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FOM New England: Rum Tasting Party- 10/13/07

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Bargoyle posted on 09/10/2007

Ok folks, here's the OH-ficial deal for the 13th:

FOM presents Rum Appreciation Day at the Lono Lounge
Saturday, October 13th
527 Merrow Rd - Tolland, CT 06084

2pm pre-tasting warmup
3.30-6.00 Tasting*
6.00+ food & cocktails

$10/person charge to cover tasting. Limited seats available for tasting.

Food, drinks, music, mayhem to be provided.

We've got some couch space, and you can always bring a tent & "rough it" in the backyard.

For those fo you who want more traditional accomodations, there's a Rodeway Inn in Willington, and Hojo, Comfort Inn, Holiday Inn & Quality Inn, all in Vernon which is just a few minutes away.

PM me to let me know you're comming & I'll save you a spot.

*We'll be having 12 to 15 different rums over the evening. Learn a little history about each one, and what makes them unique. Scottes was gracious enough to offer to teach the class, and donate the rarer rums. Look for subsequent advanced courses in the future!

ps. the amount of each sample is small, so dont worry. By the end of the tasting, you will have had the equivalent of 2 good strong Mai Tais.

And then I'll mix up Spindrifts to make sure everyone gets good & loopy!

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-09-10 13:40 ]

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-09-10 13:46 ]

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-09-12 09:38 ]

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-09-20 18:45 ]

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-09-20 18:46 ]

Scottes posted on 09/10/2007

I'll be there!


Bargoyle posted on 09/10/2007

On 2007-09-10 12:40, Scottes wrote:
I'll be there!


You'd better!! You're in charge of the tasting!!!

Queen of Everything posted on 09/10/2007

Myself and Bernie will be there!

velveteenlounge posted on 09/10/2007

CaptainQuad and I are in!

Looie Kalua posted on 09/10/2007

I'll be there! And Martiki-bird, too!

jpmartdog posted on 09/10/2007

Damn Bargoyle! Livin in the Ct. burbs! Would love to go... but does anyone happen to be drivin past Hampton NH (route 95). I doubt it but it's worth a shot! I got a hankerin to sail in for some rummy education!

Bargoyle posted on 09/10/2007

On 2007-09-10 16:18, jpmartdog wrote:
I got a hankerin to sail in for some rummy education!

Its not rummy education, its info-toxication!! :D

Hope you can get here. Let me know.

Scottes posted on 09/10/2007

Jon, any way you can make it partway? Hampton's an hour in the wrong direction for me.

kristiki posted on 09/11/2007

I'm so sorry I have to miss it! I'll have to drink lots of rum that day anyway to console myself.

leisure master posted on 09/11/2007

We are trying, but not sure Birdgirl and I can make it.

We will be drinking rum for sure (it is Saturday after all) - just not clear if we will be drinking it with all of you (hopefully yes).

I know Scott will have interesting stuff and will put on a good show - his website has a lot of good info.

jpmartdog posted on 09/11/2007

Yippee Kai Yay! Scottes graciously offered me a ride.. and Im in!
Thats good for me, very good... for up to now, this is how I typically drink rum!

I could use the education/ that is info-toxication!

[ Edited by: jpmartdog 2007-09-11 12:58 ]

Scottes posted on 09/11/2007

Just to let you know, Bargoyle and I have given this a lot of thoughts about what to do. I wanted to do a lot more rums, but he cut me down to a reasonable number.

Which means that I have half of Rumology 201, the Advanced Course, already planned.

We'll have to see what we can do for Rumology 201 in late November or early December. Well, unless you folks all think that Rumology 101 sucks... But you won't. I promise you'll have a good and interesting session of info-toxication and/or rumification.

[ Edited by: Scottes 2007-09-11 12:17 ]

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 09/11/2007

The only thing that will suck about this event will be the moment it ends. Actually, the day after may not be so great either. Come to think of it, the wait for Rumology 201 will not be any fun either. So you see, there's plenty that sux about this event!

Bargoyle posted on 09/12/2007

On 2007-09-11 13:36, The Mayor Of Exotica wrote:
So you see, there's plenty that sux about this event!

ROFL. You're too much, Mayor. That cracked me up. AND its the first time somebody has said one of my parties has sucked BEFORE its even happened!! heh heh.

On a serious note, now you must be punished.

All of the Mayor's samples will be Bacardi Silver.....all 15 of them! :D

Scottes posted on 09/12/2007

Well, I've got the list of rums nailed down. After discussing things with Bargoyle, I decided to take a tiki-centric angle to this tasting. So I did a bunch of research today in work (don't tell), a bunch of thinking, and then hit the Beachbum's books, my Trader Vic book, and my Donn The Beachcomber book. After all this, I lined up an assortment of rums to help explore the history of rums used in tiki drinks. A few non-tiki rums are mixed in that will walk us through the history of rum and hopefully help understand the choices made by the old great tiki bartenders.

Finally, at the end, we'll taste a number of rums which are not tiki at all but are some spectacular rums chosen to show what can be done with a bit of molasses, the right yeast, the right barrel, and the Caribbean climate.

Right now the list is 14 rums long, and may grow to 15.

The general outline of the tasting:

I'll begin by passing out some papers with key information. Choice articles on rum, important web sites, book recommendations, notes on tastes that can be found in rum, a sheet for scratching down tasting notes for each of the rums, and a "cheat sheet" of what tastes you might find in each particular rum.

We'll then explore some history of sugar cane, its impact on the islands, the "discovery" of fermented molasses, and the impact of THAT on the islands and New England. We'll explore some of the processes involved in making rum - making sugar, fermenting the molasses, distillation methods, aging methods and blending. And then we'll discuss my opinions on how to taste rum, the effects of ice and water and time and the glass.

We'll then begin to taste rum.

Each rum will be approached with some interesting history and factoids, and some understanding (and hypotheses) on its impact on tiki drinks. The rums will be tasted in an order that builds knowledge, both for the brain and the taste buds.

Amongst all these rums I will digress quite often, since I'm known to do that, and it will be entertaining since I'm full of useless cra... trivia.

Finally, at the end, we'll sip some premium rums while exploring the aging process - particularly the casks and their effects on the rum, but we'll once again discuss different aging and blending methods.

And then, subject to the mercy of Onkonkuluku University, everyone will be awarded certificates establishing their credentials in the mysterious science of Rumology.

And the Bargoyle will make us all Spindrifts....

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 09/12/2007


All of the Mayor's samples will be Bacardi Silver.....all 15 of them! :D

I got a down payment on a headache just from reading this!!!

Bargoyle posted on 09/12/2007

PLease note that the tasting has been moved to the 13th!!

And the start time pushed up a bit (2pm pre-show cocktails...3.30 tasting starts)

Hope everyone can still make it.

jpmartdog posted on 09/12/2007

Bummer, I'm out. No rum for me - gotta work this weekend and finish da newest mural!
Have fun having rum. :(

pappythesailor posted on 09/12/2007

That's OCTOBER 13th!

jpmartdog posted on 09/12/2007

sheeesh, I am a stupid f*#k.... I guess I can go after all. I guess... if I'm not dead!
LOL what a dope.

The Granite Tiki posted on 09/13/2007

I still can't go. And I'm sad. :(

Scottes posted on 09/13/2007

Carl, what if we start thinking about Rumology 201 at your place? (I don't mean to invite all of us to your house, but you did offer last week...)

And if not Rum, what about a night of "Weird Tiki Ingredients"? Perhaps we could get folks to bring over some falernums, orgeat from various places and maybe homemade, the same for passion fruit syrup, Pearl Diver's Mix, and other such odd ingredients? Even the stranger liquors and liqueurs, like Maraschino and Parfait Amour? I think it would be quite interesting to sample different brands of such ingredients, compare them, and compare some cocktails with them.

Just something to think about for a future gathering....

The Granite Tiki posted on 09/13/2007

Scottes, I'd love it!

You all have a great time at Rumology 101, and as always, have several for me, and I'll contact you with some possible dates for Rumology 201 or "Rum North" :wink:

[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2007-09-12 22:52 ]

johnman posted on 09/16/2007

Right now I'm in! I don't think Miss will be able to come so I'm definitely crashing at your place Bargoyle! I know my track record there so driving isn't a really good idea.

Scottes - this sounds awesome man! Thanks for taking the time to put together the tasting.

Hey maybe you could theme a 301 party around classic food? And of course working in the best drink to complement each dish. Could be kind of a pot luck setup and everyone contributes a certain dish. Just a thought.

Scottes posted on 09/16/2007

I think that's a great idea. I was flipping through Taboo Table last night. Rumaki... Mai Tai Pie... Absolutely a good idea!

Bargoyle posted on 09/21/2007

There's still a few spots open for the tasting. Grab em quick.

Unlimited seating for the after-tasting party!

johnman posted on 09/21/2007

Aloha! I have a couple of friend's from work that have indicated they're VERY interested in coming to the rum tasting (and the after party too of course). I should have an answer from them by the weekend.

I can't wait until this event! I'll be bringing my custom GH axe with me. I'm assuming there will be some rocking going on. And yes, I've been saving my quarters:)


On 2007-09-20 18:44, Bargoyle wrote:
There's still a few spots open for the tasting. Grab em quick.

Unlimited seating for the after-tasting party!

Bargoyle posted on 09/21/2007

Oh, there WILL be rocking out.

And perhaps a bit more as well.

As usual, I've got a few surprises. :wink:

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-09-24 12:15 ]

tabuzak posted on 09/24/2007

I will be there!


Bargoyle posted on 09/25/2007

Look forward to seeing ya, Jack.

A note of caution to those who havent been to the Lono previously....

its REALLY easy to miss. I'll put traffic cones at the end of the driveway, and the giant Homer-skelleton should be a good landmark.

Once in the drive, bang a HARD left & park on the lawn as far over/back as you can get.

See everyone on the 13th!!

johnman posted on 09/28/2007

Surprises Bargoyle? You rock man. I can't wait for the 13th!

Bargoyle posted on 09/28/2007

Well, I'll let one of the surprises out of the bag...

The Drinking Vessels from Tiki Farm arrived today. Holden hooked me up with some REALLY nice pieces this time. Great selection. You'll have to wait to see though......

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 10/01/2007

Ohhhh, man, can't wait!!!! I'm getting thirsty just thinking about it!!!!

Bargoyle posted on 10/01/2007

As the tasting is only a few weeks before Halloween, thats the sub-theme we're going with.

So if anyone wants to break in their costume, please feel free to dress up (or down).

Jess & I will probably be wearing something funky, so you wont be the only one, I promise.

pappythesailor posted on 10/01/2007

I'm going as "Drunk Beachcomber". OK, now nobody steal my costume idea.

Scottes posted on 10/01/2007

Just in case they come in handy, I'm going to bring some of the "more exotic" ingredients - home-made orgeat, home-made passion fruit syrup, Fee's Falernum, and Luxardo Maraschino. I'll be mixing up a bottle of Dildo's Bumbo, too. Anything else?

And I'll be making Demerara Dry Floats until the demerara runs out. I'm loving this stuff lately.

And I'm working on a secret rum blend recipe, with help from the Beach Bum... Wish me luck on this one, as it isn't perfected. Yet.

I wonder who will be the first to put Scott's Dildo's Bumbo in their mouth.

It just had to be said.


Tikisgrl posted on 10/02/2007

On 2007-10-01 16:58, Suffering Bastard in Maine wrote:
I wonder who will be the first to put Scott's Dildo's Bumbo in their mouth.

It just had to be said.


Pick me!! Pick me!!! I'm sure I can handle a Dildo's Bumbo!


Scottes posted on 10/02/2007

Beth, I'd make an alcohol-free version just for you but I'm not so sure it's possible to make a Virgin Dildo's Bumbo.

Tikisgrl posted on 10/02/2007

On 2007-10-01 19:10, Scottes wrote:
Beth, I'd make an alcohol-free version just for you but I'm not so sure it's possible to make a Virgin Dildo's Bumbo.

I thought that they have all already been sacrificed? I'll go for the real thing please!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/702add1e39ea24e2dc023ca140e4afc3?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Bargoyle posted on 10/02/2007




I feel so dirty all of a sudden.

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Bargoyle posted on 10/02/2007

But it DOES sound like the party will be swinging!!

:D lol

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Rapscallion posted on 10/03/2007

Hi Bargoyle -
If you have two seats left at the tasting Lilikoi
and I will be on board.
She works until 13:00, so we might be a tad late
but we'll do our best to make up for it.
Anything we can bring with us?
R & L

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Bargoyle posted on 10/04/2007

You got it Raps.

No need to bring anything, but I never refuse a bottle o' rum! :)

Or some of sort of snacky-thing might be good instead! up to you.

But nothing needed. Get here as soon as you can.

See ya on the 13th!

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The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 10/04/2007

Don't forget a spare liver!

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Bargoyle posted on 10/11/2007

Ok, looks like the weather is gonna hold out for us (knock wood). Sunny, and low 60's. Perfect fall day.

Dont forget that costumes are encouraged (and that Drunken Beachcomber outfit you wear most days doesnt count pappy).

Everyone still in?

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jpmartdog posted on 10/11/2007

Madd Jon Kidd will be there for some rum! Arrrrrrrrr!
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“Now . . . pour the rum and show me the Lono Lounge!”

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