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Kona Kai mug question

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suffering bastard posted on 05/08/2003

Does anyone know any history on the mugs that were made for Kona Kai in Pennsylvania? It seems to me that I have seen mugs listed on E-bay by both Orchids of Hawaii and Otagiri. Does anyone know if both companies did in fact make mugs for Kona Kai, and if so, were they the same mold? I know they are at least similar in appearance, but not sure if identical (much the way Orchids and OMC Fu Manchu's are similar but not exactly the same).

fatuhiva posted on 05/08/2003

for some dumb reason people bid the ones marked kona kai up way more. However i have both and the orchids, although smaller is alot nicer- and i see it around less.

whoops im giving away insider information

TikiGoddess posted on 05/13/2003

I have one mug from the Kona Kai that used to be in Philly PA. It says Orchids of Hawaii on the bottom and the tiki has green rhinestone-type eyes. It does not say Kona Kai on it but I know it came from there because my friend who gave it to me got it at the bar when he was little.

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