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New member from OZ + Papuan Mask painting ...

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Tikirocker posted on 09/27/2007

G'day all,

Been a lurker here for quite a few years and decided to join in at long last - I've had a long relationship to all things Tiki/Polynesian living in the South Pacific as we do here in Australia ... and had my first taste of inspiration when living in New Zealand during my early childhood. I'll save my story about a run in with ancient Maori spirits for another time however. :wink:

Here is a more traditional study of a tribal mask from Papua that's been in my family as long as I can recall. I am also starting to carve Tiki in wood and have made Moai from clay in the past also.

Thanks for looking!

[ Edited by: Tikirocker 2007-09-27 04:17 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 09/27/2007

That is a fine still life rocker! Thank you for posting!

Tikirocker posted on 09/27/2007

Thankyou for the kind words Sneaky! :)

I was thinking along the lines of Leeteg, Gaugin and the early European artists who were taken in by Primitive art and putting my own soft spin on it. I am literally dwarfed by the great art I have seen in this forum and can only hope to live up to the high standard in future works ... I have been inspired to start a new project as a result.

Best, Simon.


welcome to tc your work is fantastic my friend. keep up the good work

timidtiki posted on 09/27/2007

Welcome,Rocker . . . I really like your painting! I've see many still life paintings but never really like them and never seen them beside to objects they represent. It the painting always better that the objects being represented?

Tikirocker posted on 09/27/2007

On 2007-09-27 14:14, tiki beat by marcus thorn wrote:
welcome to tc your work is fantastic my friend. keep up the good work

Hey Tiki Beat!

Nice to bump into a fellow Aussie ... thanks for the encouragement and kind words. Are you painting or working in another medium yourself?

Tikirocker posted on 09/27/2007

On 2007-09-27 14:36, timidtiki wrote:
Welcome,Rocker . . . I really like your painting! I've see many still life paintings but never really like them and never seen them beside to objects they represent.

Hi Timid T,

Like yourself I have not been a fan generally of the still life in painting or art generally but I set myself the task to try to bring something interesting to that format in a Tiki/Primitive art form --- as I said before I was thinking of Leeteg et al and going for something a bit smoky and soft.

It the painting always better that the objects being represented?

Are you saying the paintings in still life are always better than the subject matter? If so I quite agree for the most part but when you see a really nice still life with fantastic subject matter and use of light and shade it can be really effective also.

Paipo posted on 09/27/2007

I dig it! It only takes one object that is out of the ordinary to inject a little intrigue or symbolism into an otherwise rigid still life. What way around does it go? I notice the bottle is on either side, so you must have reversed one of your pics?
Aside from the artists you mentioned, another to check out (perhaps less known in our part of the world) is August Holland, whose Tiki work has elements of still life in it.

Tabu posted on 09/28/2007

That's a really nice painting. The lighting really gives you a sense of the time of day. It has cool vintage/beatnick loose feel to it as well. I'd love to see more.

Tikirocker posted on 09/28/2007

On 2007-09-27 16:33, Paipo wrote:
I dig it! It only takes one object that is out of the ordinary to inject a little intrigue or symbolism into an otherwise rigid still life. What way around does it go? I notice the bottle is on either side, so you must have reversed one of your pics?
Aside from the artists you mentioned, another to check out (perhaps less known in our part of the world) is August Holland, whose Tiki work has elements of still life in it.

Thanks mate!

I totally agree with your assessment of one object throwing a curve ... I like offbeat subjects within known forms since it tends to exemplify the way I feel about Tiki and Kustom Kulture generally. You are also correct about the flipped image ... the bottom image is the correct direction. Somehow I accidentally flipped the top pic before I saved it ... or was that some Papuan shaman trick!? :D

I have not come across August Holland but I will definitiely check him out now ... by the way where in Kiwi land are you ... North or South island?

Tikirocker posted on 09/28/2007

On 2007-09-27 17:37, Tabu wrote:
That's a really nice painting. The lighting really gives you a sense of the time of day. It has cool vintage/beatnick loose feel to it as well. I'd love to see more.

Hey Tabu!

Thanks for the support ... you really nailed what I was going for when you said vintage, loose, Beatnik feel; totally where my head was at when I conceived it. I had been looking at some old Leeteg stuff and I was thinking of the soft smoky works of the early 20th century painters ... a bit of the 30's Art Deco vibe in there for me also though it is more vibe than anything you can physically see. I had half a mind it might have hung on Raymond Chandlers living room wall.

As for seeing more ... I hope to be able to do just that - I'm working on some new sketches as we speak. :)

[ Edited by: Tikirocker 2007-09-27 18:42 ]

hewey posted on 09/28/2007

Hey mate, good to see you on here! Finally someone else in Sydney into tiki! Yippeee! :lol:

Hey Tiki Beat!

Nice to bump into a fellow Aussie ... thanks for the encouragement and kind words. Are you painting or working in another medium yourself?

Marcus (aka Tiki Beat) carved that big mutha tiki I posted over on sketchkult that you commented on :D

Tikirocker posted on 09/29/2007

On 2007-09-27 18:58, hewey wrote:
Hey mate, good to see you on here! Finally someone else in Sydney into tiki! Yippeee! :lol:

Thanks Hewey ... yeah decided to mingle since I am spending more time in the Tiki arts and crafts department. :)

Marcus (aka Tiki Beat) carved that big mutha tiki I posted over on sketchkult that you commented on :D

Ahhh gotcha ... there's somebody I'll have to have a chat to.

kroozzn62 posted on 09/30/2007

cool dude, very cool..hope to catch u on the tiki arts night ill be putting together soon in sydney..

Tikirocker posted on 09/30/2007

Hey Krooz,

Thanks mang, appreciated ... the Tiki get together sounds cool - what's the when, where and what of it all? Have you had these before in Sydney and what usually goes on?

hewey posted on 10/01/2007

On 2007-09-30 15:44, Tikirocker wrote:

Hey Krooz,

Thanks mang, appreciated ... the Tiki get together sounds cool - what's the when, where and what of it all? Have you had these before in Sydney and what usually goes on?

When - A friday night in the not too distant future. Looking to try and make it a monthly thing.
Where - Kroozn's factory warehouse, Taren Point
What - Basically just a group of us talking shit, and making stuff (tiki carving, pinstriping etc). BYO art gear and booze generally. Very laid back kind of night.

I've had one or two at my place, but there's a lot more room at Kroozn's warehouse!

Tikirocker posted on 10/01/2007

On 2007-09-30 23:53, hewey wrote:
When - A friday night in the not too distant future. Looking to try and make it a monthly thing.
Where - Kroozn's factory warehouse, Taren Point
What - Basically just a group of us talking shit, and making stuff (tiki carving, pinstriping etc). BYO art gear and booze generally. Very laid back kind of night.

I've had one or two at my place, but there's a lot more room at Kroozn's warehouse!

Sounds like a good idea ... art collectives are really beneficial in creating some kind of scene; that's how it gets done. Let me know when then next one will be and I'll endeavour to be there. I like the idea of a monthly thing as frequency is a good way of setting goals and deadlines creatively also ...

[ Edited by: Tikirocker 2007-10-01 17:00 ]

[ Edited by: Tikirocker 2007-10-01 17:01 ]

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