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Shag Mondo Mugs

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MakeDaMug posted on 04/30/2003

Hi Friends of the Farm!
We've got a small surplus of our Shag Mondo Tiki Mugs that we're putting online very shortly. Here's the dirt...

Visit our website (www.tikifarm.com) and click on "click here for details". That will take you to the official webpage for ordering the mugs. Please read all of the instructions and then bookmark that page (http://www.tikifarm.com/html/mondomugs.htm). The order date as mentioned is set for Monday, May 5th at 6:00pm. At that time, we'll add our new secured shopping cart to the "buy now" link button.
That's it - it's pretty straightforward but please email me if you've got any questions at [email protected].

Turbogod posted on 05/01/2003

Well crap on a mat! I just got my two on Ebay for what I thought were pretty good buy it now prices. Well at least the online ordering will be available. I am looking forward to that.

MauiTiki posted on 05/02/2003

Whooo Hooo!

I'm there... they even come with straws!?!

No secret link for TCers to get in a few minutes early? I guess we shouldn't expect our discount on these.

Thanks Holden!!

jukeboy56 posted on 05/02/2003

$100+ for two freaking tiki mugs??? Haw Haw!! Line up and bend over boys and girls, you're about to find out what getting "Shagged" really means!!

Thanks but no thanks. I'd much rather buy $100 worth of TikiFarms own designs.

Luckydesigns posted on 05/02/2003

I think that Tiki Farm's deal makes way more sense than what people were paying on e-bay. I already got mine at Mondo, but I think that the new deal is pretty fair. Now Pop can get a replacement for his dropped tiki.

PolynesianPop posted on 05/03/2003

On 2003-05-02 16:24, Luckydesigns wrote:
Now Pop can get a replacement for his dropped tiki.

Good thing they're sold in sets. I dropped the yellow one this morning... :(

Luckydesigns posted on 05/03/2003

You can't be serious. We gotta get you a leash for those things.

tikivixen posted on 05/03/2003

Maybe he looked at the haunted baby doll auction.

Suburban Hipster posted on 05/03/2003

I'm gonna have to ask my mom to buy these for me. My wife and I will be in class when the mug sale goes live.

RevBambooBen posted on 05/03/2003

I'd much rather buy $100 worth of TikiFarms own designs.

Dude! Tiki Farms own designs?

Get with the program!!!

Tiki Farm has artists design all their mugs and Shag is one of them!


jukeboy56 posted on 05/05/2003

On 2003-05-03 10:13, RevBambooBen wrote:
Dude! Tiki Farms own designs?

Get with the program!!!

Tiki Farm has artists design all their mugs and Shag is one of them!


What I'm saying is I'd rather have 7 of the OTHER Tiki Farm mugs at $13-$15 each than two Shag mugs at $50 each. Don't get me wrong. I like Shag's work. But, jeez! This "Shag at any price" mentality is a little bizzarre. (Anybody remember Beanie Babies??)

Tikitronic posted on 05/05/2003

I really love the Shag/Tiki Farm collaborations, but lordy loo, I truly wish that they would also do some non-limited editions for those of us who actually want to serve drinks in our mugs, instead of displaying them (and worrying over them) like the fragile trophys they are...

It isn't that I dont understand or agree with the reasons for doing the limited edition art runs. I just seriously doubt that it would hurt the sales of the limited runs to do some less exclusive mugs too, and then we could use the beautiful things, hook more friends with their accessable pop-kitsh appeal, etc, etc...

Wouldn't everybody win?

SullTiki posted on 05/06/2003

Well, I ordered pretty quick. Now just have to wait for the email to confirm I got them.

Jungle Trader posted on 05/06/2003

Hmmm, people collect everything under the sun, but the best thing about a mug is the drink inside it. When you die you take the memories with you (maybe, and IF you can remember) but you can't take the mugs with you for sure. Just my view; I guess people gotta be crazy about somethin'.

MauiTiki posted on 05/06/2003

I ordered as fast as humanly possible. I even copy and pasted the Credit card number so it would be faster. I think the link was active for all of two minutes. By the time I finished filling out the three info pages the link said "Sold Out"

midnite posted on 05/06/2003

*MauiTiki wrote:
I ordered as fast as humanly possible. I even copy and pasted the Credit card number so it would be faster. *

Ha ha, me too. However, I think I slipped up by not entering "USA" for country. I, mistakenly, figured CA designated for "state"
would imply US of A. Now I see the error of my ways. Those mugs may have been mis-routed to San Francisco, CA, Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

I am just not computer literate...enough. But, if I DO get them mugs, those peckerwoods in Pyongyang ARE NOT getting their hands on my Shag mugs. Nuh uh, not again Oh Great Leader. Unless, of course, they pay up. And this time no Won, I want American, greenbacks.

Phew, little flashback there, United Nations Police Action, outside of Wonju, circa 1951. Nasty business that, but I served my country, did what I thought was right. They can't take that away from me. Oh, they took a good portion of my cranium, but some damn fine USN docs and 53 grams of titanium plating later, I am ship-shape.

Yes sir, right as rain, as they say.

midnite's Tiki Craptacular

Kreaky Tiki posted on 05/06/2003

I can't believe that I came home to my wife leading around a contractor, telling me how great a new loft is going to look. From there she led me around the block to show me references of this contractors fine work. Meanwhile Shag mugs are going like hotcakes! I probably would have screwed it up anyway if it had to order within two minutes, I'm not synchronized to the atomic clock. The good news for me is that during our trip around the block we saw a house that had their dining room that was open sealed off down to two french doors. My wife liked the idea and told me that maybe I should set a little Tiki Habitat for mysef! She told me that I could get a bar to go along with my killer vintage rattan collection. I'm starting to think of what I could do with a spending spree at Oceanic Arts! I missed the mugs, but I may get bar.



hala bullhiki posted on 05/06/2003

kreaky.......build the bar, and the mugs shall come!!!.....or something like that...LOL!!....

tiki junkman posted on 05/06/2003

i feel like a kid on xmas eve night... waiting for the mug email confirmation from santa, oh, i mean tiki farm

Exoticat posted on 05/06/2003

i tried getting the Shag mugs too and was done with my transaction by 6:03 which seemed promising, but only time will tell.

tikimug posted on 05/06/2003

Yeah, I got through the process as quick as my little fingers could type, I just hope I didn't screw up like I usually do on all those sobriety test the cops give me. Actually they seemed easier... :wink:

still awaiting some confirmation...

tikigreg posted on 05/07/2003

Well, I finished the process, but didn't get a set. Anyone else get one?

Sneakytiki posted on 05/07/2003

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2006-11-21 12:54 ]

tikimug posted on 05/07/2003

Well I just got my confirmation email.... and it has been confirmed!

That I didn't get through in time :(

I thought for sure I got in there... but oh well, it'll be my reason to drink heavily tonight... a man's got to have his reasons!


SullTiki posted on 05/07/2003

Made it in time! Thanks Tiki Farm!

tiki junkman posted on 05/07/2003

i was so excited to see the email from Holden... just to find out that i was among the ones who did NOT recieve a Mondo mug... aw shucks what can you do but have a drink for those who did get a mug (or two)

[ Edited by: tiki junkman on 2003-05-06 21:39 ]

ModMana posted on 05/07/2003

My order went through fine on the night of the sale without a hitch, including credit card info. However, I have not heard back from Tiki Farm yet. The suspense is killing me as I want these mugs in the worst way! It's now way past the 24 hour time frame after the sale in which I thought I would be contacted to let me know the results. Holden, what does that mean...have some people not been contacted yet? Any one else here in the same situation? Oh well, my fingers are still crossed...

ModMana :drink:

MauiTiki posted on 05/07/2003

I have not heard anything yet, maybe I typed in my e-mail address wrong, who knows, I was in such a hurry.

Hopefully no news is good news.

atomictonytiki posted on 05/08/2003

On 2003-05-06 17:50, Sneakytiki wrote:
the thrill of finding them myself and paying .50 to $2.00 for them outweigh anything I'd get from some new Shag mugs.

Yup there's nothing finer than a 50p tiki mug, but if you were to add the time and travel cost onto that the mug cost, plus the cost of other tat you bought while you were thrifting, and the cost of records you bought coz your up town anyway and then multiply it by the numbers of days you don't find a mug at all
I think for every £1 tiki mug i find i spend at least £100 on consumer items.
Thats why I spent my money on the SHAG mugs.

By the way I was acording to holden the last person to email before the cut off.

midnite posted on 05/08/2003

*By the way I was acording to holden the last person to email before the cut off.

Good for you! Congrats.

Appears I was one of the lucky "X" and scored a pair as well. Time to trade now, shall not be keeping both.

Cheap Tiki mugs here

Rain posted on 05/08/2003

i got my confirmation email and my first reaction was to laugh maniacally.
then i realized i had just spent $100 on two mugs. but that's ok, they're really cool, and it kinda makes up for not getting the mark ryden quadratum portfolio before it sold out, which i'm still bitter about.

ModMana posted on 05/08/2003

Just as I was trying to figure out how to justify spending a ridiculous amount on eBay to get these suckers...I find out I got a set from TF after all. Apparently I never heard back from them because there was a typo in my email address on the order form. Understandable since I was typing so fast the keyboard was about to catch fire...Thanks Tiki Farm!

Modmana :drink:

MauiTiki posted on 05/13/2003

On 2003-05-07 15:12, MauiTiki wrote:
I have not heard anything yet, maybe I typed in my e-mail address wrong, who knows, I was in such a hurry.

Hopefully no news is good news.

Just got a call, No news was good news. I was order #27, and the mugs ship tomorrow!

tikichic posted on 05/17/2003

Hi everyone! I was just curious if anyone has received their Mondo mugs yet or have any idea when they'll be shipped? I can't wait to see the mugs! They look so great I won't want to open the boxes. haa

[ Edited by: tikichic on 2003-06-13 00:31 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 05/18/2003

I got mine yesterday and they were actually signed to me from Shag!!! What up with that? Holden??? I love you too! Hanx Bro!

tikichic posted on 05/18/2003

Sweetness! They're actually signed to you with your name or?? That's awesome! I be on the look out Monday for them.....Tiki Farm rocks!!

Luckydesigns posted on 05/18/2003

He actually wrote in pen on your new mug?! If you use a little paint thinner, the ink should come right off and they'll be as good as new!

MakeDaMug posted on 05/18/2003

The mondo mugs are all shipped-out and depending upon where you live, you should be receiving them early/later this week!

Trader Woody posted on 05/18/2003

Comb your foam, gang.............it's just mugs.....

Trader Woody

MauiTiki posted on 05/22/2003

I just go mine, they are much larger than I expected. No wonder they have two straws.

Are we suposed to save the box with the number? I think I'll cut off the sticker and just save that.

I guess I won't be drinking out of these... Might wash of the Shag signature by mistake.

Exoticat posted on 05/22/2003

I was out in the yard planting a rather large pink-blossomed rhodie when a big truck pulled up into the driveway. Off jumped a UPS driver (clad in shorts--we mustn't forget that!) with a package for moi. My Shag mugs had finallly arrived!! woohooooo! They are MONDO in size! I've never seen a Shag mug in person...I love them! (Well, I love this particular design anyways.) Thanks, Tiki Farm!! :)

I have Shecky on the way too, and can't wait for my own personal TC mascot to arrive. Thanks for putting that banner up, Hanford--it enabled me to be able to get one of the last of the Sheckys.

I can see how collecting Tiki Mugs could become an addiction, or in the case of Shag Mugs, a guilty pleasure.

pssssttttt, MauiTiki ... you could always flatten the MondoTiki boxes and store them that way...

atomictonytiki posted on 05/22/2003

my mondo mugs arrived this morning delivered by a shorts clad UPS guy, here being scotland his wee pale legs looked a funny sight, and before the man would hand me my mugs i had to pay him £30 in customs money, i recoiled in horror and began to argue, but the cheeky UPS man started spinning the box n his hands, menaced into paying tax on my mugs, Bah!

tiki-riviera posted on 05/22/2003

When I opened mine, as anxious as a 7 yr old girl getting her first barbie, I was disappointed to find that part of the Shag signature had been wiped off. Haven't they heard of permanent markers!

tikichic posted on 05/22/2003

I received mine earlier this week but haven't had the luxury yet of opening them up. I do see the edition numbers on the outside of the box and they're 10 off from each other. It would've been awesome to have a matching number set but then that would cause Holden to go crazy! I'm thrilled enough that I was able to get this neat set since I wasn't able to make it to Vegas this year and pick one of these babies up. Thanks Tiki Farm!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/23/2003

......and the box makes a great cd holder for the truck! (is that sticker worth anything yet on e-bay???)

PolynesianPop posted on 05/23/2003

You mean the sticker was signed? I cut across my sticker with a razor blade or else I couldn't open the box. Oh well...

MauiTiki posted on 05/23/2003

On 2003-05-22 10:22, tikichic wrote:
I received mine earlier this week but haven't had the luxury yet of opening them up.

You have time to visit TC but no time to open your new Mugs? I had mine open in seconds, to make sure they were in one piece.

My numbers dont match either. No biggie...


[ Edited by: MauiTiki on 2003-05-22 22:48 ]

Rain posted on 05/23/2003

:/ shipping is so slow out here.

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