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Forbidden Island goes CRAZY! *Crazy Al Mug Release* Fri. Sept. 28th @ 5pm

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martiki posted on 09/25/2007


Greetings from the island that never sleeps...

Come join the fun as we welcome CRAZY AL to Forbidden Island this Friday night from 5-8pm. Al will be selling his latest mug masterpiece- #80, "Lucky Tiki"- a stunning recreation of the giant tiki he carved for the temporarily homeless Lucky Tiki bar. It's one of my all time favorites, and I'm sure it's a favorite of many of you as well.

Here's all the details:

So come meet the Witchcraft Man in person and have him sign your C'Al swag!

See you there!

Nytshaed posted on 09/25/2007

THUD Man.... No rest for the wicked, or the Mug Weirdos.... I'll be there of course!!

JenTiki posted on 09/25/2007

It's so cruel to do this just 5 days after the parking lot sale!!! Who has any $$$ left to spend?!? Not me! :cry: I'll come down anyway though. Just because C'Al is the coolest man in tiki!

suzanne posted on 09/25/2007

That's one FINE looking mug!


crazy al posted on 09/25/2007

Yes.... it's time for a Martin Cocktail!! I can't wait!!!

I'm not sure why, But the MUG biz seems to have it's idiosyncrasies.... And Holden now has some understanding friends. The mugs that i was to pick up today were not ready, so I will be in short supply on Fri unless the tiki elves pull some tikis out of there hats....I'm flying up as usual, so there will a limited # available that night anyway. Please email me if you were planing on getting a #80 on Friday ASAP....

Thanks all, and see you on Friday....
(has anyone trademarked that one, cause i hope i just did....)

crazy al posted on 09/26/2007

well , the elves may have done it! and i'm told i can pick up some mugs before my flight up tomorrow. I'm still limited to what i can carry on, but I should have enough mugs for the early birds.
Stop buy and check it out... hold it in your hands... if i don't have one i'll ship it to you for the same price!!

I'll have some other goodies also.
like these:

crazy al posted on 09/30/2007

thanks to all... great time, drinks, company, and support!

JenTiki posted on 09/30/2007

Hey Al!
Can we see the pic you took of my mug in use?
It was great hanging out with you Friday! You really should visit more often!

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