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FLA: Who's up for a drive-in movie?!?

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MobileTikiBar posted on 08/06/2007

So, I was thinking tonight, it's been forever since I've been to a drive-in movie. I started looking around for theaters in Florida, and this one looks pretty central to everyone. http://www.silvermoondrivein.com/home.html

Who's up for a night out at the movies?!?

Saturday, September 1st, with showings at 8:50pm, 10:30pm, or 12:25am. I'm thinking the 8:50pm showing would be good, to permit folks time to drive back home afterwards if they've traveled some distance.

So, who's up for it??? If there's enough interest, I'll call the theater to let them know of our intentions and to get some info on when to arrive, etc.


Tikigoob posted on 08/06/2007

Bring the Mobile Tiki Bar to Atlanta to the drive in there and watch some movies with us.

For tickets and info go to http://www.driveinvasion.com

The Intoxicators!

MobileTikiBar posted on 08/09/2007

On 2007-08-06 01:20, Tikigoob wrote:

For tickets and info go to http://www.driveinvasion.com

The Intoxicators!

Man, without doubt, that sounds like the best drive-in gathering for Labor Day weekend that I've ever heard of... if only we could get it six hours closer to Orlando. :(

I don't think we'll be able to make it that far north, as much as I'd like to make a weekend party of it. Take lots of pictures, grab some sound bites, let me know how it goes!!


Tiki Bree posted on 09/29/2007

Gee, I didn't see this post until now. Did you go? Tristan and I would love to go sometime if we can work out the schedule........

tiki_kiliki posted on 09/29/2007

Yes! Please let us know about it Adrian and I would love to attend. A Drive-In Movie, hot dogs and popcorn - how can I resist!!

GatorRob posted on 10/01/2007

The last time I went to a drive-in movie, before the internet and before cell phones, they were reduced to playing soft porn flicks on Saturday nights. "Alice Does Wonderland" or something. Instead of hot dogs and popcorn, it was Jim Beam and Doritos with the high school buddies. Ahhh, the memories...

But the fond recollection is much earlier. Sitting in the back of the stationwagon in my jammies watching "That Darn Cat".

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 10/01/2007

Man, that brings me back too! As a kid, with my parents and sisters, in our jammies, seeing Herbie the Love Bug!!! Or as Guys night out, seeing Evel Kineval, and Vanishing Point, with On Any Sunday, a triple feature! Later, it was driving a Chevy Kingswood station wagon with my high school friends hiding under the seats to keep the cost down to $3 for 6 of us. Some slasher flicks; can't remember. It was all about the Jim Beam and Mickey's Big Mouth.

GatorRob posted on 10/03/2007

It's time for hot dogs and popcorn!! (there's Kiliki in the back seat)

And don't forget, bottle warming service is available at the refreshment stand! (hot buttered rum?)

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/03/2007

GatorRob! If only that was my dress as a child I'd still have it!! Thanks for sharing those!!!!

So, are we gonna do the Drive-In thing?

MobileTikiBar posted on 10/05/2007

I'll do some research and see what we can come up with as far as movie selection and location goes. Currently in Las Vegas for a SAP teched conference, returning tomorrow, and hopefully can come up with some details in a week or so. Any thoughts on a preferred date? Far enough in the future to make planning easier, but not too far I presume.


AlohaStation posted on 10/05/2007

If you need a location:
Swap Shop Fort Lauderdale
14 screens with first run movies
The coolest place in Lauderdale to get ripped off!!

Mai Tai posted on 10/05/2007

Ah, I love an evening at the drive in. We used to have a few of these around here, but they're all gone (I guess they were replaced by tiki bars). I wish I could come out to Florida, to go to the drive in and also knock back a few at the Mai Kai with y'all. Alas, it will have to be another time. For now, I'll just have to entertain myself with the drive in count down clock.

GatorRob posted on 10/05/2007

Bill, come on down! If I can find Alameda on a map, you can find Ft Lauderdale. Bring that witty midnite guy with you. And if Humuhumu is still alive, bring her too.

Sorry gang. Back to our regularly scheduled program...

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