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Is the Sam's Interior Tiki Now Right-Side Up?

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christiki295 posted on 10/30/2007

SoccerTiki, Tikihai:

Had Sam's already properly displayed the tiki?
Did you guys take care of the matter yourselves?

Is everything at Sam's now right-side up?

PS-How would a preeminent tiki establishment allow such to happen in the first place?

Ojaitimo posted on 10/30/2007

Where exactly was the upside down tiki Chris Tiki? I may have missed it or maybe it was the painted tiki that distracted me. Back in the eighties, some jackass painted them after they had been up since 1960.
How about a Tiki stripping party at Sam's? We can set up saw horses outside, transfer the tiki and strip them.
I would gladly help in this urban archeology worthy cause.

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-10-30 09:12 ]

Polynesiac posted on 10/30/2007

Hey chris -

Oja - I borrowed this picture from your post about sam's in "locating" -

the tiki is rotten on the "bottom" that is why it is upside down.

Just have a few beverages...won't be upside down anymore!

christiki295 posted on 10/31/2007

Nice photosleuthing.
Yes, that is the one.
I am sure Sam's can rest the bottom against in a plant stand, on a counter - and let it rest against the corner.

I just like my tikis right-side-up.
After a few drinks, I was thinking about fixing it myself, but there were too many people around.

Also, what is up with hiding it with a plant?

christiki295 posted on 10/31/2007

On 2007-10-30 09:11, Ojaitimo wrote:
Where exactly was the upside down tiki Chris Tiki? I

It is located in the main dining room, in the corner on the left.
Facing the hostess stand, it would be on the right corner.
It is against the wall separating the bar from the main dining room.

RevBambooBen posted on 10/31/2007

In that pic, it looks like there's a glass up on the top/bottom...

It's got some extensive wrought and it's probably best if
it just stays the way it is. Try to repair it and you are opening up a can of worms. Unless you mount it on a museum like stand in a plexi glass box. Those old ones there are super light too. Like angle food cake!

Unga Bunga posted on 10/31/2007

On 2007-10-30 18:46, christiki295 wrote:
Also, what is up with hiding it with a plant?

I think that's code for "extra gay night"

hiltiki posted on 10/31/2007

:o :o :o

Hiphipahula posted on 10/31/2007

On 2007-10-30 09:11, Ojaitimo wrote:
Where exactly was the upside down tiki Chris Tiki? I may have missed it or maybe it was the painted tiki that distracted me. Back in the eighties, some jackass painted them after they had been up since 1960.
How about a Tiki stripping party at Sam's? We can set up saw horses outside, transfer the tiki and strip them.
I would gladly help in this urban archeology worthy cause.

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2007-10-30 09:12 ]

Not that I care for the particular color shades on the tikis at Sam's but sometimes better left alone. Maybe we should offer to strip these tiki's down too? I think NOT :D

christiki295 posted on 11/01/2007

The tikis at Kon Tiki in Tucson are also painted.
I remember the original tikis outside of the Royal Hawaiian in Laguna (RIP) were also painted.

Ojaitimo posted on 11/02/2007

The tiki at Sam's were unpainted for over twenty years until they were painted in the eighties. They were not carved to be painted like the others mentioned.

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