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1960s Tiki Erotica (WARNING: NUDITY)

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/18/2002

I thought that subject line might get your attention. Following a lead on an earlier post by Thejab, I tracked down my own copy of the December 1960 "Modern Man" magazine. Here is the glamour photo of a nude woman with what appears to be an Andres Bumatay tiki. I've done a little censoring myself, so that Hanford won't have to do it later.

[edited by hanford to include the warning in the title]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2002-10-23 17:31 ]

TikiMikey posted on 10/18/2002

On 2002-10-18 11:21, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
I thought that subject line might get your attention.

...and it did! Nice photo!

Swanky posted on 10/22/2002

Here's my contribution. A helluva way to drink your Zombie!

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky on 2002-10-21 21:49 ]

[ Edited by: Swanky on 2002-10-22 10:18 ]

tikifish posted on 10/22/2002

Good lord, if we can't show nipples at TikiCentral, what is this world coming to???

Tiki Rider posted on 10/22/2002

That's a different way of looking at things.

vintagegirl posted on 10/22/2002

Y'know, I'm still aspiring to that "Pagan" pose in yoga class.

And I agree with Tikifish. Although I'm sure Sabu was only trying to be courteous, I believe breasts are a glorious attribute to be admired. The art world would not be the same without them.

MakeDaMug posted on 10/22/2002

I agree - repost Sabu!

bigbrotiki posted on 10/22/2002

Wowie, Swanky! That's one to remember, incredible, reserve that for me, please.

And the Andres Bumatay Tiki is a beaute, too.
Should have had a black bar in front of those suggestive eyes also, tisk tisk.
Anybody remember that in the 90's Trader Vic's covered up the breasts on their classic menus!

I love this Bumatay style of the "Wedge Tiki", his most prolific design. Tiki carvers, take note:

If you look at it closely, you can see the technique: He took a very thick palm tree trunk, and, looking at it from the top, divided it in four slices, like a cake.

That's why the back of the Tiki has that rough palm bark . The pointed edge of the triangular slice ends up as the nose, that's why the feet point together. The whole Tiki is more or less a two sided carving made to look round.

This style was also (much later) the inspiration for the "Divorce Tiki" in "Honey, we shrunk ourselves". Somebody at Disney must have had an old Bumatay Tiki...

Alnshely posted on 10/22/2002

The Exotic Shelley.

atomictonytiki posted on 10/22/2002

The Ravishing Rarg

[ Edited by: atomictonytiki on 2002-10-22 12:29 ]

[ Edited by: atomictonytiki 2009-01-21 01:32 ]

Cherry Capri posted on 10/23/2002

Why it's Vintage Girl and Cherry Capri doing their 1960s girls with tiki picture.
Sorry you can't see much of the tiki!

[ Edited by: Cherry Capri on 2002-10-22 19:10 ]

Atomic Cocktail posted on 10/23/2002

Appeasing the Gods!

[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail on 2002-10-22 22:29 ]

thebaxdog posted on 10/23/2002

I am really starting to like a tiki's point of view.
And as Fishlips and shaker hips always say,
"whats wrong with showing a little nipple on TC anyway?" I demand you turn her around at once, and that's 180 not 360.

I just love to type nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple nippple nipppple
got to go now

Atomic Cocktail posted on 10/23/2002


Do you come up with those ditty's at work, while your in meeting with your clients? Wow, I usually onle get the' Looney Tunes' theme...

Trader Woody posted on 10/23/2002

Hubba Hubba! Down boy! Woof!
Oh, it's a painting......anyone know the artist?

Trader Woody

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 10/23/2002

Wow! Those would be a great pair to get your hands on!....oh, the masks would be great too.


Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/23/2002

Ok, ok,

Since everybody seems to want to see it, I'll post the original picture with no censor-bar. The cries of "Nipples, Nipples, Nipples!" have been deafening, (at least from Baxdog). And Vintage-Girl's arguments have been, um, ...persuasive.

So here's the photo in all its original 1960 glory:

EGADS!! Well, That's Not Pretty. I certainly wasn't expecting That.


hanford_lemoore posted on 10/23/2002

Feel free to post a link to the un-censored picture. Or hell, just post the picture right in the thread and change the topic title to read "Warning: Nudity".

All I ask is that you give readers fair warning.

suicide_sam posted on 10/23/2002

I could have gone my hwole life without seeing that and I would have been fine.

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thejab posted on 10/24/2002

Warning! Nudity in the following picture!

Here's a nice picture from another Modern Man magazine. You may remember it from a recent Dionysus Records ad.

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  _ _

[ Edited by: thejab 2009-12-19 10:23 ]

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thejab posted on 10/24/2002

Oops, here goes:

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thejab posted on 10/24/2002
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thejab posted on 10/24/2002

It seems Shutterfly cropped the tiki on the left off. Oh well, there's a tiki next to her!

TikiMikey posted on 10/24/2002

On 2002-10-23 15:39, Trader Woody wrote:
Hubba Hubba! Down boy! Woof!
Oh, it's a painting......anyone know the artist?

Better question: Does anyone know the model?!!!

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Tangaroa posted on 10/24/2002

Shutterfly crops a fair amount out of your image - so when scanning it, leave about 1/2 " around the edge...

Swanky posted on 10/24/2002

Weird. That girl looks like she has implants. Man magazine is of the pre-implant age I thought. If so, she has the fakest looking real ones I have ever seen. This is what all those girls are trying to achieve!

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laney posted on 10/24/2002

Breast implants have been around for much longer than you think. Rumor has it that Marilyn had sponge-type implants. Look at early Marilyn and It'll make you wonder too.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/24/2002

Ok, To make up for the Sven-nipple photo, here are a couple more nice/naughty tiki pics:

(PS: TheJab - Do know what issue of Modern Man your photos come from? I'd like to find a copy for myself. Sabu)

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[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2002-10-24 12:34 ]

suicide_sam posted on 10/24/2002

Hey those are from Octavio and from David Perry. I've been trying to get Octavio to start coming to a couple of the TC events for awhhile but he's a little flaky. He's hella cool but just kind of a weird guy. Not to long a go he went off to Thailand to kickbox for a few months. Like I said hella cool though, the pic I used on the flier for the Blue Hawaiians, APE show at Kozmos was one of his. He was telling me he convinced the people at Cello Studios where he works to completely decorate a new section of the studio in tiki style. I think they hit up Oceanic Arts for all the stuff.

Swanky posted on 10/24/2002

Yeah, we tried to get Winky Tiki to work with us on Hukilau 2002. I can't recall what came of it. He was interested. I think we just had too many things already in the fire.
Winky TIki

Trader Woody posted on 10/24/2002

And you should've seen the audience...

French band whose name I can never remember at Wild Weekend 2.

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Trader Woody

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bambooh posted on 10/25/2002

Hey suicide sam...
Ya Octovio is a cool guy hes always has alot
on his plate ..we are acually really good friends and he just finished recording my band "The Mysterious Keytones" at Cello as a
matter fact the Tiki in the pictures was carved by my Guitarist Machine gun Kelly but all in all Octovio is very cool and he probly just was working his ass off as usual... Cool Pix
Witch Picture did you use for the Blue Hawaiians flier?

[ Edited by: bambooh on 2002-10-25 12:29 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 10/27/2002

I have several reactions to several pix:

Vintagegirl, why does this never happen when I am at home?
I had gotten this, the biggest Tiki in the neighbourhood, because someone told me "Erect it, and they will come!"
Well, I am still sitting here at my desk, looking out at the front lawn, waiting...
Or did they mean it in some other way???

Trader Woody, is this a contemporary,"retro" painting/artwork?

Sabu, there is something wrong with that re-posted photo: If I would find myself in that position, I would never make the face on the right, but smile rather contently.

The Octavio pix are cool, but someone get that guy a better Tiki.

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tiki_kiliki posted on 10/27/2002

Here's a great one from an old Playboy magazine.

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suicide_sam posted on 10/28/2002

This was the flyer for that show. This is actually one of teh giurls that I think he did his better tiki shoots with, well obviously I dug the ones with Persephone too.


Trader Woody posted on 10/29/2002


Yep, it's a contemporary painting. Frustratingly, I happened upon the website a good while ago and can't find it again. I recall that the artist set up the scenes, photographed them, then attempted to paint the result as closely to a photograph as he could. There were others in a similar vein, but without Tikis.

Highly impressive stuff, but by whom?

Trader Woody

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tiki_kiliki posted on 10/31/2002

Sven and everyone else! Did you see the similarities in the photo that Swanky posted and the photo I posted?

It's the same tiki in both pictures and it looks like the same floor! Both of these were quite possibly the product of the same shoot! I can't believe we just discovered it.

You be the judge.

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SlovakTiki posted on 01/06/2003


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Traitor Vic posted on 01/07/2003

Almost Scary!!! It would be interesting to find out who the photographer was and whether or not he did a whole slew of similar shoots (much like Octavio has).
I guess we must keep in mind that Basement Tiki Bars, in the 50s and 60s, were the domain of the Man of the House. I don't suppose many housewives were encouraged to set up their own (or even to collaborate in the hobby save from drinking a bit and cleaning a lot).
Has anyone else noticed that we have recently lost another vestige of that wonderful era? They recently changed the shape of the Michelob bottle! It had been designed, in the 50s, to resemble the female figure. Now it just looks like, well... A Beer Bottle.
Seems we lose a bit more each and every day.

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SlovakTiki posted on 01/12/2003

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is one of the most entertaining threads I've read on this forum.I can feel the recriminations coming, but a little prurience is essential to maintain one's sanity.
Given the ominous events that I see coming-I think we all should take a moment to reflect on the beautiful, pleasant things in life.
When it comes to beauty-Hawaii and the female form top my list. In that order.

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tikibars posted on 05/15/2003


[ Edited by tikibars on 2024-02-01 18:33:42 ]

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Tiki_Bong posted on 05/15/2003

On 2003-05-15 14:15, tikibars wrote:
Also, I seem to remember a 50's or 60's Playboy that has some pics of gals frolicking in a pool with some Witco stuff (masks if I recall) in the background - anyone know the month and year of the pic?


I think you're refering to the picture of Hugh's pool and babes that's in the BOT.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 05/15/2003

tikibars wrote:

...I seem to remember a 50's or 60's Playboy that has some pics of gals frolicking in a pool with some Witco stuff (masks if I recall) in the background...

James, check the Book of Tiki, page 43. Ken (keigs20) has reproduced one of those masks that you see behind Hugh Hefner & the Bunnies.

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DawnTiki posted on 05/15/2003

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[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-05-15 15:13 ]

Trader Woody posted on 05/16/2003

On 2003-05-15 14:15, tikibars wrote:
[Anyone know the month and year that this pic appeared in Playboy?

Anyone know the month and year that this pic appeared in Playboy?

I think you'd be barking up the wrong tree if you decide to wade through old Playboys looking for this set (Though there are undoubtably worse ways to fill your spare hours). I'm pretty sure that this pic comes from some cheesy 60's nylon/stag mag, though it's highly probable that the same photos appeared in a variety of mags.

Trader Woody

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thejab posted on 05/16/2003

On 2003-05-15 17:53, Trader Woody wrote:
I think you'd be barking up the wrong tree if you decide to wade through old Playboys looking for this set (Though there are undoubtably worse ways to fill your spare hours). I'm pretty sure that this pic comes from some cheesy 60's nylon/stag mag, though it's highly probable that the same photos appeared in a variety of mags.

You're right Woody.

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[ Edited by: thejab 2009-12-19 10:32 ]

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tikibars posted on 05/16/2003

On 2003-05-15 14:37, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:

James, check the Book of Tiki, page 43.

I seem to recall seeing another picture, apparently from this same photo shoot, in which one of the ladies was pictured leaping into the pool. My guess is that the BOT picture, and the other one I remember seeing, were printed in Playboy at some point...?

Does this ring a bell, or am I hallucinating again?
Too many Navy Gorgs last night...

Trader Woody posted on 04/01/2004

I recently caught this pic on eBay, so it struck me as a decent enough time to resurrect this enjoyable old thread...

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Trader Woody

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