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Hewey's wood thread - Making a Paipo p20

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Nice concept! Kinda brings me back to the 80's. Look guys it's a plasma ball!! Have fun.

Hewey, how nice to be carving in such comfortable surroundings - carpet!! - wonder if Yvette will let me lay some carpet in my workshop? red would be nice. may have to settle for a welcome mat at the entry. Carving looks great mate.

hewey posted on Tue, Apr 17, 2007 4:52 PM

Thanks folks! It’ll definitely be a challenge, I know that.

Here are some pics of the art show.

This guys looks familiar

Panorama of the art show (thanks Buzzy)

Who let this junk in?

Some of Neo Dutch’s pinstriping and Brendon’s tiki (kruzzin62 on here).

And some progress on the big guy…

The coolest tiki art is not bought on ebay, it comes personally from my fellow artists on TC

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-04-17 20:37 ]

Looks to be your best tiki yet Hewey. nice pix of the show.

hewey posted on Tue, Apr 17, 2007 7:15 PM

Here are some more pics from the hot rod nationals.

This is the Impala I pinstriped a while back.

Just an art shot of the hills.

Hot rods!

This is the T-Bucket hot rod I got to drive on Saturday night :D

’34 Ford woody with matching teardrop trailer


Hewey, you are doing a great job with your carving. We need more pictures of your progression. Thanks for the great pictures of old cars. I love the teardrop picture.

hewey posted on Sun, May 13, 2007 4:37 PM

Yay… finally got some tiki love happening for you. The big guy is still sitting there, but I’ve still been busy.

Here’s my awesome moai swap piece hanging with my Finky pendant and my Gman pendant.

Here’s an extremely quickly done hebel/AAC tiki. Done in a couple of hours, from a square block to finish, including paint time.

Before paint. I attacked it with the corner of the chisel to give it a rough look.

After paint. Paint was sprayed (spraycan) metallic gold (real thick), then a heap of black over the still wet gold. Turned out pretty cool actually

Close up

Last weekend, I picked up some Cocos Palm logs – one of my mechanic’s mates chopped em down. Yes, my mechanic is sourcing logs for me :) This one was done for my mum for mothers day. Went for a more traditional look (than my usual stuff), more her taste.

The log

Debarked with a flat chisel

Nudey log

Sketch out a design in marker pen.

Carve out the design, take a progress shot with the dog in the way.

Fully carved out

Burn it with a butane burner!

The design section burnt. It was turned upside down to get the flame into all the areas I needed (burner doesn’t work very well upside down)

Then whip out the sander to get it a bit smoother.

To give it some more character I used a small rounded chisel (a gouge) to take back the edges, and then gave the whole surface a light burning.

Then to finish it off some details with white paint, and some marine grade varnish.

hewey the two tikis look so good keep up the good work

hewey posted on Mon, May 14, 2007 4:09 PM

Thanks mate :D


Hewey, I love what you did to that AAC block! Quite the artifact! That's the look I for on some of mine.


Nice work, Hewey. I love the chisel marks. I always try so hard to sand them out and then I look at someone elses work (yours, for example) with chisel marks and have to ask myself, "why would I ever sand them out, they look so good!

Keep up the chisel smackin'!


Lovin the cars Man, over here, down in Devon it's a VW thing. Here's my 61 daily drive.

The Tikis are lookin great, gonna have to get me a burner.

[ Edited by: flynny 2007-05-17 10:55 ]

hewey posted on Thu, May 17, 2007 6:26 PM

4Wdtiki – thanks mate. The irony is it I put bugger all effort into it, and it came out pretty cool! I will be experimenting further with spraypaint effects on more tikis for sure.

Surf’n’turf – This was the first time I’ve ever gone for the chiselled look. It was too plain with the straight edges, and my girlfriend suggested I round off the corners as the sharp corners didn’t look any good. The chiselled off corners addressed the issue and gave it a nice traditional flavour.

Flynny – Nice ride. Here’s my soon to be sold daily driver:

On the weekend I will be checking out a reuse organisation. They have a warehouse where they sell all kinds of interesting industry offcuts for bugger all, and they also have an art gallery that only features works made from reused items. The exhibition they have at the moment is a tiki theme! Hopefully they will let me get some pics! :D


Man, don't you know when you turn a tiki upside down, they get all mad and pissy? The blood is supposed to rush to their brain and they are supposed to get all light headed and stuff but they Gots NO Brains and that makes peeps see that they have no brains and they get angry.
Nice finish too :)

hewey posted on Thu, Jun 21, 2007 8:56 PM

It's been a while... anyway, here's a sneak peak of something I will be woking on for the Sydney hot rod show, and I've only got a week to get it done :D

One part tiki, one part frankenstein :D

There's some interesting stuff in this guy's future, but you'll just have to watch here for updates :D

hewey im very proud of you that looks so good keep up the good work and yes you can come to hawaii with me


Cool one Hewey. Love all them Old Carz..


Thanks guys. Over the weekend I got the log debarked, and bought some candy green paint. The candy will let the wood grain show through, so should be sweet. The idea is to get it nice and smooth so it can get some pinstripes on it.

It's just a log with no bark on it, so no pics at this stage :D

The coolest tiki art is not bought on ebay, it comes personally from my fellow artists on TC

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-06-25 00:36 ]

hewey posted on Sun, Jul 1, 2007 4:04 AM

Whooa, what a weekend! Just got back from the Sydney Hot Rod Show.

Was up till 2am Friday night working on the franken-tiki. The candy green paint didn't work, so I had to make a last minute run to the hardware store to buy some custom mix "bright f***ing green". It's too cold at night down here so I painted it in the bathroom with the heat lamps on :lol: Anyway I donated him for auction, he got $100 for the Sydney Children's Hospital.

I sold the pirate tiki to the editor of Aussie mag Cruzin, and have a few guys interested in other tiki stuff too.

I'll post pics when I can :D

Oh yeh, I also got some cool tiki/pinstriped art :D :D

There is "good" bad taste, and there is "bad" bad taste, and the difference of the two is in the eye of the beholder - Sven Kirsten

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-07-01 04:07 ]

good on you hewey keep up the good work

hmc posted on Mon, Jul 2, 2007 4:11 PM

hey hewey, look forward to seeing pics!

hewey posted on Thu, Jul 5, 2007 11:46 PM

Thanks folks :D

This a Ferrari 360, with candy apple red paint and twin turbos.

That bright green thing sitting on the floor behind it in the left of the photo is the unfinished franken-tiki. Hoping to post some of my pics up later today.


way to go with the sales Hewey, and Especially for the donation to the kidz hospital, We certainly need more of that going on. Your Frankentiki looks like he might be kinda Cool with that Frankengreen color.

hewey posted on Fri, Jul 6, 2007 5:13 AM

Thanks Ben :D Better the Children's Hospital than some kid who doesn't exist :lol: and no Scottish clown doctors in sight either!

Here's the pirate and the eyeless franken-tiki. Gotta love that mop on him. he's a bit basic, but time frame was very short. Pinstriped panels are by Neo Dutch

Once again I got to make some mess

The result of the mess

Franken tiki in all his glory. Yes, he's very bright. Look how closely he matches my business cards. Would have liked to paint more details in the eyes, and straighten the bolts up a bit.

What's that Neo Dutch bloke painting now?

ooh, that came out nice!


Top class carvings, Hewey.

hewey posted on Sun, Jul 8, 2007 10:07 PM

I don't know if a bright green Franken-tiki is best described as 'class', but he is kinda cool! :D Thanks for the compliment though :D :D


I like Franken tiki a lot!

hewey posted on Tue, Jul 10, 2007 4:51 PM

Thanks Clarita :D I've got plenty of that bright green paint left, so expect to see another bright green tiki sometime soon!


Hey Hewey, did you ever carve anything out of that refrigerator sized chunk of AAC/Hebel?

hewey posted on Sat, Aug 11, 2007 9:59 PM

On 2007-08-11 18:21, Tikidav wrote:
Hey Hewey, did you ever carve anything out of that refrigerator sized chunk of AAC/Hebel?

Haven't bought one of those blocks yet, at the time I was just looking into it. To make it worth it, I want to buy 4 or so, so the overall cost/block isn't too bad. Problem is finding the time to carve 4 blocks that big, especially when there's a good chance I'll be moving in the next 6 months or so - the less crap to lug around the better! :lol:

hewey posted on Sun, Aug 26, 2007 4:23 AM

Well, there's not much to update. The big guy hasn't been touched since Easter, and I haven't done any carving since the hot rod show. BUT, my brother's wedding is in like 3 weeks. I was trying to think of what I could get him, since I wanted something personal. They've been living together for years, so they're pretty much set up (yep, they got a toaster :lol: ). Anyway, it dawned on me that we wants a tiki for his beer garden. Soooo, Im gonna put in a MONSTER effort and try and get this guys finished in 3 weeks! Looks like I've got some late nights out in the cold coming up :lol: This also means I won't be doing the plasma ball thing, likely he'll just get a fancy headdress, or maybe a modified solar powered tiki style lamp...


Hewey, looks like you are off to a good start. Post pictures of your progress, and good luck.


Nice tikis Hewey and I Love the pin stripers painting of you there. Cool!


Hey Hewey- You've definitely got the Tiki-Hotrod-Monster Kid thing down! Nice work!

hewey posted on Mon, Oct 8, 2007 7:57 AM

Thanks folks :D

Well, I didn't get anywhere near the time to get into the big guy, so he hasn't been touched. I have noticed he's getting some nasty cracks, so I want to get into him soon. Because of the cracks, Im going in a different direction with it.

I needed a quick fix carve, and scored this cocos palm off a friend. Here it is at the early stage. It's going to be different :D

There is "good" bad taste, and there is "bad" bad taste, and the difference of the two is in the eye of the beholder - Sven Kirsten

[ Edited by: hewey 2007-10-08 07:58 ]

hewey posted on Tue, Nov 6, 2007 12:39 AM

Captains log: Usual story, too much work, not enough carving :( And I now have another distraction. Tia is 8 weeks old, likes long naps, and chewing on anything that will fit in her mouth! This also means the dog house will be sold and a large one acquired to fit them both in. A nice 50s A-frame dog house for 2? Sounds like a good christmas holiday project :D :D :D :D

and one with the internationally recognised size reference


Get that puppy to help you get some chips flying.

Zaya posted on Fri, Nov 9, 2007 9:14 AM

Awwwww, Hewey, she's so cute!


Oh tia is so cute!! does she takes long naps after smelling your socks? :) !

hewey posted on Fri, Nov 30, 2007 4:35 PM

I had the whole post written out, and the dogs bumped – deleting the whole message!

I did this a while ago, but was never really happy with it. Because I used spraypaint and it has such a rough texture, there bits that didn’t get proper coverage.

So I decided to go over it again and repaint it. First I painted it in metallic copper pinstriping paint (one shot brand). It took 3 or so nice heavy coats to get proper coverage, because the metallic bits had a tendency to sink into the crevasses. Once I had a nice coat of copper, I did a black wash over it with black pinstriping paint. So I painted it on, then wiped it off with a rag. I reckon it came out really cool, and it glows in the sun with the metallic. :D Unfortuneately it hasn’t been sunny since we got our camera back, so no pics. I’ll get some when the sun comes out.

I’ve also noticed the big guy has some cracks, so Im hoping to get into him over the Christmas break.

There’ll be another tiki before Christmas for a Christmas present, but then it’ll probably slow down. We’re moving in January, so we got that whole drama to deal with. My brother is moving up the coast for work, so we’ll rent his place from him. More rooms, bigger rooms, an AWESOME kitchen, and a garage! Wooo! :D :D

harro posted on Fri, Nov 30, 2007 4:47 PM

nice work Hewey,

good to see you keepin' busy!


hewey the big guy is looking great. Im looking forward
to more pic's of this guy.

I havent had any cracks on my latest guy but
from what little i have read and seen so far everyone
works with it.

The smaller red guy is the god of lava to me.


Ooh, I'm liking that copper head! Looks like it was forged in a volcano.

Hewey, what kind of puppy is that? It looks alot like our Chihuahua puppy.

hewey posted on Fri, Nov 30, 2007 6:41 PM

Seeksurf - the puppy just likes chewing things, but I think with enough treats I can teach her to carve :D Yeh, I can work around the cracks. The smaller guy is brown in low light, then he goes a nice gold in the sun. But I do like the idea of doing one with lava orange/red

Zaya - She's cute, but also evil! Dont let her looks deceive you...

Clarita - No, my socks arent that bad :D . More like she takes long naps after attacking the other dog for 30 minutes

Harro - Thanks mate :D

4WD - Thanks also. He has got a cool volcanic look to him. I'm also thinking a gold tiki would look great with this effect, like one that was primitively cast hundreds of years ago. Got a few unpainted ones sitting around, so might play with them. The puppy is a mini-foxi (or mini fox terrier) crossed with an unknown dog. We got her from a shelter, the mum gave birth to the pups at the pound! She's settling in nicely now though. Although we're going through a LOT of paper towel cleaning up her little 'incidents' :lol:

hewey posted on Fri, Dec 14, 2007 3:50 AM

Lookie at what I got for my birthday - How good is my girfreind? :D :D :D :D :D


Long term viewers will remember the moais I did which I had guarding the doghouse:

I gave this one a make over. First of all I attacked it with a chissel for that weathered look, then gold paint, then a wash of black paint. Destined for a secret santa present. I'll do the 2nd moai the same, but rework him a little because Im not real happy with the shape.

And bought myself a kayak too :D :D soon to get some shark teeth style nose art

On 2007-12-14 03:50, hewey wrote:
Lookie at what I got for my birthday - How good is my girfreind? :D :D :D :D :D

Hey Hewey
Great score! I was just thinking about adding those to my Christmas list. I have the straight blade already, use it all the time and love it. I have found that there have been several times I wished I had the cuved out one too. Have fun with those!

The VW looks like one of those shark hunter adventure tour companies now. Are you going to rub the nose of your boat with chum and hope the shark leaves a couple teeth in it when he clamps down, or are you just going to paint them?

Good thing that dog's going to stay small because it looks like he owns that pillow now. You'll still have room when he's all grown up. I lost a whole couch to my dog.
Buzzy Out!

hewey posted on Thu, Dec 20, 2007 3:00 PM

On 2007-12-19 22:34, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Hey Hewey
Great score! I was just thinking about adding those to my Christmas list. I have the straight blade already, use it all the time and love it. I have found that there have been several times I wished I had the cuved out one too. Have fun with those!

The VW looks like one of those shark hunter adventure tour companies now. Are you going to rub the nose of your boat with chum and hope the shark leaves a couple teeth in it when he clamps down, or are you just going to paint them?

Good thing that dog's going to stay small because it looks like he owns that pillow now. You'll still have room when he's all grown up. I lost a whole couch to my dog.
Buzzy Out!

Thanks Buzzy! :D I haven't had a chance to try out the new knives yet, but Im keen to let loose on some small stuff. The sharks teeth will just be painted on the kayak, but I do have some sharks teeth I got off a member on here that I still need to do something cool with. I've been saving them for something worthy! Beleive me, when I want the bean bag the dogs get turfed! :D :D

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