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Tiki Central Special: TIKI MODERN sneak preview

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kick_the_reverb posted on 08/21/2007

The new book is really impressive, even my daughter thought so - she wouldn't give it back...


RevBambooBen posted on 08/21/2007

Sven rocks!

bigbrotiki posted on 08/21/2007

Thanks everybody! I just talked to Bill Westenhaver on the phone, he got an advance copy this weekend. He is doing great at 83, going on a little Alaska cruise tomorrow with his new lady friend, and told me that he "got to thinking that it is nice to leave a little foot print" with the help of this book. I really would have loved to have been there when he got it and opened it!

To see the old timers get their due recognition, like Bob and Leroy at Oceanic Arts did through the Book of Tiki, or Bob Esmino and Ray Barrientos did at last weekend's Tiki Oasis through Jeff Berry's work, is one of the most rewarding aspects of doing Tiki archeology.

I hope that I will be able somehow to have book signing events together with Bill Westenhaver, the end of this or the beginning of next year, perhaps in Seattle and, one that must be done: At the Hala Kahiki in Chicago. This man needs to see that place as long as he is still around!

missy_tassles posted on 08/23/2007

i can't wait - it looks GORGEOUS! I ordered mine way back in May from Amazon UK, so am now even more anxiously waiting :)

bigbrotiki posted on 08/24/2007

Oh Kayyyy....boy I had some fun on Tiki Central today! Time to lay off the sauce, I have a life, too, you know!

Just one last post, an actual bit of conversation, a Calvin and Hobbes moment with my son Diego, which occurred at lunch in the kitchen today, where TIKI MODERN has been lying around for a while:

Dad: "Here, while you wait for your sandwich, show some interest and look at my new book!"

Son: "OK!".....(he does)

Dad: "Hey, you are not looking at every page one by one!"

Son: "Pop! I am fifteen! I don't GET art for another......SEVEN YEARS!


8FT Tiki posted on 08/24/2007

SO make sure you put a copy aside for him until he reaches the age of enlightenment. I preordered my copy yesterday and like everyone else...I can't wait to see it.

bigbrotiki posted on 08/25/2007

On 2007-08-20 17:31, kick_the_reverb wrote:
The new book is really impressive, even my daughter thought so - she wouldn't give it back...

"Gimme BICK BOOK!"



Matahina posted on 08/25/2007

The new bible - and I´ve got it - I am so delighted and happy !!! Today is my lucky day I guess - maybe luck comes to true aficionados sometimes...

I fell in love with the first bible ("The book of Tiki") in 2001 - I will never forget this hot summer day and the happiness and joy to see this perfect book - the true urban archeologist found all those treasures and put all this work together to create this perfectly designed book....created a wave of enthusiasm, aficionados all over the world - a reinvention and brought back to life what nearly seemed forgotten....

Been waiting for the second edition ever since.....been ringing the shop if it´s already there... and today..suddenly and unexpected... - there it was....on a summer´s day in 2007. A new chapter begins - a new love and treasured book for all of us - more creativity, polynesian pop dreams and architecture, illustration, people and fantasies and realities on our minds....thank you so much Sven A. Kirsten for your dedication, love and work.

missy_tassles posted on 09/02/2007


i just got a message from Amazon (UK) to say delivery of my copy has been put back to OCTOBER!!

What's going ON?!!!

these pic above are just teasing me now :(

bigbrotiki posted on 09/02/2007

That worries me. If they are supposed to be available for my booksigning tour in Germany/Switzerland by mid September, why would it take that long for the UK to get them...?
I will inquire.

nimereht posted on 09/02/2007

also, amazon says available in sept, and barnes and noble's website says the middle of october?

bigbrotiki posted on 09/02/2007

Well, TASCHEN feels sure enough to have them there by mid-September, or else they would have told us not to schedule the Euro book tour for the two last weekends of September. They and I cannot know how and why Amazon and other stores schedule their dates...but I will inquire if everything is going according to schedule and post the answer here.

I doubt though that they have contact with the slow boat from China that the books are on...I imagine it to be a ship like this:

missy_tassles posted on 09/03/2007

On 2007-09-02 13:39, bigbrotiki wrote:
That worries me. If they are supposed to be available for my booksigning tour in Germany/Switzerland by mid September, why would it take that long for the UK to get them...?
I will inquire.

thankyou soooo much :)

if it helps, i ordered on 9th May 2007, and the current status on amazon for the order is:

Dispatch estimate: 1 Oct 2007 - 15 Oct 2007
Delivery estimate: 3 Oct 2007 - 19 Oct 2007

Ojaitimo posted on 09/06/2007

On 2007-08-14 12:27, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2007-08-13 07:02, teaKEY wrote:
The prophecy

Inspired by the above collage, may I humbly (or rather quite un-humbly) suggest that these two tomes shall be henceforth referred to as the NEW Tiki Testament and the OLD Tiki Testament? :D

Hey Big Bro, being that Tiki Modern is the new testament of tiki and all and since Ione is pictured holding the Witco in the book, this make my mom the mother of tiki? Yeah, thats it "The mother of tiki"
Ben's grandfather Eli is the father of tiki right? So.... this would make her the mother of tiki and I would be the.....Son of Tiki?
With your blessing of course because this new testament makes you like the Pope I guess.

The book looks great, can't wait.
Ojaitimo Son of Tiki ( AKA Smartass of Tiki)

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-09-05 17:37 ]

Matahina posted on 09/07/2007

Oh - it sounds like I was really lucky I guess :wink: maybe it´s because I am very close (geographically) to Taschen Head Quarters, if you call it like this. Sven, if you don´t mind me asking, is there any opportunity to get my book signed and have a chat in Cologne?

I hope everyone else is holding the book in their hands very soon, too.

bigbrotiki posted on 09/07/2007

Yes, you were lucky that you got an advance copy, the books haven't even landed in the US yet.
I am sorry, but Cologne is not on the Klang und Kleid Book Tour. Though it is the home of Taschen, they are very "frugal" and do not spend any money on promotion themselves. This tour is solely organized by my friend Luker Grand, to promote their web site, and because he is so passionate about urban archeology, so that's how I am ending up in his hometown of Zuerich.


And to answer Missy's request, I am sorry, but there is no way to follow up on individual orders, and Taschen tells me they do not know why Amazon UK moved their date, the books will definitely be in Europe by the middle of this month.

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