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Tiki Bosko 9/24/2010 new Art pg 10

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TIKIBOSKO posted on 09/25/2005

Hello all,

I have been meaning to post pictures of some of the projects we’ve worked on, but you know how that goes.

Here are some pictures of a job we recently finished. We started with some large Tiki panels for the hut. The owner liked them but wanted something different for the rest of the house so I did a tropical theme. We ended up doing thirty-two different designs in all.

The Moai (below) I did last year and the one in the foreground is still in progress. One of these days he’ll take his place the front of our A-frame, but it’s a little large and the location is slightly up hill, so I still have to figure out how to get it back there.

My very best Alohas


[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2007-08-31 19:51 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2007-11-01 20:33 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2008-04-25 18:39 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2008-04-28 21:56 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2008-05-28 11:40 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2008-05-28 12:58 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2008-07-13 13:28 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2009-06-24 11:20 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2009-08-12 13:05 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2009-09-21 16:49 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2010-04-20 17:05 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2010-04-20 18:38 ]

[ Edited by: TIKIBOSKO 2010-09-24 16:04 ]

kirby posted on 09/25/2005

off the hook bosko, I love your work...

finkdaddy posted on 09/25/2005

Simply fabulous! That is one lucky home owner. Imagine waking up to that every morning. :)

congatiki posted on 09/26/2005

holy mackerel...wonderful wonderful...the panels are

Polynesiac posted on 09/26/2005

BOsko - your work is absolutley beautiful and very creative, and yes, that is one lucky home owner. Stunning work, simply stunning.

THose Moais ain't too shabby either - what are they carved/created from, if you don't mind me askin? THey look heavy, but looks can be deceiving...I'd be happy to help move 'em if the time ever came.

THanks for posting some of your work, you're an inspiration to many carvers here and it's always great to see some personal one-of-a-kind creations. Can't wait for the next one...

The Sperm Whale posted on 09/26/2005

That is some amazing work!!! Someday I want you to come do work on my house.. In the meantime thanx for posting pix of your work. You are a great artist!!!!

rodeotiki posted on 09/26/2005

On 2005-09-25 17:59, Polynesiac wrote:
THanks for posting some of your work, you're an inspiration to many carvers here and it's always great to see some personal one-of-a-kind creations. Can't wait for the next one...

I couldnt agree more , Very insperational . Those panels are amazing.

Benzart posted on 09/26/2005

Awesome works Bosko. I think this is the first time I have seen you post any of your work here, though I have seen you post info on occasion. Welcome to TC tho you've been here a long time. Come on in, sit down, Relax, and stay awhile. To Hell with the time, you da boss.
Love your panels/posts And Moai.

Sam Gambino posted on 09/26/2005

Beautiful and quite distinctive work, Bosko. It's nice to see these here. You need to chime in more often. I enjoy looking at this stuff...

Aaron's Akua posted on 09/26/2005

Bosko, thanks for joining us in the Creating Forum. I guarantee you've influenced 99.9% of us who post here in one way or another. Stick around, we need you here. I narrowly missed carving with you at Alnshely's party - just couldn't make it. Your furnishings look great there - thanks for posting! I'd be glad to help out and lend any muscle I can muster w/ Polynesiac. I've called in the guys a few times myself moving some BIG logs.


hewey posted on 09/26/2005

Gday Bosko - that work is really cool. The panels are a nice way of bringing in some tiki in a more subtle way. The moai, er, arent so subtle :) They are awesome though. I cant imagine creating anything that big, let alone making it look so good.

Cant wait to see more!
You are going to post more arent you? Please?

virani posted on 09/26/2005

Amazing, simply amazing...

McTiki posted on 09/26/2005

Awesome Bosko! I love the panels and the style (always have) Glad you finally came into the Ohana.

Your art has inspired many. I have plageourized your style in my yard as well.

Welcome to TC


turbosickboy posted on 09/26/2005

I agree with the others. great work!

Atomicchick posted on 09/26/2005


foamy posted on 09/26/2005

Too cool. Great work. That is indeed, one fortunate home owner.

Matt Reese posted on 09/26/2005

Incredible as always. Let me know if you need help moving that moai. I've got a crew of guys willing to give you a hand.

Turbogod posted on 09/26/2005

More awesome work Bosko.

Turbogod posted on 09/26/2005

More awesome work Bosko.

freddiefreelance posted on 09/27/2005

On 2005-09-25 16:07, TIKIBOSKO wrote:
The Moai (below) I did last year and the one in the foreground is still in progress. One of these days he’ll take his place the front of our A-frame, but it’s a little large and the location is slightly up hill, so I still have to figure out how to get it back there.

My very best Alohas


You could try this:


If that doesn't work you could try this:


If that doesn't work, make a 5 gallon batch of Lapu-Lapus, throw some Hula Burgers or Exotica Dogs on the grill, and invite the SoCal Hoity-Toity Ohana over for an old fashioned Moai raising. I can drive a forktruck & deadlift up to a couple hundred pounds in a pinch (it depends on leverage & grip), and I'm sure we could get at least a half dozen others to help with such a project.

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/27/2005

Those are hotter than surfing a solar flare...nice stuff..

TIKIBOSKO posted on 09/27/2005

Thanks so much for all the compliments, if this continues I will become impossible to deal with (around here).
Also thanks for the offers to move the monster, it is more procrastination than anything else holding back our moving it. We have a much heavier Easter Island head out back that I’ve moved several times before with little problem.
The Moai is made from big blocks of Styrofoam, it’s coated with a cement type product made for applying over foam (there are several different brands), then you coat it with regular color coat and mix a ton of pigment into it. It is still pretty heavy as we had him flipped upside down and tied to the shop so we could stand on the roof and pour cement down a cavity with a pipe in it for support. I’m guessing it weighs about 800 pounds or more, but a single person can slowly turn it.


Moondance posted on 09/28/2005

I want one of those. It's awesome.

tikiskip posted on 08/31/2007

Hey Bosko, Can you repost the pictures of these tikis?
I came out to your place many moons ago.
Love your work!!! We need to see more.

kaha kii posted on 08/31/2007

Wow. Big wow. Enormous giant sized Moai wow. Ive admired your work for years, and its nice to get an "insider" look at your genius....

Pono. Just Pono!

TIKIBOSKO posted on 08/31/2007

Hello, thanks for the compliments and reminding me to post something here, I keep meaning to do so but I have a lot of pots on the stove.
I don’t recall exactly what was on the broken links, I know some were panels I carved for a (then) recent job, we were unaware they got taken down.
Below are some examples of work I’ve done in the last couple of years I think most of these are in my portfolio but after thinking about it I realized most of you probably haven’t seen that, duh?

First up a big Adam and Eve sculpture,

Next a small portion of a long piece of wall art I did (it hasn’t been installed yet) the whole thing tells a story about my clients family arriving at their current home, the other sections have Tikis. Sorry about the quality I shot this off a ladder in my studio, once it’s up I’ll hopefully have better examples.

A night shot I took of our Kapu Kai hut and the Moai which we finally got around to moving. Three guys, some ABS pipe and 15 minutes I don’t know why I was dragging my feet about moving him, he went to his new position in the garden quite smoothly.

Salad bar at the Bali Hai,

Last some framed art for a gallery show but I can’t recall which one, maybe the Roc La Rue thing Otto did? This is more the direction I have been working in lately hopefully I’ll get a chance to do more?

My very best Alohas


hala bullhiki posted on 08/31/2007

"This is more the direction I have been working in lately hopefully I’ll get a chance to do more?"

god i hope so, because those are completely amazing bosko!

hiltiki posted on 09/01/2007

Bosko, I love your framed art with the two color paneling. I also love the big guy in the tropical setting. Very nice.

Matt Reese posted on 09/01/2007

I've told you before how much I love the distorted abstract look of the new stuff.
I'm telling you again....it's amazing!
Thanks for the update.

Sneakytiki posted on 09/01/2007

Pimp ass midcentury color panels and picasso-esque cubist tiki peeps, killer backgrounds, paint jobs, really outstanding

GatorRob posted on 09/01/2007

Bosko, your work always takes my breath away. Thanks for posting these pictures. Our Bosko tiki is hung in a place of honor just outside our front door and spotlighted at night. He keeps a watch on things, welcoming guests and scaring off stray cats.

congatiki posted on 09/01/2007

Bosko thanks for taking the time to post some new things. Always nice to see your
"twist" on things. More often pleeze!

Paipo posted on 09/04/2007

I kinda wish you "old-timers" would post more often too...most of the pics in nearly all the older (2 years+) threads are long-gone now. The Kapu Kai is probably the coolest home bar/tiki space I've ever seen.
Some of the newer folks here may not have seen this short doco on Bosko...

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/04/2007

Your dry brushing has always rocked too, Bosko. It all reeks of that good vintage mana.

tiki_kiliki posted on 09/04/2007

Bosko, great amazing work as always. Can't wait to see the pieces you did for the Howard Golen Gallery in Miami this weekend!!

otikiniko posted on 09/05/2007

Bosko... what can I say? ..."truly inspiring!"

I'm humbled and honored to be included in a show with your stuff, the work is absolutely outstanding!

If anyone is interested check it out here

TIKIBOSKO posted on 11/02/2007

Hello again I can’t thank you folks enough for your enthusiastic replies this time around it only took me two months to get back here, below are a few pieces for the Bali Hai show tomorrow night. Since some of you aren’t going to make it down I thought I’d post them here and let you take a look.
I was planning on posting this last month but we had a big fire scare and somehow I lost a week and a half in the process. Sorry I am not taking the time to thank each of you personally but if I tried that you wouldn’t hear from me for another year.

Inspired by Witcos genius piece but with a Tiki twist

A cartoony color bar guy

Hawaiian Modern

Something about Love and alcohol.

Thanks for looking


Tiki Diablo posted on 11/02/2007

Swank B! The last guy must have had one of your martinis

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tikiyaki posted on 11/02/2007


Uber Witko-esque, but still totally and distinctively BOSKO at the same time.


So glad to see you posting on here, I've been a fan for years.

I'll be introducing myself tomorrow note at the Bali Hai.


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AlohaStation posted on 11/02/2007

Fantastic!! The loose style really sets these off.

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Tiki Lee's posted on 11/03/2007

Wow- That Jazz-Man piece turned Moai is BRILLIANT!!!

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pappythesailor posted on 11/03/2007

Great stuff. You really nailed the Witco style but still made them your own.

Benzart posted on 11/03/2007

Super stuff Bosko, it really looks like you have Fun with your work and it's SO Great to see you posting here more often. I love this last piece.

I guess I would have a few martinis too if I had to come home to that angry wife! :lol:

Polynesiac posted on 11/03/2007

I absolutely love the direction your art is going in. You wield a chisel like a painter wields a brush - creating expression and movement from wood. My fav would be the cartoony bar guy.

THanks for posting!

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JohnnyP posted on 11/04/2007

I've always been fond of your style. You were among the influeces to start carving. It is great to see you posting more.

TIKIBOSKO posted on 12/14/2007

Hello all

I can not thank you folks enough for the comments and compliments it is really great to hear that my work inspires someone enough to post.

Over on the marketplace section I posted that this week we are having a 30% off sale (as seen here http://www.tikibosko.com/boskoart/baframtc.htm ) for TC members on my framed wood art. These are the wood art pieces I put in shows with color bars etc…
I love doing these pieces they have an amazing quality and I had really hoped to get a whole new direction going but the overall production cost of these has proven prohibitive. Add to this if we are selling in a gallery setting they get 50% so as I said in the other post these are the last of the framed wood art. If you have ever had any interest in acquiring one this is your chance, I have a few frames left up in the shop and once they are gone I don’t plan on ever doing these again.
Below are a couple of non-Tiki pieces but I thought I’d show you some of my other Witco inspired work.

As always thanks for looking and everyone’s support.


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TIKIBOSKO posted on 04/26/2008

Sorry I know, I don’t post enough but when I’m working I am working and when I’m not I am off doing other art or yard work or whatever.
I picked up some dry cedar and (further) down below are a couple of results from the last week, I also have a large Ku up on the rack waiting to get sanded and finished, then I hope to do a few other new pieces.

But first last month saw this monster (1 meter across 3 meters tall) get carved for a job in Japan, I had to make a front and back which were channeled, each piece weighed 1400 lbs, the mouth got hollowed out in Japan and they are planning to put a fire “feature” inside. Because of the size and weight I had to work on the thing while it was laying on the ground and then had to have the back head dress match up to the front.

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This weeks Maori and New Guinea inspired pieces, hope to have more to show you in the next few weeks.

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My very best Alohas


tikiskip posted on 04/26/2008

Bosko great to see your work again!

My wife and I came out to your place about 5 years ago.
I love your work. You can look at it and say that's a BOSKO.
keep em comin.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 171 replies