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King Kukulele Presents Tiki Taix XXXVIII

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King Kukulele posted on 09/26/2007

Friday September 28th, 2007 10PM No Cover

Clay Allen returns after many months! Professor of Uke for the Jumpin' Flea Circus Players of Los Angeles, Clay will bring his ukulele to Tiki Taix and share with us a musical luau in four strings. Originally from Chicago, he now lives on LA's Most Tiki Mountain: MT. Washington! Welcome to the musical world of Clay Allen.


The Polynesian Paradise Dancers will woo the audience into a hypnotic Hula trance with their swinging hips and flowing hair! Akemi and her girls will dance once again to their signature song "Polynesian Paradise". They'll also bring the latest updates about their annual Hula theatrical production held at Cal Poly Pomona


The ukulele comic improvisation of King Kukulele will once again shake the shack. With a little help from a lively audience we should have a lot of fun at Tiki Taix, with hopefully few casualties. Come and throw out a few suggestions to the King and see what he makes of them.


See the debut of King's latest film "The Terror At Tiki Taix"! It is the never before told story of the bar room brawl that broke out last month at Tiki Taix. If you were there you will remember some of the action from that fateful night. If you weren't there you can see it on video. You may leave asking yourself "Is the world of Tiki becoming too violent?!?!"


Final showing of: Part V “Duke Kahanamoku – This Is Your Life!” from 1957. See the final chapter of this classic look at the like of the Duke. He is surprised by his wife who tells about his life in politics as the Sheriff of Honolulu. He is then greeted by three men whose lives were saved by Duke 32 years earlier in a storm in Newport Beach, Calif. The conclusion includes the presentation of prizes for Duke including the replacement of a stolen hood ornament from Dukes car in Waikiki.

Join us for this one night only event. We'll be at Tiki Taix 1911 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park, Los Angeles 90026 One block north of the lagoon.

Al-ii posted on 09/26/2007

Sounds cool,
See you all there.

bigtikidude posted on 09/26/2007

I may be able to be talked into this.
but if I do Tiki Ti before hand, Im going to have to scale way back this time.
as I was (ahem busy in the restroom) after a bit to much to drink.
and missed the bar brawl.

I believe the Miles Thompson art show should still be at La Luz.

anybody for Pioneer chicken before Tiki Ti,?
the last time I sat there for a hour with greasy hands waiting for people to show up. Joking about the Grease , but not about the time.


King Kukulele posted on 09/27/2007

Are you sure it wasn't the chicken that did you wrong?

Al it will be good to have you there...in case of another riot.

bigtikidude posted on 09/29/2007

ok so who else is going?

Im passing on the Pioneer, what you say???

well I just stuffed myself with crappy Costco pizza,
and it was free, so what the Hell.


PiPhiRho posted on 09/29/2007

I'll be at Taix. Tiki Ti before maybe, if I can get down there soon enough to spend time in line. I have had all the good drinks there now anyway.

bigtikidude posted on 09/30/2007

so Paul how was it after we left?
I guess Al felt bad for me that I was fallin asleep.
long day at work, and then 3 killer tiki ti drinks.

at least I wasn't prying to the porcilin god this time.


PiPhiRho posted on 09/30/2007

The dancers were good. I think you missed them. The ladies were so lovely it was hard to concentrate on the art of the dance. You missed the fight again, although this time it was just the video of the last one. I didn't stay for the end, either. I started fading while the King was performing and left before the end myself. That can be a long night after a long week.

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