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Tiki Central / California Events

KUBAR at Tiki Oasis!

Pages: 1 4 replies

NOTCH posted on 08/12/2007

I'll be bringing along my 18 foot tiki bar named Kubar To Tiki Oasis and I hope all of the tiki central
ohana can stop by. I will be a vendor there with some limited edition Roberto Loco Mugs and some redwoord carved tiki's for sale and I cant wait to meet all of you... See ya there... Notch

[ Edited by: NOTCH 2007-08-12 12:46 ]

Mai Tai posted on 08/12/2007

Schweet!!! See ya there, Nacho! :drink:

Haole'akamai posted on 08/12/2007

Soooper Shweeeet!!

Who you gonna get to bartend for ya?!

NOTCH posted on 08/12/2007

I'm not sure if were gonna serve drinks
I will work on that because whats a bar without booze
And if there's gonna be any drinks severed out of it
I might have to find someone who can Bartend..
Any volunteers????

TIKI-RAY posted on 08/13/2007

OK , That friggin' ROCKS !!!!!!!!!! This guy has the spirit and I love the bar even though Im allergic to alcohol .Big and gawdy tiki bar . It says it all . Welcome my friend .

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