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The Original Rotting Flesh Drinking Mug by Munktiki

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Nytshaed posted on 09/24/2007

I got mine today at the Forbidden Island Parking Lot Sale!!! #19 of 100, and ALL of them will be different. Here's mine! He was $75.00 from Stuckie himself!

teaKEY posted on 09/24/2007

Must have been a glass eye

smgleason47 posted on 09/25/2007

WOW - where did these ones sneak up from.

Bitchin mug - love that humor prevades in this one eye skully -

Great Score!

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.......

kingstiedye posted on 09/25/2007

i dig these new mugs! i got one with a gold tooth.

Babalu posted on 09/25/2007

Wow! What smokin hot mugs these are! Judging from these pictures, these mugs rate right up there at the top of my list of mugs I've seen come out this year...very cool indeed...I really want one :) Are those eyes really glass? Moves to the top of the list if they are...very sweet!

teaKEY posted on 09/25/2007

Are those eyes really glass?

I have no idea, but I said it cause if the skin decayed off the skull and left just the eye like this, it would have to be glass.

But I would almost think that ceramic glaze is a glass.

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leisure master posted on 09/25/2007

Holy crap! How can an east-coaster like me get one of these creepy beauties?

Wait let me correct that - not someone "like me", but exactly me.

Babalu posted on 09/25/2007

Hey, yep all glazes are mostly silica, but these look almost like taxidermy type eyes that were added after the fact...I'm probably wrong, but I think that's cool if that were the case :-)

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 09/25/2007

Crap, makes me want to buy one, rent Evil Dead and drink a Zombie.

Any left?


Babalu posted on 09/25/2007

I'm talkin myself into one too...could be perhaps just a luster firing, but those eyes sure are cool!

kingstiedye posted on 09/25/2007

i far as i can tell the eyes are ceramic balls, attached by a short wire. they wiggle a little.
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Babalu posted on 09/26/2007

ahhhh, that's even cooler! Bullet, does that jaw move too? Must have!!!!

Bullet...here's link to that Butt Furr Site I was telling you about at Oasis. Very comfy shorts!

Nytshaed posted on 09/26/2007

On 2007-09-25 17:52, Babalu wrote:
ahhhh, that's even cooler! Bullet, does that jaw move too? Must have!!!!

YESH!!! The jaw moves up and down and the eyes wiggle a little. I'm going to add a leather patch to mine.

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fez monkey posted on 09/29/2007


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  • SV
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minitor posted on 09/30/2007

Here are two more of the Rotting Flesh Mugs, his #22 and hers #17 (the horny one).

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tiki-lee posted on 09/30/2007

[ Edited by: tiki-lee 2007-12-19 09:13 ]

Nytshaed posted on 09/30/2007

On 2007-09-30 09:22, tiki-lee wrote:
These are all kick ass mugs. I want one! Were they all sold @ the parking lot sale?

There were only seven at the Parking Lot sale, and they vanished so fast, I don't know what other numbers they were. KingsTieDye has his up on OM, so he prolly has his number on it. I don't think they've even been put up on the Munktiki site yet.

teaKEY posted on 09/30/2007

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2007-09-30 12:55 ]

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minitor posted on 10/01/2007

The Munktiki website now has pictures of about thirty of the mugs linked off their "new" page.

Nytshaed posted on 10/01/2007

And...... All of them are gone. I meant to have a look at them last night, but got roped into helping my kid with homework. Ah well, I have #19, and so far, it's the only ONE eyed one I've seen.

Alcoholics to go meetings,
I am a Beverage Connoisseur...
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[ Edited by: Nytshaed 2007-10-01 07:32 ]

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TraderPeg posted on 10/01/2007

These are so great!!!

My guests would be fighting for the privilege of drinking out of one of these babies...

"Everything tastes better in a Rotted Flesh Mug..."

smgleason47 posted on 10/01/2007

ahhh the old one eye.......

had to break my wife imposed "mug buying hiatus" - with her approval of course! Got me #4 and I can hardly wait to see that beady little green stare...


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ScarabaTiki posted on 10/02/2007

'Rotting Skin' is definitely awesome!! Way to go Munktiki.

I too was on a self-imposed 'mug hiatus' of sorts until I saw this design. I wanted to visit the website at 6pm Sunday when they were first up for sale, but I got home late and didn't view them until about 7pm...and most of them had already sold. I felt lucky to snag #36 and can't wait to see it!

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tiki-lee posted on 10/19/2007

The second batch that went on sale @6pm last night sold out in seconds! I was waiting for them to appear on the web site and it was like trying to grab fireflies with chopsticks. DAMN IT :(

Nytshaed posted on 10/20/2007

They went onsale at about 4 minutes to six my time, or by my clock anyway. I saw a couple I thought were OK, but nothing floored me. I have one already, so I think I am good. I did grab the new Tasty Drinks at Jimmy's and it's already on it's way to me!! Congrats to all the TC'ers that managed to snag one on this round.

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tiki-lee posted on 10/25/2007

There are more up for grabs this morning. :)

teaKEY posted on 10/25/2007

Can't wait to see the 100 dollar mugs

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tiki-lee posted on 10/25/2007

....And once again they are all sold out.

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