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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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The Sperm Whale posted on 11/01/2007

I think Tiki's that stick their tongues out are fucking hott!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/01/2007


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/01/2007

another bump

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/01/2007

The New House of Buzz Episode

The first episode

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-11-01 13:03 ]

Bowana posted on 11/01/2007

Buzzy, would you like for me to come over and fix your screen door?

tikifreak1 posted on 11/01/2007

Genius!!! I can't wait for the box set.

Clysdalle posted on 11/01/2007

I like it better when you use your plug-in knife!

GMAN posted on 11/01/2007


The new Tiki-Guy Spoon Pendant is outrageous!!! I about crapped my pants when I saw you wearing it! Thanks for another quality episode. You are nucking futs! I can't wait to see your drawing workshop.


The Sperm Whale posted on 11/01/2007

Buzzy you rule!! Thanks for showing me what my Ryobi Plainer is for. I thought it was just a decoration for my garage. Seriously!!

seeksurf posted on 11/02/2007

Buzz you crazy man. I dont have head set a work i will have to listen later.

Robin posted on 11/02/2007

Nice work with the face mask! The spoon pendant was priceless....that video makes me want go right out and put a face on a log.

Tornhalo posted on 11/02/2007

The House of Buzz is full of nothing but Win!

Tiki-Kate posted on 11/02/2007

Great googally moogally, Buzzy! That was brilliant.

I'm sure the screams during the smashing of the Man-Of-War mug scene were heard for miles around.

hiltiki posted on 11/02/2007

How fun was that. Thanks Buzzo.

closettiki posted on 11/02/2007

ENCORE....ENCORE........how long must we wait until the next episode?.....love the sponsers......WELL DONE BUZZY

big belly tiki say hi.

Cammo posted on 11/02/2007


congatiki posted on 11/02/2007

Funny stuff Buzzy and very educational. I loved the battle with the mask. It was
also nice for someone who's not in the west coast loop to "meet" Babalu and Cammo. Who
will make the cameo in the next episode?

Babalu posted on 11/03/2007

More KIVA!!! She's a better carver than Buzzy.

hewey posted on 11/04/2007

Awesome work on the vid mate :D I showed my girlfriend, her quote was "please tell me you don't know this person?" :lol: :lol: Speaking of girls, where's Zaya at? When's she doing a burning vid for da house?

Cammo posted on 11/04/2007

That's why they call them CAM-eos.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/05/2007

There have been some really crappy sunsets the last couple days. Here is the best one from the weekend:

It's cloudy again today, so I may have to borrow some Costa Rican sunsets until the weather pattern changes

This whole weekend was about being social, so I had little time to work. Here's some that I got done on the latest carving:

I have to go out for a while right now, so I'll talk House of Buzz with you all later this afternoon. Thanks for all the comits and support!

Back Soon Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 11/05/2007

Excellent Tiki there Buzz master and your "Debarking" video is just crazy and Hilarious. May I come fix your screen door too? If you just hang it up with a piece of spare rope then you won't have to constantly pick it up and move it out of the way, you could just push it out of the way! (Hey I should patent that idea first!)

seeksurf posted on 11/06/2007

You wish to see crappy sunset come up north there are no sunsets.
I really love the new guy, man i have to do a tong soon.

closettiki posted on 11/07/2007

hey buzzy ....sent you a pm regarding uncarved tikis....

Cammo posted on 11/07/2007

Could somebody tell me once and for all - why the heck is he sticking out his tongue? Do Tikis get regular checkups for strep throat or something?

Are they just rude?

I don't believe that crap about it being a friendly greeting. He's sticking out his tongue for cryin' out loud!

Wassssssuuuuuup Buzzzzzz?

HOUSE OF KU posted on 11/07/2007

Buzzy, is that the Tiki God, Tongue-All-Raw, God of the tongue-frozen to the Flag Pole Clan? Great rendering! Captured the essence of rawness. Can't wait for the next classic! :) Freddie

Tiki Duddy posted on 11/09/2007

Buzzayyy! nice lookin guy you got there! i always like the guys that have the different facial expressions hahah.
always great

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/10/2007

Finally saw the sun for a couple moments today:

I finished and refinished a couple tikis over the last couple of days
After I sanded and put on some minwax old american on this, I thought that this stain was a little too pale and bland.

I used a few coats of amber shellac to get it to a more acceptable hue

When I originally finished this one, the spar varnish ran in a couple spots and turned orange whenh it finally dried a couple weeks later. So, I refinished the problem areas:

I had a couple hours to kill and small half log so I freehanded this face looking design on to it:

I always use these little ones as a practice or test run for a design or feature I'm going to use in the future. This way, I will have already figured out how to execute my plan and not ruin a piece I spend more significant time and effort on.

TDuddy: Thanks buddy and I still owe you a PM. Got snow yet?

HOKU: Hey Freddie! I seem to be stuck in a tikis with tongues phase right now, don't I?

Cammo: Anthropologists falsely believe that the tongue out was used as a greeting or warning upon meeting friends or enemies. My research has found that this was a merely a way to proposition available women for intercourse. It's all about sex.

Closettiki: Your log requests have been forwarded to Santa...He has some yule logs fer sure!

Seeksurf: We've had your weather here for what seems like an eternity. It makes me want to move here, where I hear it's sunny all of the time.

Benzart: So if you use rope to hang the door, then does that mean it a tiki house door pendant? If so, put me on that Benzart list, please.

Hewey: Did you say to the girlfriend: "Know him? Of course! Remember when I said we had a place to stay in California? That's where we are staying in San Diego!!!" I sure she was overcome with joy and cannot wait to meet some of your best American freinds!

Congatiki: Who would you like to see on a future House of Buzz episode? I can send your request to the producers...

Cammo: [Cammo]red[/Cammo] nope!

Closettiki: The new episode will come very soon...

Hiltiki: *

Tiki-kate: Eliminating one man o war just makes all the others more valuable. :wink:

Tornhalo: The new House of Buzz motto: "The House of Buzz is full of nothing but Win!" It's cool in a tikizippo kind of way...

Robin: You will find the art of log facing both challenging and rewardng!

Spermy: I find that tool useful for a variety of tiki tasks. stay tuned for the House of Buzz milling episode.

GMAN: Wait til I sport the fork!

Clysdalle: thank you so much for volunteering to be the new House of Buzz "crew". Everybody bow down to Clysdalle, please! I blew a circuit on my electric knife so I had to go manual for the video. And we really did try to use a microphone this time...

Tikifreak1: Unfortunately, the box set will not be out ion time for Xmas. I blame taschen!

Bowana: Sure! Thanks Dav!

Buzzy Out!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 11/10/2007

Hola Buzzy, Nice batch of Tikis. About how large a diameter are the Maori Tikis' eyes? About polished abalone shell size? :) Aloha, Freddie

MauiTiki posted on 11/10/2007

Sweet Videos!!!

I'm looking forward to the staining video! Please do that one next. You tease us at the end of video #1.

I just got two 4 foot mexican fan palm logs from my neighbor. The were just cut down a couple days ago. How long do I need to let them dry before I can get to work on them???

harro posted on 11/12/2007

nice vid Buzz! funny stuff... love the spoon.


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/13/2007

We've had nothing but clouds and and a little rain lately. It was finally sunny today, therefore, we have sunset photos today:

Since it was a warm and sunny day, I took advantage of it and stated carving a Marq inspired totem.
Here it is pretty much all drawn out.

Top full body guy

Bottom face guy.

Started by carving some on the bottom guy

Then did some on the top guy

A little more done before the sun set

And I did a little more on the chansaw carving

Freddie: Those discs are 1.5 and two inches diameter. I keep forgetting to get some cheap abalone shells from the swap meet.

Maui: I usually wait a couple months. The ones I'm working on now are only about a month old and they mildew a lot and are super heavy. I've carved some and had water splash out at me and carved others that were completely dry. I prefer them in the 3-6 month range. Strip them immediately, that will help them dry faster.

Harro: Thanks! The spoon is appropriate for ALL occasions...

On another note, very once in a while a product comes on the market that I think other House of Buzz fans will find to be of particular Tiki merit. Here is one such item:

House of Ku'z Coco Joe's Mug
I declare that mug to be the official Tiki Guy Dringing Vessel for 2007. If you want to be a True Tiki Guy, as opposed to a poser party city Parrothead tiki person, you will have to own one of these mugs, along with one of my bling pendants. It's like a mandatory thing.

Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 11/13/2007

Yep. Gotta get the mug! Gotta get a tiki door house pendant too!
Gotta get me a Buzzy tiki too!
Gotta have that buzzy-Blinggg! Too!

HOUSE OF KU posted on 11/13/2007

Mahalo for the Buzzy seal of approval, "B". Double Marq looking great! Can't wait for more Buzzy Bling ware for the Tiki aficinado. Freddie

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/13/2007

Break time! A little more progress today:

Hoku: Does the nectar taste sweeter out of your own mug?

Benzart: I just put you on the special bling list. You'll be a Tiki Guy before you know it!

Oh no! My signature is gone!
Buzzy Out!

TravelingJones posted on 11/13/2007


Babalu posted on 11/14/2007

Buzzy, I think Jonesey just gave you your X-mas cards....Classic!! Would also make killa biz cards!

seeksurf posted on 11/14/2007

Buzzy, man you are putting out allot of great stuff. I haven't read all your post
yet, but do you carve full time?

Its looking warm at your local area.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/15/2007

Another sunset:

Here was an early day progress shot:

And here it is after an evening of more effort:

On 2007-11-13 17:12, seeksurf wrote:
Buzzy, man you are putting out allot of great stuff. I haven't read all your post
yet, but do you carve full time? Its looking warm at your local area.

Seeksurf: Thanks for the comps. Here it was in my neck of the woods today:

It was about seventy something in the shade. I carve a little more than full time. Doesn't seem like work though, so the hours just pass by real quick.

On 2007-11-13 16:17, Babalu wrote:
Buzzy, I think Jonesey just gave you your X-mas cards....Classic!! Would also make killa biz cards!

Or a mug...I do have to say that is`a classic! It will HAVE to be used somewhere else in the future...

On 2007-11-13 15:33, TravelingJones wrote:


Jonesey: Welcome back to the House of Buzz. Oh man! that is the best damn thing! You got my swollen head perfect! I absolutely love that! Think we can put it on my garage door? Tshirts? Coffee cups? IT NEEDS TO BE EVERYWHERE, as a matter of fact! I think your buddy bullet should get that buzzy "mug" tattooed on his other leg... :wink:

Buzzy Out!

GMAN posted on 11/15/2007


That Buzzy/OZ pic makes you look like that dude from the Eurythmics. :lol:

I want a T-shirt if you make 'em.


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/16/2007

Bay Park Sunset, November 15, 2007.

I didn't carve anything yet today. Instead, I spent the day working on a commission for a truckload of uncarved tikis. It was tough to make the sunset deadline, but I pulled it off:

Defrond, planed, and some split. I really got that uncarved look down. I hope the customer will be happy with the final result.

GMAN: Howz sleeveless?

How come I'm always out of logs?
Buzzy Out!

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My head is full of tiki knowledge

Tiki-Kate posted on 11/16/2007

On 2007-11-15 18:43, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4425/473a3263-t.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d7b8c026137590bef621b09a6d8d9ac4
My head is full of tiki knowledge

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Benzart posted on 11/16/2007


Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/17/2007

Buzzy live cam


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4WDtiki posted on 11/17/2007

Live prawns!

closettiki posted on 11/17/2007

buzzy..... Thanks for the warm welcome ,the tour of the house of buzz and the load of uncarved tikis. .....I'll try to do you proud after all your hard work ...
I'm driving around san diego in a SUV that smells like a wet tiki
mmmmm can't beat that......
better than an mai tai and a side order of shrimp
can't wait to lay the chisels to them
thanks again for spreading the tiki and the buttload of those ugly mugs
they will look great with an umbrella in them and after a couple of fine tiki drinks they won't look so ugly......

[ Edited by: closettiki 2007-11-16 23:24 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 11/19/2007

A little progress on a tiki I started last night:

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I carved all of this live on the new House of Buzz carving cam. Glad some of you were there to join in on the fun. I'll have to warm up to the camera a little more and get used to it. Sorry if I say bad words and stuff. And I'm sorry I sing and talk to the TV too...Hope it's not too boring. As I get more into the routine, I'll try to do prescheduled segments of more substance and content. Any requests? I tried to do the sunset live on Saturday but I fell asleep and did not awake in time.

It's a nice sunny day, so I'm going to set the cam up for some outside live carving right now. I'll probably start at about 1130 with the live feed.

Closettiki: Nice seeing you again. Enjoy your haul! See you next time you're in da' hood. I hear there's an AVID conference in April... Now get to work! Those tikis have been stuck in those logs way too long now.

House of Buzz Live Cam
Starting braocasting at approx 11:30 today

Buzzy Out!

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Mr&Mrs BPHoptiki posted on 11/19/2007

HI Buzzy, Mr. Hoptiki aka. Lowbrow and I will stop buy your Justin.tv carve today. Sure was fun chatting with everyone last night i.e. Jentiki, Thedivapinup, Mai Tai.

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