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Blue Hawaii vs. Blue Hawaiian

Pages: 1 9 replies

arriano posted on 09/17/2007

I realize that there was already a string on this forum about these two drinks, but I wanted to pose a question for debate that I was afraid would get lost in the older string. So here goes:

The Blue Hawaii and Blue Hawaiian have similar ingredients, but is one derived from the other? Or were they developed separately?

Both have blue curacao, light rum and pineapple juice. But the Blue Hawaii also has vodka and sweet & sour mix, while the Blue Hawaiian has neither of those incredients and instead includes cream of coconut. I know Harry Yee was the inventor of the Blue Hawaii, but does anyone have knowledge of the Blue Hawaiian's history?

midnite posted on 09/20/2007

What, no love for the cocktails du azure? Come on, I know you blue cocktail lovers are out there. Speak up! I got nothing, but I'd hazard a guess the "Hawaii" came first and the two were of disparate origins. I'll give ole Harry a pass and blame the Dutch.

Blue Hawaii vs. Blue Hawaiian

Navy Grog.

To each his own, cocktail-wise, is what I say (unless it involves a Missionary's Downfall). Although, I've learned one principle in my many years that supercedes that notion:

Red Cars, Blue Drinks, and Blonde Women....are bad luck.

el midnite

arriano posted on 09/23/2007

Thanks Midnight. Never occurred to me that I'd stump everyone.

DJ HawaiianShirt posted on 09/23/2007

All I know is that the Blue Hawaiian is my favorite cocktail, period.

Koolau posted on 09/23/2007

I understand the Blue Hawaii was first, created by Harry K. Yee in 1957 at the request of Bols, the manufacturer of Blue Curacao (Page 88 of Sippin' Safari). I recall reading somewhere on The Internets Mr. Yee saying that when someone would ask for a Blue Hawaiian, the bartender would reply "The only blue Hawaiian is a Dead Hawaiian! You mean a Blue Hawaii!" Oh, that wacky bartender humor.

I don't think I've ever read where the Blue Hawaiian cocktail came from.

Also - any chance Harry Yee is still with us? He'd probably be in his 80s - I've never seen an obit, but Jeff Berry didn't talk to him for Sippin' Safari, so the answer is probably no.

Blue Thunder posted on 09/24/2007

Depending on where you look a Blue Hawaiian is nothing more than a Pina Colada with Blue Curacao added and a Blue Hawaii is the same thing with Vodka instead of Rum. I have seen it with Saki as well. This changes over time but the speculation about Blue Curacao marketing may be closest to the truth. Liquor marketing was very intense in the 50's and 80's so much confusion ensued.

Urban Tiki posted on 09/25/2007

It's easy- Blue Hawaii is an Elvis movie and Blue Hawaiian is an islander who's wahine has just left him.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Sgirl posted on 09/25/2007

On 2007-09-25 12:44, Urban Tiki wrote:
It's easy- Blue Hawaii is an Elvis movie and Blue Hawaiian is an islander who's wahine has just left him.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

glad you couldn't - this made me laugh and I needed that today! Thanks!

Am still curious about the drink history, if anyone knows since the Blue Hawaiian is one I make for husband often since it's in his top 3. okay, back to work Sigh...

MadDogMike posted on 03/01/2018

On 2007-09-23 00:35, Koolau wrote:
Also - any chance Harry Yee is still with us? He'd probably be in his 80s - I've never seen an obit, but Jeff Berry didn't talk to him for Sippin' Safari, so the answer is probably no.

Looks like he was still alive and well at age 98 when this article was written in March 2016!

tikitube posted on 03/01/2018

Nice find!

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