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Which Gilligan's is the most Tiki?

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I've just gotten the complete series of Gilligan's Island on DVD and want to make a tape for the bars featuring 2 or 3 episodes.

Without watching all 72+ episodes first, does anyone know which episodes are the most "tiki"? or at east the best of the bunch?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Conga Mike,

The only "true" tiki episode is episode 10. Some "tiki" themed episodes might include the following episodes:

#37-Native Girl
#48-British Rock band "The Mosquitos".
#94-Slave Girl

Check out the website http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGkkSLvx9H7LQAHYtXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTFhcjZnbjFvBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA01BUDAxMl85NgRsA1dTMQ--/SIG=11tlidc32/EXP=1193349387/**http%3a//www.gilligansisle.com/episode.html

It pretty much covers them all!


I can't find it on the list but which episode is the one where a carved head on a Totem Pole looks like Gilligan?

Episode #91-High Man on the Totem Pole!


And no, no, no, no, no....!

Jimmy Buffet was never, ever, ever on Gilligan's Island (just in case anyone would like to claim that "Jimmy Buffet is a Gilligan's Island Lover"). :P


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2007-10-24 15:51 ]


Don't know the name of the episode, but it is the one where Don Rickles guest stars as a theif who kidenaps Ginger, Mary Ann and Mrs. Howell. In one of the scenes the Howells have to put the ransom money in the mouth of a huge tiki.

The other episode is "Voodoo Something" one of the first episodes. The Skipper finds Kons--the God of Evil, which is a small tiki. The professor actually says "..why, it looks like one of those ancient tiki gods."

Cool!! Tape's done and it's looking good.
Thanks for the info.

Stylistically Gilligan's, while definitely a Tiki zeitgeist product, was more "Beachcomber"-style (or Castaway-style) than Tiki.
I always thought the episode with Kona was called "Waiting for Watubi". Here's Kona:

There was a Voodoo episode where THIS cool lava idol played a part:

..but it was painted GOLD ! :(

Cammo posted on Thu, Oct 25, 2007 4:17 AM

Call it whatever you want, but Mr. Howell stalks around for pretty much the whole series with a HUGE bamboo-mug drink glued to his hand, and him and the Mrs. sleep under a real tapa print blanket! Check out the abalone shell candle holders in their hut, too; very classy.

Plenty of Tikis, angry natives, volcano action, nautical details, huts, flowers, and luaus all over the show. Sherwood Schwartz was very aware of the Poly-Pop movement and wanted to do something in the style.

The Waiting for Watubi episode is notorious for finally showing us what Mary Ann's belly button looks like (great) when she and Ginger wear the grass skirts at the end. And Ginger shoves a big diamond into hers, just to grab your attention (more). They're both sexy as heck, and still real curvy in the first season - but unfortunately Black and White!

On 2007-10-25 04:17, Cammo wrote:
Call it whatever you want, but Mr. Howell stalks around for pretty much the whole series with a HUGE bamboo-mug drink glued to his hand...

Not a Tiki mug, though. The TYPSY factor of the show was kind of low, considering the many episodes they filmed. Of course this was dictated by the concept, as castaways they could not surround themselves with fanciful native carvings, the gag was that everything had to be self-made. And their island was generic tropical, not Polynesian...again part of the concept of it being uncharted. If someone would ask me what Tiki Style was, I would not name Gilligan's Island as a prime example. It was generally informed and inspired by the Polynesian pop life style, and in turn contributed to it, but Tiki style is marked by the use of the Tiki as a primary icon in favor of other tropical cliches. Similarily, Hawaiian Eye was Tiki, Hawaii 5-0 was not.


Big Bro, you are definately right. The episode is "Waiting for Watubi" and that definately is the statue. Do you happen to know if that is THE statue used in the show? It certainly looks like it.

It is also true that Gilligan's Island was suprisingly low on the true tiki factor.

Just a side note: There is an episode where an island witch doctor controls everyone by making little dolls of them. In one scene the Professor is looking at the acient artifacts in a cave and proclaims they are "examples of early Maya workmanship." That has always struck me as hilarious since the Maya didn't inhabit Polynesian islands.

Although Gilligan's Island my not be high on the Tiki factor, it was part of my research that brought me here.

Long story short, well hopefully. Being a TV/Movie prop collector, I found out that the show used Trader Vics and Stockton Islander coconut mugs for their beverages. So, from there I went searching for the mugs, and ended up with more than just coconut mugs, I was bit by the mug collecting, tiki-loving, drink-wanting fever. Which then brought to here, looking for more answers, and gave me a place to hang out.

Well, that's it little buddies. Oh one more thing, here's a pic of Gilligan and The Skipper from a Halloween party.



On 2007-10-24 16:17, Digitiki wrote:
Don't know the name of the episode, but it is the one where Don Rickles guest stars as a theif who kidenaps Ginger, Mary Ann and Mrs. Howell. In one of the scenes the Howells have to put the ransom money in the mouth of a huge tiki.

Here are the stills

and doesn't it seem that every native who visited the island was a head hunter?

Oceanic Arts supplied material for some of the sets... Maybe Bob could elaborate.


Anyone else experience this:

When I was a kid watching this show
Mrs Howell looked like she was at least a 180 years old.
Watching the show now she doesn't look quite that old :D

I always liked this picture of the castaways. In fact I liked it so much I used it as a X-mas card one year. I'm the lucky Gilligan.

So THIS is the most Tiki-esque Gilligan? Man, how I un-love mash-ups.

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