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One of my new furniture pieces

Pages: 1 4 replies


So how do you all like it?

Its one of the new pieces that will
be going into our apartment soon.
Im going for a tiki, rockabilly,
north african..off the wall..
no holds bar..ecletic theme with one
continuing design element..palm trees..

Tell me what you think..I spent enough
on it that the damn thing is more like a
work of art..


Very Nice! Can I live with ya'll? I am always impressed by folks who buy furniture. Most of mine has come from the curb. In fact, the only piece I actually bought was a bar from Bamboo Ben!

[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail on 2003-05-13 13:39 ]


On 2003-05-13 09:39, Atomic Cocktail wrote:
I am always impressed by folks who buy furniture. Most of mine has come from the curb. In fact, the only piece I actually bought was a bar from Bamboo Ben!

:lol: With the exception of my Witco and our beds, all my stuff came from thrift stores, garage sales, estate sales, or by the trash somewhere. I am in the middle of painting "the orange room" and was painting some shelves we found with a "GRATIS" sign on them. I was painting away over the mismatched pieces of spare wood and sticking out screws, joking that this piece of crap isn't worth the paint I'm putting on it. It'll be functional though. Now while we're driving around I will yell out "GRATIS!" My friend just rolls his eyes and looks for where he can make the U-turn to haul some crap out of a dumpster! :lol:

Maybe some day, I can afford to buy some real furniture but now, it's out of the question. Congrats!

[ Edited by: Laney on 2003-05-13 15:35 ]


Say it like ya mean it kid, it's VITCO!!!!


Well I had it with all of our hand me downs and mis matched furniture..
Im a married adult now..this is a right of passage getting furniture together..another test of marriage..and we both passed..We love the same things..and can compromise fairly with things we disagree with..
Read: Hell no, do I look like a red neck lumber jack? I am not going to have a table that looks like a pile of chopped logs..LOL

I spent many days helping people spend thousands on my opinion of what would look good together, and convincing them Im not crazy..trust me.. Us Sicilians like to say "Trust me, its taken care of" LOL
You cant just look at this one thing, and judge the entire project on it..
So I finally get to design my own place..and its something I have been wanting to do for ever! When the ball starts rolling, everything falls into place..
I cant wait to show you all the final product, when everything comes together..


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