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Shecky mugs - Sold out

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stuckieshaft posted on 05/14/2003

The shecky mugs are now sold out. Thanks to handfords link I got a wave of emails requesting one. Unfortunatly not all that emailed will be getting one.
Thanks everyone for picking them up. It was fun, if you all want to do it again Im game.

johntiki posted on 05/14/2003

Now we need to compile the registry of Shecky's...I'll post my number tomorrow...I'd be interested in seeing how many are owned by TC members.


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Lanai in exotic Bel Air MD!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2003-05-13 18:04 ]

cynfulcynner posted on 05/14/2003

I'll post my Shecky number as soon as I receive it -- Stuckie told me it shipped today. Whee!


Traderpup posted on 05/14/2003

Trader Pup is the proud owner of Shecky #70!


stuckieshaft posted on 05/14/2003

Ive only got a demo shecky :(

SullTiki posted on 05/14/2003

On 2003-05-13 17:52, stuckieshaft wrote:
if you all want to do it again Im game.

Well what is everyone waiting for? Let's get those mug designs in!

Oh and I have #19

PolynesianPop posted on 05/14/2003

I've got --

Shecky number 15 of 150.
Shag Mondo Tiki (pair) 10 of 300.
House of Tiki 13 of 300.

But they're all broken... :(

**Poly-Pop ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-05-13 19:17 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 05/14/2003

[ Edited by: polynesianpop on 2003-05-16 20:09 ]

Suburban Hipster posted on 05/14/2003

#101 here.

Turbogod posted on 05/14/2003

Numba 79. Damn Pop, you are seriously killin some mugs lately.

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2003-05-13 22:12 ]

Doctor Z posted on 05/14/2003

The Good Doctor checks in with #96!

Luckydesigns posted on 05/14/2003

Lucky number 121 for me.

PJ posted on 05/14/2003

I have No.106

tikifish posted on 05/14/2003

I have #s 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 thanks to Stuckie's graciousness. . Actually, my mom has #3. She's got quite the little tiki mug collection herself now!

DawnTiki posted on 05/14/2003

I have Shecky 105.

Cultjam posted on 05/14/2003


Alnshely posted on 05/14/2003

115, Lisa Lisa sorry we missed you at the Oasis.

tiki410 posted on 05/14/2003

Being a tiki amateur and having a child that is developing an interest (he checks Munktiki's sight once a week and is not interested in any other pieces) can anyone provide the history, details, etc on Shecky.

PolynesianPop posted on 05/14/2003
Tikitronic posted on 05/14/2003

Shecky #99

tikimug posted on 05/14/2003

Checking in with #40 here... and I'd like to keep the little fellow.

So please Pop step away from my mugs! There's nothing to see here!

PolynesianPop posted on 05/14/2003

Hey, I don't break all my my mugs. Just the numbered collectible ones! :lol:

Tiki-bot posted on 05/14/2003

Shecky #94.

I'd love to see a new contest. Who oversaw the first one?

PolynesianPop posted on 05/14/2003

In the first contest, mug designs were uploaded in the Photo Album section under a specific folder when TC was still a Yahoo Club. Members voted for the winner and later voted for a name. If I remember correctly, there were about 1/2 dozen entries.

cynfulcynner posted on 05/14/2003

My Shecky mug arrived today (that was quick!), and it's number 117.


hula hula posted on 05/14/2003

:sheckymug: #110

Trader Woody posted on 05/14/2003

I've Sheckies #38 & #39.

Definitely up for another contest - I still think there's a huge un-tapped market for a masturbating, fez-wearing, straw-holding monkey that perches atop your mug.....

Trader Woody

Rain posted on 05/14/2003

i have some designs for mugs that i'd like to submit -- after the mold-making debacle i had in my garage, i think i'm going to leave it to the professionals until i've had a couple of classes. i do however, have at least 4 or 5 designs worth looking at and about 10 more not really worth looking at in my sketchbook.

martiki posted on 05/15/2003

Livin' large with #78.


thebaxdog posted on 05/15/2003

Eye gotts numba A-T fo

Hey Pop, don't touch my mug man!

Chongolio posted on 05/15/2003

#83 resides in Chongolio's beach shack.
So what are the guidlines for this contest? I would love to submit a few for fun and laughs.

johnnievelour posted on 05/15/2003

Johnnie V. has 46 (the number not amount)

PiPhiRho posted on 05/15/2003

On 2003-05-14 13:33, PolynesianPop wrote:
In the first contest, mug designs were uploaded in the Photo Album section under a specific folder when TC was still a Yahoo Club. Members voted for the winner and later voted for a name. If I remember correctly, there were about 1/2 dozen entries.

They are still there, in the photos section of the old Yahoo group in the Tiki Mug Designs folder. Reef McPointy, Neptune, Big Chief, the original Shecky sketches and even Tikifish's "Aloha, Eh?" design (we should try and sell that one to the Bigfoot Lodge).

BTW: My Sheckys are numbers 25, 26, 27 and 28.

Exoticat posted on 05/15/2003

I don't know what number I have yet, but I'm pretty sure it's at the tail end of the edition since I didn't get here to see the banner until almost too late.

So this design was from a contest?? How cool! I'm game on sketching possibilities if you do it again!!!

There must be an old post on this topic somewhere...

Exoticat posted on 05/15/2003

i posted before reading the rest of the messages and see that there was a thread on this subject. Thanks.

midnite posted on 05/15/2003

Shecky #63.

I say "No" to another contest. There should only be one official TC mascot mug.

On the other hand, a contest to design a mug for Munktiki's line of limited edition Ebay mugs is a great idea, IMO. I would be excited to have that chance, just as I was eager to have a shot at naming the mug that became "DelTiki" (not my entry). That would be a great contest.

Another Shecky, or Shecky II? Wrong.


Rain posted on 05/15/2003

agreed - one mascot is all there should be, methinks.

a contest for an ebay mug in general gives some lucky person a chance to have a tiki mug designed by them and it gives munktiki a little bit o' caysh. or alot, judging from the listings i've seen :)

Cultjam posted on 05/15/2003

It would be nice though to have something available to new TC members as they come on board and even I'm daunted by the eBay bids Munktiki is fetching. Shecky is the mascot no doubt.

Trader Woody posted on 05/15/2003

On 2003-05-15 11:12, midnite_tiki wrote:
I say "No" to another contest. There should only be one official TC mascot mug.

Indeed....Shecky is the official mascot of Tiki Central and the official mascot mug. He's been available for at least a year now, so no excuses if you missed him. However, another official Tiki Central mug is essential. The forum has expanded in ways we'd never have expected back in the old 'New message at the top' Yahoo days. Why block the creativity of newer members now that Shecky is out of reach?

My vote is for a yearly Tiki Central mug, chosen by vote from the entries within that given period. As years go by, perhaps we may see some kind of Tiki taste evolution - who knows?

Any traditionalists (I count myself amongst them) shouldn't worry - Shecky will always be the Tiki Central mascot. The day shecky goes, I go too. But getting together each year to create a brand new mug, devised by creativity & love, forged by the finest mug-meisters, surely is prime Tiki Central.

Trader Woody

Chongolio posted on 05/16/2003

Yeah Woody! Thats what I was going to say. Why not make it fun like the drink contest. Presentation should count.


PiPhiRho posted on 05/16/2003

Hey, now that you mention it, whatever happened with the drink contest? Were there ever any results?

Turbogod posted on 05/17/2003

drunk people

TikiManiac posted on 05/17/2003

i have shecky #86...it would be very cool if there can be another contest...

mrtikibar posted on 05/20/2003

I have Shecky #91.

hanford_lemoore posted on 05/20/2003

The contest does not need to be for another "offical" mascot ... just another Tiki Central mug. :D

I'm up for it!


hanford_lemoore posted on 05/20/2003

The Drink Contest rendered 15 entries with 2 pages worth of ingredients. The judging will happen soon. I'll keep y'all posted!


MauiTiki posted on 05/21/2003

I've got my Drawing about ready for the contest. How was it done before? Should we start a new thread for entries or should someone like myself start a website of entries and have a place to vote on them? (maybe it should be someone who is not entering the contest) Does anyone know if the original contest is still available to view and if so where?

As you can tell I'm all for a new TC mug! If Stuckie is for it we should help him make some extra $$ and have fun doing it. What a great opportunity to be able to design a mug!

TheMuggler posted on 05/21/2003

On 2003-05-20 22:21, MauiTiki wrote:
I've got my Drawing about ready for the contest. How was it done before? Should we start a new thread for entries or should someone like myself start a website of entries and have a place to vote on them?

I love the idea of another TC mug and agree that a new TC mug doesn't have to be a new mascot.

I say if Stuckie's game, start a new thread!

If there was a contest and new mug whenever the old one sells out then we have access to some really cool (and different) designs by artists who don't have the resources to make their own mugs. I like having a wide diversity in the styles of mugs in my collection!


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