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Tiki Central / General Tiki

greetings brudhas and sistas

Pages: 1 2 replies

Pakalolo Man posted on 09/07/2007

I just stumbled across this forum yesterday and I can't stop reading!! (I'm at work right now hahah)

I'm building a tiki bar in my backyard right now - I'm a Tiki newbie for sure, but I just can't get enough... I recently took a trip to Maui and I've been mentally stuck there ever since (not a bad thing :) ).

I'm looking for decor ideas for my bar, and mainly just soaking up all the tiki goodness I can.

This community seems really cool so thanks for having me!

-Pakalolo Man

closettiki posted on 09/07/2007

welcome.....pictures ....pictures...you will discover one thing here...we are picture whores....post pics of your tiki bar,,,give us pics of your tiki finds...indulge us with your tikiness....pictures ..pictures....

Pakalolo Man posted on 09/08/2007

Here's the front of my new bar - the reed covering is virtually see-through so I'm going to pull it down attach individual pieces of bamboo... Anybody have tips on arranging/placing the bamboo? Also, is there an easy way to split bamboo?
I also think I want to add a thatched roof

Here's the back of the bar... more shelves to come once I figure out the best placement. It's really sturdy so I'm pretty stoked on the outcome (my first real construction project!!)

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