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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Russian-I mean Canadian Roulette

Pages: 1 3 replies

mrsmiley posted on 05/01/2003

For those who think that the SARS scare in Toronto is off base, take a chance and check out this link ASAP before seats are gone. This is only from the New York(Newark), Montreal or Ottawa.
FREE -- 3,000 Free Airline Tickets to Toronto
Source: Jetsgo

Fly AT Your OWn RIS-I am NOT responsible for DEATH or ILLNESS

[ Edited by: mrsmiley on 2003-04-30 18:44 ]

tikivixen posted on 05/03/2003

Good grief, I thought you were joking!!! I checked out the link and it's real--

There are still tickets available for the next two weekends.

Friends of Tikifish...if you just wanna meet Tikifish...now's the time!

tikifish posted on 05/04/2003

I promise if anyone actually does this me and Mr Tikifish can show you a good time! But remember Toronto has no Tiki Bars! However Montreal has the Jardin Tiki which is well worth seeing, despite my lukewarm review on tikifish.com (I was maybe not as generous as I should have been).

tikifish posted on 05/04/2003


Don't forget the $1 (nice) hotel rooms!

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