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TC Clothes Drive & Raffle for Fire Victims @ Sam's, Oct. 28th 4:30 to 7pm

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WooHooWahine posted on 10/23/2007

Aloha TC Ohana ~ The Foothill Fire (in the Eastern Orange County area) has closed two of the elementary schools in my school district, Foothill Ranch Elementary School & Portola Hills Elementary School. Many of these families have been forced to leave their homes and are staying at local hotels and shelters. The school I work at, Del Lago Elementary School, is located between these two schools. Today I am opening up my daycare at Del Lago for these families who have no other option for childcare.
SoccerTiki and I will be collecting clothes at Sam's Seafood on Sunday October 28 from 4:00pm to 7:00pm to take to the local shelters in the Foothill Ranch/Portola Hills area. Clothes are needed for Men, Women, & Children. Mahalo for your Help & Support. If you can help, please PM SoccerTiki or me to let us know what to expect. Mahalo!~WooHooWahine

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2007-10-26 21:26 ]

tiki-tina posted on 10/23/2007

Great idea WooHoo! Whatever y'all need...please let everyone know! Even though we are not in California, our thoughts and prayers are with all of our California Ohana. Please stay safe everyone!! We can always help you rebuild, but we can't replace YOU!!

Lots of love and good thoughts to everyone, tina-marie & boyd

atomikitty posted on 10/23/2007

Adam and I will do our very best to be there with lots of clothes.

It's fantastic to hear of you opening your heart and your daycare to these folks-I can't imagine what they are going through right now.

Way to show the true spirit of ALOHA.



dibroc posted on 10/23/2007

Chris will you be able to to take som stuff tonight? What a wonderful thing for you two to do. thanks . See ya later.

SoccerTiki posted on 10/23/2007

I will be at SAM'S tonight if anyone has some stuff to drop off...

CaliTiki posted on 10/23/2007

Also, The Martini Kings will play this Sunday the 28th 4:30 - 7 pm. So this is a great day to go to Sam's to donate clothes, hear an awesome band and chow down on seafood & Mai Tai's!

dibroc posted on 10/24/2007


paula in MD posted on 10/24/2007

I live in Bethesda, MD yet I want to help. May I mail clothes and shoes to your location? My boyfriend has clothes and shoes as well. Please email a response and an address. God bless you, Paula mariefrances@comcast.net

Ojaitimo posted on 10/25/2007


Is there anything besides clothing and shoes thats needed?

RevBambooBen posted on 10/25/2007

Will be dropping of about 10 pounds.

Some used work stuff

but anything is better than nothing!

martini kings posted on 10/25/2007

mahalo to woohoowahine for organizing the clothes drive for the fire victims.great cause!! drop off some clothes at sams seafood between 4pm and 7pm
sams is at-
16278 south p.c.h. huntington beach, ca. 92649
we(the martini kings) will be playing from 4:30 till 7pm and will try and put out the fires with our cool brand of exotica.
see you there!
to see other martini kings events please visit.....

WooHooWahine posted on 10/25/2007

For those of you who can't make it to Sam's this Sunday here is what you can do to help:

Orange County Red Cross is in need of monetary donations to support their relief efforts. Please visit the Orange County Red Cross at http://www.oc-redcross.org or call 714-431-5300 to donate.

American Red Cross Blood Services is in need of blood donors, to make an appointment, please call 1.800.GIVE.LIFE (1.800.448.3543) or visit http://www.GiveLife.org

Orange County Rescue Mission is accepting all non-perishable donations and gift certificates to restaurants Monday through Friday between the hours of 8am and 6pm Map to Orange County Rescue Mission. They are also asking groups to organize canned food drives, for more information please visit http://www.operationoc.org

Community Action Partnership is accepting food donations and personal items such as diapers, shampoo, soap etc. for the fire victims. They are located at 12640 Knott St., Garden Grove 92841 and open between the hours of 8am and 5pm.

Second Harvest Food Bank is accepting non-perishable food donations. When dropping items off please let them know it is for fire relief. They are located at 426-A West Almond, Orange 92866 and open between the hours of 8am and 4pm.

Blenheim Farms in San Juan Capistrano is housing large animals and is in need of large tubs to give water to livestock and horses, food and water for volunteers, pitch forks, large bags of carrots, duct tape and black markers. They are located at Ortega and La Pata in San Juan Capistrano if you have any questions please call Charlene at 949-443-1841.

Giving Children Hope/Global Operations and Development is distributing aid to fire victims and asking people to donate cots, blankets, hygiene items, diapers, non-perishable food, bottled water, batteries, baby items, baby formula, and sleeping bags. Individuals can come to their distribution center at 8332 Commonwealth Ave in Buena Park to drop off collected items. Additionally, volunteers are packing hygiene kits for distribution. 714-523-4454

Working Wardrobes is accepting clothing donations 714-210-2460 please contact Christine. If you are a fire victim in need of donations please contact Megan or Rose.

Orange County Animal Care Services is housing a large number of evacuated animals and needs items including towels, blankets, small food and water bowls, buckets of cat litter, small litter pans, litter scoopers, dog waste bags, spray bottles, animal crates, animal exercise pens, timothy hay, alfalfa hay, goat food, llama food and hand sanitizer. They are located at 561 The City Drive South, Orange, CA 92868 and are accepting donations from 7am to 11pm. Map to Orange County Animal Care Services

Irvine Animal Care Shelter is housing evacuated animals and is in need of blankets, towels, newspapers and gift cards to Petco or PetSmart 949-724-7741 6443 Oak Canyon Road, Irvine, CA 92618.

Mission Viejo Animal Shelter is housing evacuated animals, they have very limited storage and donations to support medical services would be greatly apreciated. Call 949-470-3045 and please press 0 to speak to the operator.

The Costa Mesa Fire Fighters Association and Council Member Katrina Foley are asking for the following donations to be donated for fire victims: New pajamas for adults and children, toys, toothbrushes, toothpaste, new blankets, towels, pillows gift cards to department and grocery stores. Donations will be accepted through Nov. 4 at the following locations: Lents & Foley, LLP 1600 Dove Street, Suite 101, Newport Beach; Newport Rib Co. 2196 Harbor Blvd.; The LAB 2930 Bristol St.; Office of Mike Schaefer, State Farm Insurance, 1551 Baker St., Suite B; Boys & Girls Club Lou Yantorn Branch; 2131 Tustin Ave.; Costa Mesa City Hall Lobby 77 Fair Dr.; Costa Mesa Senior Center 695 West 19th St.; Sonora Elementary 955 Sonora Rd., and Costa Mesa High School 2650 Fairview Rd. Donations will also be accepted at the Fire Fighters Charity Golf Tournament on Monday Oct. 29 at the Mesa Verde Country Club.

SoccerTiki posted on 10/26/2007

They, the shelters, are also in need of STUFFED ANIMALS for the kiddies! If you have a new or newer stuffed animal, please bring it! I'll bring a couple extra bags for them! I went to the drop-off/distribution center today and they are getting ready for some tall orders for Orange and San Diego Counties. They work directly with the shelters and the Red Cross and get requests for "x" numbers of men's, women's and children's clothes, etc. Toiletries are also big on the needs lists... New toiletries LLT!!! :wink: Thanks again to those that donated already and a Big MAHALO in advance to those who will on Sunday!

Ojaitimo posted on 10/26/2007

Woo Hoo and Soccer Tiki, thank you for all you are doing for the victims. I don't think that people realize the scope of this disaster. Almost 2,000 homes have been destroyed so far and who knows how many dead. 900,000 people evacuated from San Diego County alone. This is the biggest disaster in California history according to the govenors office. I'll try to be at Sam's this Sunday.

GiantRobotTiki posted on 10/26/2007

It's really great to see all this outpouring of support and goodwill for your fellow Californians. I've been involved in more food and clothing drives than I care to remember already. But it's all good. Great going you guys!

Hinano_Paul posted on 10/26/2007

ST and WooHoo,

Aloha from the Buckeye state!

Mrs. Lurker and I are flying back tomorrow and plan on Sams, We'll try to dig up some stuff but I might get called in to work.

WooHooWahine posted on 10/26/2007

Mucho Mahalos to Tiki-Dogg & Mrs., Surfer Tiki, & Monkey Girl for their donations :) My car is packed with 6 Gigantic Bags of Clothes. :) WooHoo!

SoccerTiki posted on 10/27/2007

WoooHoooOOOOOoooo! Just to add to the excitement of the afternoon....We'll be doing a raffle to benefit the charity Working Wardrobes. I have been to their location and am very impressed with their organization and their commitment to help the fire victims. Raffle tickets will be $2 a piece or 12 for $20.

Here are a few items that will be in the raffle:

1 Oceanic Arts 50th anniversary Mug-signed by Bob and Leroy! Priceless!

2 Tiki Mugs by GoTiki: Duncan Mold (1967) ceramist Glaze GoGo, Vintage 1967 Re-Pop of an old vintage Westwood favorite. Hand signed. Brown & Turquoise. Collector's Dream!

1 Very cool Little Lost Tiki painting! Uncle Four Eyes 5x7 Original!

1 Set of Four Tiki Farm Don Ho "Suck 'Em Up" Rocks Glasses. WooHoooo!

1 Vintage Shriner Mug singed by "KRAL" Wow!

1 Discontinued Tiki Pendant Shot Glass

If you have anything you would like to donate for our raffle please PM me ASAP.
Mahalo! ~ SoccerTiki

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2007-10-26 21:45 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 10/27/2007

This just in! Bamboo Ben has just donated an original treasure to the raffle! It's a surprise until 4pm Sunday! More to follow???

Hiphipahula posted on 10/27/2007

Fantastic! I will be there for sure & I know we all want to do what we can to help out. Great to see all the good hearts & souls here in TC kickin' it forward for others. :)

dibroc posted on 10/27/2007

Chris you are the best ! I will have a couple of things to add to your list of prizes.

SoccerTiki posted on 10/28/2007

WOW!!! We just got SHAG to sign a "My first Cocktail" lunchbox tonight at his Laguna Beach Art Museum show (that opens tomoroow!)!!! (Except it won't say "to Karen") Thanks Holden!!! And Thanks SHAG!!!
What a cool prize!

martini kings posted on 10/28/2007

bumpidy bump

LOL Tiki posted on 10/28/2007

How can we go about purchasing raffle tickets?

LOL Tiki!

[ Edited by: LOL Tiki 2007-10-28 10:27 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 10/28/2007

On 2007-10-28 10:22, LOL Tiki wrote:
How can we go about purchasing raffle tickets?

We will be selling them at SAM'S starting at 4pm. We will be drawing for the raffle prizes during the Martini Kings' breaks.

SoccerTiki posted on 10/28/2007

WooooHooooOOOoooo again!!! MORE prizes added!!!
*a cool kirby pendant,
*a signed (by Sven) copy of Tiki Style,
*a couple of TF Mugs.
Generously donated by Dibroc and Paula!!! Mucho Mahaloz!

TIKI-RAY posted on 10/28/2007

Well , I got 2 big bags of clothes and a "King of the Angry Monkeys " carving to donate to the raffle . It should be a great time . As far as the winds and the fire , everyone here is complaining about the ash , the allergies from the smoke , our cars are dirty , I had to rebuild my four days of setting up for Halloween etc. This is nothing compared to the devastation others have endured . Please get off your collective asses and donate . We came up with a lot in 10 minutes of actually doing it . See ya there , Ray

crazy al posted on 10/28/2007

i hope this is as much fun and raises as much cash for the fire victims as the Great APE Monkey mug fundraiser we did for Catrina....... Tiki Folks Rock!!!!

see ya there!!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/29/2007

Shit Loads of cloths!

We packed it in real tight!

Good cause!

All good!

Nice seeing everyone there!

SoccerTiki posted on 10/29/2007

Yeah! What Ben Said! What a great time and a great outpouring of support for the victims of the recent fires! Mucho Mahaloz to everyone who brought clothes! I have nearly 60 large bags in my Expedition! It is literally packed to the hilt! Really! Just look!

WooHoo almost had to ride on the roof home!!!

And another BIG MAHALO to all those who donated items for the raffle!
Listed in no particular order: Hinano Paul, Tiki Ray, Crazy Al, Dibroc, Bamboo Ben, Little Lost Tiki & the Martini Kings.
Some of the Swag:

Thank you Crazy Al for MC'ing the raffle and a big round of applause to the Martini King for the Fantastic Entertainment!

WooHooWahine posted on 10/29/2007

WooHoo! Mucho Mahalos to everyone from TC for going out of their way to round up donations for The TC Fire Victims Clothes Drive. The SoccerTiki Mobile was packed with clothes. The raffle was a huge success too. We raised over $300 for The Red Cross Fire Victims Fund. Your donations will be very much appreciated. Mahalo :) ~ WooHooWahine

Ojaitimo posted on 10/29/2007

I headed to Sam's after work and got there just before 7pm.

Soccer Tiki helped me cram a few more bags of clothes into their already overloaded truck and I thought he was kidding when he said, " I may not have room" He wasn't kidding.

Great job pulling all this together Soccer Tiki and Woo Hoo Wahine, and in such a cool place with great music. I hope you plan more events like this one.

The Martini Kings sounded great and they really had the house rocking with that driving drumming. That was cool Martini Kings, thanks.

It was such a relief to see a place like Sam's after the shock of the images of the new Las Vegas Trader Vic's.
It's nice knowing that places like this still exist in the world.
Last night when I walked around the open and closed rooms at Sam's, I thought to myself, "Yep, this is what its all about."
I got the same vibe at the old BH Trader Vic's that I was getting here. Dark, romantic and exciting. It has that tiki palace feel to me The dark closed banquet rooms held more surprises and there are outdoor areas I can explore next time.
I was surprised at how cool this place is. If they would just shake their Mai Tai and clean some paint off of a few of the tiki, it would be perfect IMHO. (OK, maybe not so humble)

Notice the waterfall in the upper right. The video was projected onto the waterfall. Pretty Cool Sam's

So who won what at the raffle and who got the Suck Em Up Don Ho glasses?

Life is a state of mind

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-10-29 19:12 ]

Tikitatt posted on 10/29/2007

Here's some photo's we took at Sam's Seafood.

Tikitatt posted on 10/29/2007

GO TIKI posted on 10/31/2007

Dani and I had a Great time at the event, Helping those who are in need, Way to Go! Californians helping Californians, Thanks to SoccerTiki and WoohooWahine!

The Martini Kings where awesome!

I was thrilled SoccerTiki asked me to donate a couple of mugs and pendants for the cause.

Again Great Job! Everyone Mahalo Gogo

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