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Tiki in Wildwood, NJ

Pages: 1 7 replies

La Nevla posted on 08/23/2007

My first post!

Although the numbers have dwindled significantly thanks to the wrecking ball in recent years, there are still a number of great examples of 'Tiki' in Wildwood, NJ.

We're attempting to keep track of as many as we can, past and present, here:


Bohemiann posted on 08/23/2007

Wildwood !

That brings back memories!

I spent some quality time in Cape May In Boot Camp for the Coast Guard. We used to tear it up in Wildwood.

Welcome to TC! I see you are into photography as well so we will be expecting some good pics with future posts!

"All I need are some tasty waves a cool buzz

[ Edited by: Bohemiann 2007-08-23 08:56 ]

last time I was there, we stayed at the Waikiki Inn, and we played mini golf at the tiki/pancake place.

my friend Stephanie worked with the Doowop League for her Masters in Historic Preservation and helped prepare the submission to be on the national historic register. she has also done some presentations at historical societies in north Jersey.

I love Wildwood, and it has been proposed as a location for an east coast/megalopolis tiki fest.

thanks for posting this new link, because its great that you can sort by style.


Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/23/2007

ecellent stuff..now...if you can go back and get nightime shots of the neon you'd be my most favorite person in the whole world.

Bohemiann posted on 08/23/2007

I'm sure a talanted photographer could get some sweet shots!

La Nevla posted on 08/23/2007

Thanks, guys!

The website is still a work in progress, but we're trying to add as much content to it as we can, as we go.

We still have, literally, hundreds of photos to upload, including many up-close neon sign shots. If there are any requests, I will be sure to put a priority on them...

KikiTiki posted on 11/11/2007

I would love to see a tiki event in Wildwood, NJ!
I saw one motel off season with the owner carefully restoring the Ala Moana sign...

I will do my part here to keep this thread bumped up.
We really need to have a tiki event in Wildwood.

The biggest drawback right now is a lack of tiki restaurants/bars. Sure, there is a pancake house...


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