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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

new masks

Pages: 1 3 replies

Bali_Dan posted on 08/31/2007

Here are my first attempts at some masks- Witco-esque style. Let me know what you think...


hypnotiki posted on 09/02/2007

Excellent work !!

  • now let's go play golf...

[ Edited by: hypnotiki 2007-09-01 17:17 ]

Bali_Dan posted on 09/02/2007


Golf sounds great... as long as it's after 5:00

mieko posted on 09/04/2007

WOW! I seem to say that a lot around here, but these guys are really neat! I really like the color on the moai and how it worked well with the wood grain. I really like the second one as well, really neat design, and I love how you used different sized lines in it to really give it some different looks. The 3rd one is my least favorite, seems like all the lines are a little too uniform.

Pages: 1 3 replies