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Crazed Mugs/Haole Kats at the Mai Kai - OCT. 19

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pablus posted on 09/11/2007

Friday, October 19th - The Crazed Mugs will join Haole Kats! for a night of music, merriment and Molokai magic at the magnificent Mai Kai.

It's all aloha.

For those of you who haven't heard Hot Lava's hit song "Rum Barrel" - this is your chance.
We'll be doing a set of originals - twice. Some of our other new tunes include "Find Forbbiden Island" "Marooned on the Mainland" "The Aloha Song" "Mystery Girl" "Spirits of Okolehao" and "Island People."

We'll be video-taping for a possible DVD and also recording some tunes for the new CD.

AND, Haole Kats! who were kind enough to let us horn in on their gig, (we love playing together), will be swinging the place hard with some Ol Skoo tunes and the loveliest of the Hawai'ian and Hapa Haole hits.

If you don't care to listen, then wear ear plugs and come anyway. The girls, the drinks, the food, the tikis, the atmosphere... did I mention the girls... oh yeah...

Friday, October 19th.
We'll be starting a little earlier than the standard "7pm" and be staying a little later than the standard "dawn."

[ Edited by: pablus 2007-09-11 14:16 ]

[ Edited by: pablus 2007-10-15 18:49 ]

GatorRob posted on 09/11/2007

Yes! We'll be there!!

finkdaddy posted on 09/11/2007

I don't even want to respond to this because it will make me too sad. Oh shit, I just did.

That is sure to be an incredible night. I do hope there is a DVD made. How cool would that be?!?!

Chip and Andy posted on 09/12/2007

Rum Barrel, Rum Barrel, Barrel of Rum!

I'll be the groupie in the front row screaming like it's the Beatles!!


tiki_kiliki posted on 09/12/2007

Very excited Pablus!! Can't wait to see all of you then!!

GatorRob posted on 09/12/2007

On 2007-09-11 17:54, Chip and Andy wrote:
I'll be the groupie in the front row screaming like it's the Beatles!!

Hey, no screaming through the entire song! :) I can't wait to see if they all bow in unison at the end of each song. Or maybe Pablus will smash his ukulele at the end of the set. Oh wait... that wasn't the Beatles.

Chip and Andy posted on 09/12/2007

Joe is Ringo, Pablus is Paul, TJ & Hot Lava is John and Koka Nut & Josh are George. I'm feeling faint already. Can I have a lock of hair?


The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 09/12/2007

What would the chances be for getting this on satellite uplink? I subscribe to the Akashic Network; any chance we can get it on that?


We'll be there Pablus screaming with Chip 'n Andy...pass that barrel please! Can't wait to see everyone there.

weirduncletiki posted on 09/12/2007

Gee whiz, this sounds great! It's an earlier harvest this year so maybe I'll be free to make it out by then. Hope so! Keep up the good work(as it were).

-Weird Unc

pablus posted on 09/12/2007

wine barrel wine barrel barrel o wine

hey that works.

Weird Unc it would be a true delight to strum a few with you.
We know Wiki Wiki Mai and Kanakapila from your CD in the key you play them in and I'm sure you know many of the tunes we do as well. So bring that wine-stained uke of yours if you happen to make it out.

Loki posted on 09/13/2007

Count on us to be there, and if your lucky, Stump will scream for ya :wink:

Digitiki posted on 09/13/2007

I wish I could be there! Good luck guys!

alohacurrent posted on 09/14/2007

So many exceptional musicians on this board. Hope the nights mana is captured on dvd, or cd or both. Here's to a memorable night.

Raffertiki posted on 09/15/2007

Sounds like another great roadtrip! But can I pull it off?

pablus posted on 09/15/2007


Raffertiki posted on 10/11/2007

Recent events have conspired against me. I definately can't make this one. But it sure do sound like fun!

pablus posted on 10/12/2007

Sorry you won't be there.
Missed you at Hukilau.

We're actually doing the gig without the DVD shoot on the 19th.
Since the Mai Kai is undergoing renewal currently, we felt shooting around certain things, like the giant AC unit in the Molokai would diminish the experience for the viewers and mainly listeners.

So we're still going to Kanakapila like crazy men on the 19th. Six pieces with no pressure and a lot of new material.

We'll record it later this year or early next, whenever the rebuilding is complete.

I can't wait to get down there.
Only a few more days.

I'm in Cleveland right now in a cold rain and I don't like it.

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/12/2007

Giant AC unit in the Molokai? Who told you this?

Too bad - press release went out to local media regarding the recording...

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 10/12/2007

What about doing an audio recording instead? That solves the visuals problem, and won't deprive the rest of us who want something out of this, and won't disappoint those who come expecting to see a lot of equipment around you as you perform, as promised in the press!

Haole Kat posted on 10/12/2007

The AC unit is a large portable unit in the same area where the band plays. It does make the room much more comfortable - but it's LOUD - the continuous Ab at about 50 decibels isn't exactly "performance-friendly". It makes recording impossible. Unfortunately, Kern was unable to say with any certainty if it would be gone by next Friday, so we have no choice but to postpone the recording.

We'll still make a joyous noise (slightly louder than the ac) with the Mugs and have a great time. Hope to see a bunch of familiar faces out there!


Chip and Andy posted on 10/12/2007

On 2007-10-12 09:16, Haole Kat wrote:
... the continuous Ab at about 50 decibels isn't exactly "performance-friendly". ...

Isn't that why the amps go to 11?

Haole Kat posted on 10/12/2007

"Why don't you just make 10 louder?"

"This one goes to 11...."

pablus posted on 10/12/2007

There will still be more equipment than that place should hold.
I could bring a recorder and drop a line out of the PA. Probably will.
May get something awesome.

Also a small camera - which I was planning on bringing anyway.

But a shoot like the ones I'm used to doing, which are label-sponsored DVDs of performances, need everything tight and this set up wasn't ready for the big guns to come in from NYC, LA and Tampa where I will be flying in the shooters from.

Including our own Sneakyjack!

We can still talk about the CD should anyone ask because our part is fairly stable at this point. It will be worth waiting for another opportunity which will come fairly soon. If nothing else, we'll go in the winter when they don't need the AC.

Last time I was there I was soaked with sweat by the time I left and all I was doing then was sipping frosty tropical cocktails. If I play there with no atmospheric enhancement I might flood the place. Wouldn't be pretty video by the 5th song. And with the AC it won't be pretty sounding audio from the 1st song.

So we called it.

GatorRob posted on 10/12/2007

Giant portable AC in the Molokai? Hmmmm. Or I should say wooooooooossssshhhhhhhhh. I'd prefer sarong-clad maidens fanning us with palm fronds.

"Why don't you just make 10 louder?"

"This one goes to 11...."

I'm not going unless the Kats emerge from giant coconuts!

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/12/2007

The AC unit has been removed for several days - just wanted to let everyone know.

Looking forward to seeing everyone next weekend!

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Kanekila posted on 10/13/2007

Too bad they didn't let us know that the giant AC box would defintely be gone. It was literally impossible to pull of the multi-camera recording DVD to the quality level Pablus wanted to do it with that thing in there (both with the noise and taking up all that space, which is in short supply anyway).

On the up-side however, repairs are being effected, and the Mai-Kai will be restored to its former glory to provide the perfect backdrop to our Major Motion Picture, of which you will all be cast members.


Plus we'll be cooler without all the noise. And as Pablus says, maybe we can at least get a feed to do a simple audio recording.

In any event, those who can, come out to the Mai-Kai this Friday night the 19th, hear several great new Crazed Mugs tunes, get a lock of TJ and Josh's hair, and provide your lusty vocal reinforcement to The Rum Barrel Song.


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sneakyjack posted on 10/13/2007

Yep wish it could have worked out for the shoot. I'm still in - And I think you should still shoot it one camera on tripod just to get a feel for the room its self on camera and as a simple reference - could even pick a song and post it as is to youtube or something.

I hope to make it for the next "real" try. If anything changes let me know there's lots of airports around here.

Stay Crazed.

I heard the AC unit is gone might be too tight for all the players to get down there...
Have fun either way!

Haole Kat posted on 10/13/2007

The Mai Kai called me and has asked that I make sure everyone here knows the AC is now gone. They were waiting on parts that have come in and the house ac is up and running.

See y'all at the Molokai next week - in air-conditioned comfort!

Raffertiki posted on 10/13/2007

If you haven't heard the Crazed Mugs tune, "Marooned on the Mainland" it's freaking awesome. A new standard in exotica.

pablus posted on 10/16/2007

Well, fudge.
We could have done it anyway.

Oh well, we called and the reply we got was silence. So we had to go with the most recent experience of the Kats as they were just down there last month.

We'll pop a camera there and maybe try to grab the Rum Barrel song for TikiTube.

This is gonna be fun.

Chip and Andy posted on 10/21/2007

Here are a few photos from the evening, will post more later.....


Praying to the Barrel of Rum Gods...
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And the look on HotLava's face is priceless!
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Link Fixed. Thanks Pablus.

[ Edited by: chip and andy 2007-10-21 08:03 ]

pablus posted on 10/21/2007

What a blast.
Of rum, tikis and music.

Finkdaddy was representing hard this night, everyone was wearing one.
I WON mine though. So there.

The place was packed, very encouraging.

I like when Dave Levy comes down to the front and buys a round of rum barrels for da boyz.
That's the golden ticket.

We got some video I need to go through to see if anything is decent enough to post.

Zinthia can play that uke and sing and look prime while doing it. Sign her up!

Hot Lava need a GPS for Christmas.

Haole Kats! are dreamy.

Hot Lava made up a bunch of Mai Kai drink checklists to hand out.
I just dipped it in black ink and had at it.

btw, Chip I think the link is broke - should be


HL Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9437b3479e96562910bd359b5450a80c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Hot Lava posted on 10/22/2007

I swear I was only checking out her Rum Barrels!

That was a fun night -- and I even remember parts of it.

Thank you to everyone who introduced yourself to me. There's a bunch of you that I've seen at Hukilau and other events but was never able to put a face to a name. It was great to meet you all!

GatorRob posted on 10/22/2007

A BIG mahalo goes out to Josh, TJ, Joe, pablus, Koka Nut and Hot Lava for some fantastic tunes Friday night! Oh, and Zinthia. Sign her up boys and all your gigs are guaranteed to be packed! Where did THAT come from?! And I got it on video, hehe.

Wish we could have stayed later, but I had a large contingent of my family there for two nights at the Mai-Kai and they were understandably tired after about 10 hours on the road. But not too tired for Pia to pull a couple of the young impressionable ones up on the dance floor. Blondes have all the fun.

Kern was his usual gracious, albeit very busy, self as he took the time to meet all of my family and share stories of horseback riding in Montana, which, by the way, is a LONG way from the Mai-Kai. Maybe he planted the seeds of a Mai-Kai Dude Ranch while he was there.

Will, it was great to meet you in person and to have time to talk about the "painted tikis". Although I did get a bit of burn on my back from having my back against the ropes for much of the conversation (kidding). Seriously, I'm thrilled to meet someone who has so much passion for the place and for what they do. But I did wish Sven was there with a more eloquent comeback when you made that "So what's wrong with devolution anyway?" comment. :)

Alohastation, it was great meeting you. My apologies for leaving the conversation at the bar. I was beginning to lose my voice having to scream over all that noise, er uh, I mean, the lovely sounds of the band. We must talk more again some time when I can actually hear what you're saying.

Elizabeth has one helluva scream. I almost dropped my camera. And Chris was in disguise. Must be a CIA informant.

Chip and Andy are good dancers. And Kiliki, good luck with the salon opening!

Liz, where were you?

Saturday night with the family was much quieter, since all the crazies were gone. I toured them through the whole place. They couldn't get over how BIG the place is. Neither can I. Kern had them seated so close to the stage, they got covered in dancer sweat. And my Dad got Mystery Girl-ed. That was the highlight of the weekend for me. He had no idea what was coming. Nor exactly how to act once it did come. Pure magic.

My family left after two nights at the Mai-Kai and said "So THAT'S why you like this place so much!" Mission accomplished.

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