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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Our Photos from Tiki Oasis 7 - Marlow Harris and JoDavid

Pages: 1 1 replies

jodavid posted on 09/20/2007

We've just posted lots of our photos from Tiki Oasis 7 in San Diego.
We are Marlow Harris and JoDavid
They are posted on my Flicker set, so you can view as a slideshow or see larger versions of any pic by clicking "ALL SIZES".
I have larger original digital versions of all of these if anyone needs that for printing purposes.
Email me at jodavid@jodavid.com

Check out these fun pix !!!

...and many more on our Flickr set...

...also check out our other sites...

...and also...


[ Edited by: jodavid 2007-09-20 17:04 ]

[ Edited by: jodavid 2007-09-20 17:05 ]

[ Edited by: jodavid 2007-09-20 17:46 ]

teaKEY posted on 09/20/2007

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2007-09-20 17:06 ]

Pages: 1 1 replies