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San Diego Tiki Carvers - Thanks and who needs wood?

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mieko posted on 08/20/2007

A few of you met Clint on Saturday, from San Diego Tree Care and heard about the seminar that he's invited us to carve at. It's at Golden Hill Park in Balboa park. Parking in the area is free, and they basically want a few carvers to show up to show the tree service guys what we can do with the palms they cut down.

They especially want someone to show off some chainsaw carving, and they said it would be fine to bring stuff to sell. Parking for the park is free. It should be a neat place to get some contacts for wood, I know some of us want some ficus.

I'll call Clint and get a few more details for exact timing and other details, but it sounds like it'll be a few hours, and lunch is included.

Please let me know if you're available, if you have any questions, I'll want to get a list of who's coming.


[ Edited by: mieko 2007-08-27 11:28 ]

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4WDtiki posted on 08/20/2007

On 2007-08-19 18:24, mieko wrote:
It's at Golden Hill Park in Balboa park.

Haha, I thought it was a typo, so I did a search, and there IS a park within the park! http://maps.google.com/maps?tab=wl&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
I want to go, Mieko, but I'll say for sure or not in a day or two.

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Clysdalle posted on 08/20/2007

I'm in!

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Billy the Crud posted on 08/20/2007

I will be there, but what time?

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 08/20/2007

i am also.
show up as early as you want. No chainsaws before 8am!

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Cammo posted on 08/20/2007

We couldn't believe this Clint guy. He showed up like a green genii who will grant your every tree wish. This event sounds like a meeting of all the tree service companies in SD. And they're going to treat us all real nice. He said something about "we'll clean up after you"!

Anybody who wants to sell Tikis they couldn't get rid of at Oasis, can maybe do it here.

I'll go.

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/20/2007

I found out a little bit of info today about this event coming up . It's a two day seminar for tree care professionals, starting Friday. Certified arborists will attend lectures and seminars covering various aspects of tree care to gain points towards their professional arborist certifications. To receive or maintain an arborist certification, tree care professionals must take certain number of professional growth units each year, and this is where they are all going this year.
So basically, most of the certified arborists or tree care professionals in San Diego County will be there, at the same time. I wouldn't really see this as much of vending opportunity(with the tree guys at least), however, I think we should all try to get more log supply connections while we are there(Or at least one or two of you besides me could try :) )
The tree service that I deal with heard about this a while ago, and at that time they were already advertising tiki carvers being there.

Sounds like fun. I'm in!

Buzzy Out!

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/20/2007

Crap, I forgot to post the link:
14th Annual PCTA Seminar and Field Day

Can't wait for the climbing techniques seminar on Saturday morning!
Buzzy Out!

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Clysdalle posted on 08/20/2007

It would be nice to set up some log connections...I agree!!! Buzzy is wicked smaaaat! (my boston roots)

Are they going to have logs for us, big fatty fat ones??? A question for Clint I imagine...

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Clysdalle posted on 08/20/2007

unless you have a time machine..here is the link to the 2007 event :wink:


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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/20/2007

Double Crap! I was in the ball park...kinda.

Thanks D!

mieko posted on 08/20/2007

excellent sleuthing guys! I'm waiting for a call back from Clint. It sounds like they were going to make him do the carving demo as he's carved a couple of tikis, but he mentioned that he doesn't really feel qualified to do so.
Clint made it sound like some palm logs wouldn't be a problem, so hopefully it'll just be a bring your tools and carve kinda event. :)

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Clysdalle posted on 08/20/2007

sweet! the bigger the better!!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/20/2007

Hi All, it was great to meet you all at Oasis, I was amazed at all the cool carvings! Thank you for making me feel welcome. Special thanks to Mieko and Kate who took me around and introduced me :)


mieko posted on 08/20/2007

Got some info:
We can get there as early as 8 they're saying around 11 would be fine as they'd really like (if possible) a demo around 12-12:30. I'm thinking if we can have a couple of people sketch something out before that, then at demo time, do a few cuts so that it starts to look like a tiki. (A similar finished piece would be great).

Bad news: they only catered 2 extra lunches for us, they're pretty surprised that there are so many of us interested. So, I'm thinking fairest way would be the people who do a more formal demo get the lunches. I'll make musubi's for the rest of us. :)

Logs - there's 8 logs that will be there 5ft-8ft each. Right now that's plenty for one for each of us, although I don't think I need one. :)

I need names for the 2 catered lunches so let me know who wants to do a demo for the BBQ lunch.

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Clysdalle posted on 08/20/2007

On 2007-08-20 15:37, mieko wrote:
Got some info:
We can get there as early as 8 they're saying around 11 would be fine as they'd really like (if possible) a demo around 12-12:30. I'm thinking if we can have a couple of people sketch something out before that, then at demo time, do a few cuts so that it starts to look like a tiki. (A similar finished piece would be great).

Bad news: they only catered 2 extra lunches for us, they're pretty surprised that there are so many of us interested. So, I'm thinking fairest way would be the people who do a more formal demo get the lunches. I'll make musubi's for the rest of us. :)

Logs - there's 8 logs that will be there 5ft-8ft each. Right now that's plenty for one for each of us, although I don't think I need one. :)

I need names for the 2 catered lunches so let me know who wants to do a demo for the BBQ lunch.

If there is musubi's I'm good :wink:

but seriously, I don't mind doing a formal presentation food or not...if nobody else wants to give it a go...either way I'm down. I'd love to wack at a big 8 footer, I would just have to convince 4wd to drag it home for me :)

Are these logs skinned??? or at least defranzzzzzyed?

[ Edited by: Clysdalle 2007-08-20 15:45 ]

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Mr. NoNaMe posted on 08/20/2007
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