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Tiki Central / California Events

Finkniks are go . . . tiki oasis , brace yourself

Pages: 1 5 replies

mike-stobbe posted on 08/12/2007

We're going to have lots of great shit to check out , prints , pinstriping , a few tikis , good times for everyone to go around . when you see this sign you know you're there .

Pull up a drink and go wild !!

[ Edited by: mike-stobbe 2007-08-12 18:28 ]

Tiki Fink posted on 08/12/2007

Fink the world!


sleestak posted on 08/12/2007

i'll take great pleasure sitting behind that there sign! fink about it! just another great example of the fine talent that will be exposed to the tiki community! good work!

mike-stobbe posted on 08/12/2007

I spent most of my afternoon making drinks out of these . . .

so I could frame prints for the Tiki Oasis that look like these . . .

I'll have a few prints framed and a bunch of loose ones for the cheapskates in the crowd .

Also if after the Oasis , I have a few left over I'll post them on here for a feeding frenzy of tiki~tastic proportions . I'm looking forward to a great weekend filled with mai-tais and good times .

fucking dig~it !!

finkdaddy posted on 08/13/2007

Fink the world!


mike-stobbe posted on 08/13/2007

i don't know about the world , but the Hanalei is going to get finked up for sure !!

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