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Establishments serving flaming drinks in So Cal

Pages: 1 15 replies

MakeDaMug posted on 11/09/2007

Chris Nichols with Los Angeles Magazine called me today asking about Southern California bars/restaurants that serve flaming cocktails. He contacted Jeff Berry who offered up the Bahooka & the L.A. Trader Vic's. If anybody can offer up any more locales (even if they're not "Tiki" establishments), please feel free to email Chris at askchris@lamag.com.

donhonyc posted on 11/09/2007

When I was there last month went to El Campadre on Sunset Blvd. They had flaming Margaritas.

Bora Boris posted on 11/09/2007

I've sent an email telling him about The Bigfoot Lodges Toasted Marshmallow.


Moki posted on 11/09/2007

China Inn on Hornblend in Pacific Beach, San Diego.

They even serve their drinks in tiki mugs.

Unga Bunga posted on 11/09/2007

Just don't burn the place down, like I almost did tonight at TV's, Palo Alto.

slapbass posted on 11/09/2007

Ive have seen flaming drinks at The Puka Bar in Long Beach..

[ Edited by: slapbass 2007-11-09 06:54 ]

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 11/09/2007

Mister Tiki in downtown San Diego lights em on fire.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 11/09/2007

I believe the Purple Orchid in El Segundo still serves flaming volcano bowls.

Rob Roy posted on 11/10/2007


[ Edited by: Rob Roy 2007-11-09 16:43 ]

nichols posted on 11/10/2007

THANK YOU everyone. I understand Warehouse in Marina Del Rey does it too.
Just be careful and don't let this happen to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrw0MXXQXyU

MakeDaMug posted on 11/10/2007
Ojaitimo posted on 11/10/2007

Yes the Warehouse has a Flaming Volcano they make.

teaKEY posted on 11/10/2007


Don't worry, that sound is really that bad

christiki295 posted on 11/11/2007

On 2007-11-09 15:58, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
I believe the Purple Orchid in El Segundo still serves flaming volcano bowls.

Most definitely.
Had one on Halloween.

christiki295 posted on 11/11/2007

Natalie Thai on Venice in LA also serves a flaming volcano bowl (and has an incredibly hot bartender).

shampoovta posted on 11/12/2007

On 2007-11-09 16:51, nichols wrote:
THANK YOU everyone. I understand Warehouse in Marina Del Rey does it too.
Just be careful and don't let this happen to you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrw0MXXQXyU


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