as soon as I possibly can!!!

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