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Congrats to Notch!!! He's in the San Jose Mercury News today!

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Mai Tai posted on 09/14/2007

Hey everyone, Nacho and his hot rod made it into the San Jose Mercury news today! The article is about hot rods "San Jose Style". Nacho's '35 Ford pickup is pictured, as well as Kahaka's '54 Ford convertible. You can see pics of the shop before Nacho tiki-fies it. Congrats, Braddah!!!

You can read the article here

You can check out pics of Nacho's and Kahaka's cars here

Haole'akamai posted on 09/14/2007

Crap, he's gonna have soooooooo much work on his hands. Now I'll never be able to get him to pimp my new ride out Raidas style.

But seriously, congrats to you Nacho. You hella deserve it.

Coco Loco posted on 09/14/2007

Congrats Nacho!!!

tikiwinebear posted on 09/14/2007

Way to go, Notch!! And we all got to meet him as "just" the creator of the KuBar! Yeehaw!

MONDOTIKI posted on 09/17/2007

That thing was cool.He even has his own centerfold on the Eye.Way to go Notch!
Can't wait till the shop gets "Tikified", YEEEEAAAAAHHH!

Chongolio posted on 09/17/2007

Bass Azz! NOTCH rocks like not other! Way to go bro!


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