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Tiki Central / Tiki Central Ohana

It's just me, a newby

Pages: 1 5 replies

ammochild posted on 11/16/2007

Hey Folks, well I am new here, I have been fascinated by the jade carvings and shell work of the pacific and New Zealand for several years.
I am in the process of setting up a work shop, getting tools etc, but I do have jade.
I live in Canada and so our BC jade, (mountains of it), is very available.
My handle is "Ammochild", ammolite is one of Canada's finest gem stones if worked properly, actually a fossilized sea shell., which I placer mine.
The "child" is that I am so new to the traditions of jade carving, I will combine jade and ammolite.
Creating a new form of personal adornment in the Big C, is key to this journey.
So far I think that this site is "TOPS".!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 11/16/2007

welcome aboard!! post some pics of your stuff when you can. Are you gonna carve tikis out of jade and ammolite??

anyway, i'm tipsy mcstagger...you're probably going to end up despising me at some point like alot folks here do....so if i were you, I would start early and avoid the rush!! LOL

seriouisly, glad you could join the mix!

Tamapoutini posted on 11/19/2007

Kia ora Ammo, welcome! In case you havent seen them already, check out the 'stone carving Q&A' thread (and my own) over in the Carving Forum. A few of the ohana have set up stone/jade carving tools and taken those first steps...

Go for it! You are not alone...

Tama :)

ammo2 posted on 12/07/2007

Hey folks thanx for the notes, as you see I had to alter my handle, but hey all in a day!
I hope to carve jade soon, have a bit on hand, several large blocks.
once again thanx, can any of you suggest a thread to 2 and share some of your carvings?

Tikiwahine posted on 12/07/2007

Welcome ammochild/ammo2! Nice to see another Canuck around here. I'm looking forward to seeing your work!

Oh ya, and I's loves you Tipsy!

ammo2 posted on 12/07/2007

Hey thanx, Canucks are Cool!
Tama' can you tell me what type of jade you used for the bluish tiki that you put on ebay this past summer?
I love the tones almost looks like S.American jadeite.
So far the search goes on and "jus luv'n it!

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