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Defunct Polynesian Restaurant in Queens - Any Info?

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Tiki Chris posted on 05/25/2004

A long-time resident of Jackson Heights, Queens was at my house this weekend & was intrigued by my collection of mugs, etc.

He said they reminded him of a restaurant he used to go to called "DRAGON SEED." Maybe it was on Roosevelt Avenue?

Does anybody know about or have any pics, artefacts from this place?

Thanks in advance,
Tiki Chris

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 05/26/2004


I've got a matchbook from the Dragon Seed with a nice tiki on the cover. I'll post a photo tomorrow. Here's the info on the matchbook:

DRAGON SEED RESTAURANT. LUAU HUT. 86-02 37TH Ave., Jackson Heights, N.Y. "Exotic Chinese and Polynesian Dining. Cocktail Lounge. Polynesian Drinks and Puu Puu Tray. Chinese Gourmet Dishes. House Dinners."


Tiki Chris posted on 05/26/2004

thanks sabu! can't wait to see the pic!

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 05/26/2004

Here are the photos of the matchbook:

Looks very interesting. I would have liked to have seen the interior, and wonder if they had any marked mugs.

Does anyone else have any memorabilia or memories of this place?


Tiki Chris posted on 05/26/2004

the tiki on the matchbook looks like tikis in nj places like chan's, lee's, lun wah:

i would be very interested in any info about the carvings seen in nj polynesian restaurants (& the artists/manufacturers who created them).

thanks again sabu!

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2004-05-26 10:03 ]

suburbanpagan posted on 05/26/2004

Hey Tiki Chris, have you recieved your candle and soap yet? You should have by now.......I sent it over a week ago. I can't wait to see mine!

freddiefreelance posted on 05/26/2004

What years are we talking about here? My Dad grew up in Jackson Heights, as did his Dad (My Great, Great Gran'father designed & built St. Pascal Babylon Grade School, & had something to do with the church, too), if we're talking any time up to the early '60s I can ask my Dad.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 05/26/2004


Your right - It definitely looks like the Chinese/Polynesian restaurants in that area had their own style in regards to the painted tiki masks with the big nostrils. Does anyone else know if those painted masks show up in other Chinese restaurants outside of NY/NJ? Does it seem plausible that they all had the same supplier of decor?


Tiki Chris posted on 05/26/2004

On 2004-05-26 10:19, suburbanpagan wrote:
Hey Tiki Chris, have you recieved your candle and soap yet? You should have by now.......I sent it over a week ago. I can't wait to see mine!

nope. strange - that you haven't received mine yet either. oh well ... i'll definitely let you know when they show up!

bigbrotiki posted on 05/26/2004

On 2004-05-26 11:49, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:

Does anyone else know if those painted masks show up in other Chinese restaurants outside of NY/NJ? Does it seem plausible that they all had the same supplier of decor?


This place was right around the corner of the last location of Orchids of Hawaii. As I wrote in the threads on several Chinese Tiki joints in "Locating Tiki", and in the "Honululu" thread:

These kind of Tiki masks and poles were standard Orchids of Hawaii issue, offered in their catalogue with tons of other Chinese decor, and made into the early 90s. They got more colorful and cheaper looking as the Tiki devolution of the 80s progressed. I don't know when the Dragon Seed opened, but it seems likely that it was the late 70s or even 80s.

suburbanpagan posted on 05/27/2004


tumishell posted on 06/09/2005

The Dragon Seed was and always will be a Jackson Heights legend. I remember ordering the puupuu platter and the drinks in those over-sized glasses that came in the shape of pineapples, tikis, etc. Always garnished with fruit and a little umbrella. I had my first "drink" there as a teen. The place closed down about 15-20 years ago and the space is now a Colombian chicken place. Funny thing is that there are still 2 tiki carvings at the entrance of the restaurant and I always wonder what people must think as they walk in there. Anyway, I live around the corner from it and it always brings back good memories.

Tiki Chris posted on 06/09/2005

wow! what a great first post! welcome to tiki central. hopefully, we can meet up somewhere in the ny/nj area for some tiki fun some time soon.

thanks for the info about dragon seed. don't have a pic of the 2 remaining carvings do you?

tiki chris

Jamietodd posted on 10/08/2007

hey tiki people, i was futzing around the internet and decided to google dragon seed for no reason at all, it was my grandfathers restaurant and stayed in the family for years after his involvement. My grandfather and owner of the restaurant was "jimmy", he was often behind the bar. it was a very famous restaurant, during its hay day i was not around however there are many pictures of the restaurant and the famous people who dined out- there. One pic in particular i remember was my grandfather and to his left was the chief of police,commissioner.. and too his right was the mob. My grandfather was an innovator and althought at one point had more money then a tiki god he died with little as he new how to enjoy his money. thanks for remembering. Jamie Todd Eng when i get a new camera i can post some pics

donhonyc posted on 10/09/2007

Wow, wish that place was still there. Seems like it was probably cool. Well, there's always the other old Chinese/Tiki place in Queens, King-Yum. Still there.

inkylouise posted on 10/15/2007

I had my 28th birhtday party there....oh it was great! i always fantasized that it is the infamous good fella's restaurant without the fire. if i remember the columbian chicken place left the booth huts there too.

I have to have pictures of that somewhere...i must find those poloriods!

James_Elliot posted on 09/08/2009

My wife and I used to go to Dragon Seed 1984-1987 when we lived around the corner. I loved the place and the Tiki atmosphere. Dragon Seed and Luigi's on 37th also were our main places. It was one or the other on Friday or Saturday. Sorry to hear it closed. I thought about it tonight because Anthony Bourdain went to a Tiki restaurant on Staten Island on his No Reservations show and that revived memories of the great Dragon Seed.

inkylouise posted on 09/15/2009

On 2009-09-07 20:15, James_Elliot wrote:
My wife and I used to go to Dragon Seed 1984-1987 when we lived around the corner. I loved the place and the Tiki atmosphere. Dragon Seed and Luigi's on 37th also were our main places. It was one or the other on Friday or Saturday. Sorry to hear it closed. I thought about it tonight because Anthony Bourdain went to a Tiki restaurant on Staten Island on his No Reservations show and that revived memories of the great Dragon Seed.

did you also go to the place across the street that was called I think "the cavelier"?

That place had the best ceiling and Manhattans. I supposed I noticed the ceiling so much cause I was on the floor from the cocktails!

leisure master posted on 03/23/2010

Mystery solved!

A story today discusses a fully intact NYC polynesian restaurant that serves Columbian food and fried chicken....

I'm not an alcoholic, I'm an enthusiast.

[ Edited by: leisure master 2010-03-23 09:05 ]

Dustycajun posted on 02/02/2012

The author of the Lost City blog found the facebook page of the Dragon Seed owner, George Bow, that has some great old photos and ephemera.

A postcard showing the Tiki phase.

A drink menu with some saucy names.

I have seed that Hula girl before, any guesses?

The wine list and matchbook with a Luau Hut bar (borrowed form the Washington DC location no doubt).

Some old family photos of the bar and restaurant.

An old black and white photo of the bar with the Tiki.

A newer photo showing some signs of Tiki-Devolution.

A cool old place that was around for a long time.


bigbrotiki posted on 02/02/2012

Love the authenticity of these family album snapshots. It's possible that this thread originally inspired the grandson to put up Facebook page, how cool! So...besides the exterior, is the interior also still intact, despite its new owners? What a well-hidden secret that would make it!

Dig the Pre-Tiki look from 1949, way before it was tikified Orchids-of-Hawaii style:

And the back wall and the front of the bar, that mosaic treatment is terrific!:

Here's that Moai in the Orchids catalog:

GatorRob posted on 02/03/2012

Not sure how "intact" it is. There's bamboo at least. Sort of a Columbian Hooters.

bongofury posted on 02/03/2012

Nice detective work! I want an Aloha Orgy.....

bigbrotiki posted on 02/03/2012

Cool. Well, supposedly installations like the waterfall are still intact, also. But we won't know the extent of it until we send an urban archeology team out to photograph the site. Who's going?

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