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Huge cache of Stockton Islander tiki mugs for sale

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Hot Lava posted on 10/04/2007

A reader of my blog contacted me to let me know that he found a giant collection of mugs and bowls from the Stockton Islander restaurant at an estate sale. He bought them to resell them, but doesn't want to take the time to put them on eBay or ship them.

So, if you live around Lodi, California and are interested in picking up some very cool mugs from a restaurant that is long gone, give Boyd Fyffe a call at (209) 368-2677 or email him at .

He's asking $700 for the whole set, or if you want to make offers for certain pieces, I guess you can. I don't known Boyd outside of the few emails we've exchanged, so I'm more or less just passing this along.

Let him know that you heard about it from Tiki Talk.

Here's some pictures of what he's got:

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/04/2007

..quite a haul, ..maybe they would be worth $700 if he sold them on ebay individually (or maybe more), but certainly not worth $700 outright cause he's too lazy to post them on ebay himself....who would want all of them anyway?? most folks want to pick and choose what they may be missing from their own collections and add to it....there's really nothin rare there except the pineapple face tiki mug...and even then only if the name islander is on it somewhere.....

best of luck to him, but i don't see it happening....if ya want the big bucks, ya gotta take the time to list them on ebay....this guy wants somethin for nothin....

thanks for the post though..this is not intended to be a slam in any way against the poster of this topic.....information is always good and welcome....

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/04/2007


bigbrotiki posted on 10/05/2007

It would be interesting to find out how they got there: WHO got them WHEN from WHICH Islander...where is "Lodi"? Did Hop Louie bring'em to Torrance, or are they from the Tommy Lee period? These are burning questions of pottery archeology!

Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/05/2007

From what I can tell and I have most of these is they are all from the Stockon Islander. Lodi is in between Sacramento and Stockton and aside from the mugs from Harvey's in Lake Tahoe and Trader Dicks in Reno, these would be the next most common mugs found in the area. Although it uncommon to see this many together from an estate, if a local frequented the Islander it is not surprising.

I agree with Tipsy, if these were put up on Ebay, $700.00 would be realistic. But because there are so many of the same common ones and some missing lids, I don't think anyone would even come close to paying that much for this grouping.


Tiki-Kate posted on 10/05/2007

Here's the ebay math based mostly on Ooga-Mooga price sightings.

1 Bumatay @ $273.50 = $273.50
3 Headhunters @ $37.66 = $112.98
8 Hula Girls @ $35.22 = $281.76
1 Bug Eye @ $44.34 = $44.34
5 Kon Tikis @ $31.89 = $159.45
2 Coconuts @ $8.67 = $17.34
2 Pineapples @ $42.79 = $85.58
10 Buckets @ $10.09 = $100.90
1 Slim Bucket @ $15.58 = $15.58
2 Bowls @ $70.11 = $140.22
5 Earring Mugs @ $28.30 = $141.50
4 Smileys @ $104.86 = $419.44
5 Peanuts @ $22.32 = $111.60
3 Bamboo Mugs @ $15.00 = $45.00

Grand Total = $1949.19

$700 doesn't sound so bad. Granted, you have to account for condition and the veracity of price sightings.

LOL Tiki posted on 10/05/2007

I don't think the Ooga-Mooga averages are really in line with the eBay market; at best they may represent the high end. In the past month I've picked up an Islander Bucket Mug for $4.99, an Islander Kon-Tiki for $19.99 and a Mr. Bali Hai for $26.00 - all in very good shape. The eBay market is fickle; one day I forget to bid on a Mr. Bali Hai lighter offered at $9.99 and it goes unsold, the next week another goes for $135. To get eBay prices you have to sell in the eBay market, not outside of it. Also consider that the only way one is going to get high eBay prices is to release them slowly, which would take several months. This is effectively a wholesale offer so I don't think the seller can reasonably expect to get high, eBay market pricing. I would offer somewhere between $5 - $7 per mug for the whole lot.

LOL Tiki posted on 10/05/2007

On 2007-10-04 17:48, Psycho Tiki D wrote:
From what I can tell and I have most of these is they are all from the Stockon Islander. Lodi is in between Sacramento and Stockton and aside from the mugs from Harvey's in Lake Tahoe and Trader Dicks in Reno, these would be the next most common mugs found in the area. Although it uncommon to see this many together from an estate, if a local frequented the Islander it is not surprising.

Quite true. I grew up south of Stockton; as a kid I used to see these mugs all the time in various neighbors' homes - common as Coke bottles back then.

[ Edited by: LOL Tiki 2007-10-09 22:35 ]

Tikinomad posted on 10/05/2007

A fellow from jersey could only hope to have these finds be "common" place........ha ha!

Unga Bunga posted on 10/05/2007


tikicleen posted on 10/05/2007

bamboo mugs average out at 15 bucks??! where the hell was i when that happened?

and i think we can all declare that the estate that held all these esteemed mugs must have been some really drunk, yet happening people.

congrats to my friend on the east coast who scored the bumatay!

Tiki-Kate posted on 10/05/2007

On 2007-10-04 22:37, tikicleen wrote:
bamboo mugs average out at 15 bucks??! where the hell was i when that happened?

Sorry cleen. When I put those numbers together I had no pricing history on the bamboo mugs. Just took a blind stab.

bigbrotiki posted on 10/05/2007

IF indeed it can be corroborated that this collection was amassed through the ancient traditional custom of actually DRINKING from these vessels, we would have a rare historic treasure here, representing the original arch-form of Tiki mug collecting!

One could trace the original owner's cocktail likes and dislikes (bet the Bumatay served a Dr. Funk) by comparing the mugs to the original menu, and retell a very personal history of an original Polynesian pop participant.

Who here is in contact with the seller? He would be more inclined to bother sharing any info about it with the buyer. This hoard is only Tiki-historically significant as long as it is not broken up.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 10/05/2007

that's alot of stolen tiki mugs for one drinking career!! someone was a frequent flyer at the islander.....

Unga Bunga posted on 05/01/2010

Did a TCer end up buying this?

LOL Tiki posted on 05/01/2010

On 2010-05-01 13:36, Unga Bunga wrote:
Did a TCer end up buying this?

I contacted him several times but he wasn't very good about responding. At the time I was looking to get two of each, not the whole lot; in hindsight, I wish I had picked up the lot. He ended up listing many (possibly all) of the items on eBay.

Beachbumz posted on 05/02/2010

Considering the last two Bumatay's fetched over $500- each.. $700- would have been more than fair..
I like those bamboo styles..

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abstractiki posted on 05/02/2010

I read this thread last fall and also read about this collection on another Tiki website. I called after finding the name in a local directory and talked to Patricia Fyfe. She was Boyds wife and she told me he has passed away. Patricia said that she had only four mugs left and i asked her to describe them and what she had left was bucket mugs. I asked her what she wanted for them and it was 25.00 or 30.00 each so i told her no thanks.

She told me the other mugs were sold but she didn't say how and i never thought to ask.

[ Edited by: abstractiki 2010-05-01 21:01 ]

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