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Bigtikidude to go to Bay area 10-20 and 10-21

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bigtikidude posted on 09/26/2007

Ok so I am finally gonna take the plunge,
I'm flying in early Sat. Morning.
I wanna hit Trader Vics Emmeryville,(noonish)
and Forbidden Island(evening/night) for sure.
Sun we are going to go to the
Hotel Utah 4th and Bryant in S.F.
to see a 3 band surf show at 2 or 3 pm.
Pollo Del Mar doing a all Morricone (spaghetti western songs)set.
The Tomorrow Men, (new band kinda like Man or Astroman)
and Sacramento's Pyronauts.
hope some Nor. Cal. folks will come out to meet up with us,
but especially would be cool to see some of you tiki folks at the
surf show on Sun.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2007-10-15 11:05 ]

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Haole'akamai posted on 09/26/2007

It's about damn time!! ;P

So cool! I'm working on Saturday, so I'll be sure to see you.


bigtikidude posted on 09/26/2007

ha ha ha I knew you'd be the 1st to reply,
Great to hear you'll be there.
get the Navy Grog, Zombie and whatever else is your specialty ready.

you guys open at 6pm on Sats. right?


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2007-09-26 09:45 ]

bigtikidude posted on 09/28/2007

if I do make it up on the Fri nite,
besides FI and TV's what is must see?


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WooHooWahine posted on 09/28/2007

*The Kona Club
*The Conga Lounge
*The Tonga Room

bigtikidude posted on 09/28/2007

thats what I figured,


bigtikidude posted on 10/09/2007

I'm needing some travel partners if this is to happen.
all my friends that were gonna go flaked out on me.

PM or e-mail me if interested in going to Nor. Cal.
Leave Fri. evening, or early Sat.
come back Sun. Evening or Monday, what ever you need.


bigtikidude posted on 10/13/2007

ok I booked my tix last night,
waited too long, its cosing me a bit more than I wanted.

but here is a e-mail I sent to some Nor. Cal. friends,
of a sort of schedulle of what I am planning on doing while up there.
hope to see/meet some of you.

I've been itchin' to get
back up to the Bay area for awhile now.

I am flying in Sat morning,
planning on Trader Vics in Emmeryville at noonish.

then Bill of the Lava Rats said there is a great New
Zealand food place in Alameda near Forbidden Island
that has Killer Burgers, So well probably go
there at 4 ish.
Then Forbidden Island bar on Alameda from 6
pmish to 10 or 11 pm ish.

Sun. There is going to be a meet up of some of the
surf fans at a mexican food joint, at noonish,
look here for the final vote on where it will be:
multi page thread:

Then the Hotel Utah show, Sun at 3pm, 4th and
Bryant, Pasta Del Mar, Pollo side project doing an
all spaghetti western set, Newer band the Tomorrow
men, and the Pyronauts from Sacramento.

then I fly out at 10 pm ish on Sun nite.
maybe be up for 1 more tiki bar on the way to the
airport, but real quick, can't miss flight.

hope some of you will come out to see me, its been a
few years since I have been up to the Bay area.

if anyone needs to call me about where or when
stuff is happening, call me
714-931-9809 cell,

bigtikidude posted on 10/18/2007


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JenTiki posted on 10/18/2007

Okay, I'm probably in for Trader Vic's! Also, that New Zealander place is just two blocks from my apartment, but have I ever been there? The answer would be "no, because I'm a loser." I have wanted to try out their meat pies though, so I might join you there as well. Looking forward to seeing you in our neck of the woods!

bigtikidude posted on 10/19/2007

Can't wait to get up there, I am just bummed I dont have a whole week to see all the cool stuff/places.
time and $$ is limited.

its funny I have been to the bay area for surf shows, but until I joined TC I never knew there was so many cool places.



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Hinano_Paul posted on 10/19/2007


Cannot remember the name of the place, but the New Zealand bar is fantastic, and their food rocks, meat pies rule, and I cannot remember the name of it but the lamb burger with egg is sweeeeetttt!!! Have a great time.

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Hinano_Paul posted on 10/19/2007

Oh and I forgot, if there still there look around there were some pretty cool Maori style carvings.

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CheekyGirl posted on 10/19/2007

We packed in a bunch of things in 3 nights & 4 days back in March...
You can do it BTD! :)

bigtikidude posted on 10/20/2007

Thanks gang,
Paul, The New Zealand place is on the schedulle for dinner right before FI.


bigtikidude posted on 10/23/2007

Thanks to the few that showed up on Sat. at the Various places.
It was a eating and drinking marathon. and I kept thinking I was going to have a heart attack, luckily that didn't happen, but if it did, I would want it to happen at FI.

Need to come back up and spend more time at all the places, and see the ones I missed.


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