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Designer Imposters...our version of Trader Vic 's Polynesian Fishtrap Light

Pages: 1 10 replies

Basement Kahuna posted on 05/06/2003

I always wanted one of those bamboo fishtrap lights of various types like you see on the ceiling at Trader Vic's...finally I just said "you know what, if I can carve a tiki, I can make one of those". Here it is; whaddaya think?:

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-05-06 17:04 ]

Exoticat posted on 05/06/2003

I think you are good--rEEeeallly good! Excellent job on the lamp!

Exoticat posted on 05/06/2003

I was just in the member photos again and you have the most killer tiki bar in your basement ... wow! Great use of light! From your personal photos I can see you are very artsy. Is there nothing you can't create? I didn't think so. :)

thebaxdog posted on 05/06/2003

You are simply AWESOME
That is so cool
The more I type the less I have.
Keep up the good work

Basement Kahuna posted on 05/06/2003

Who knew, eh? Tanks a million...I'll probably make a couple to bring to Hukilau....we'll see. My eyes were bigger than my time constraints for how many of my carved goods I planned to bring, but I'm gonna bring some old tiki stuff, too.

Erika posted on 05/06/2003

Excellent job! If it's not a trade secret, what did you use for the circular support pieces?

[Spelling correction.]

[ Edited by: Erika on 2003-05-07 07:40 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 05/06/2003

BK, very nice. Looks like a pain in the ass to weave all that together. But what I really like is the artsy sign in front!

Basement Kahuna posted on 05/07/2003

I used 1/4-inch birch plywood to get the three basic stave shapes, then once I had a form I added the real bamboo hoops on the inside (You can bend them by running them through boiling water). The lashing is raffia, three strands at a time continuously (cut ends evenly and tie to the next three strands). Thrice around the hoops, twice around the splits.

Murph posted on 01/19/2010

Do you still have the photos of your fishtrap light?

bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2010

Murph, have you been to O.A. lately? if you want one of those, I went by there like two weeks ago and they are making those bamboo fish trap lights again (or having them made..)

GatorRob posted on 01/19/2010

Take a look at the photos of my home bar. There is a Basement Kahuna fish trap lamp hanging from the ceiling in one of the shots. I'm not positive though that it's the one he's referring to?

It's not the best of shots of the lamp and darnit if the strip lighting it in didn't glare out at you in those photos, but I think that's due to the long exposure making the lights brighter than they really are. I can post a better picture if you like... if it's the right lamp.

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