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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

UH, Naked Chick in the Sand rules!

Pages: 1 5 replies

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 05/15/2003
Trader Woody posted on 05/16/2003

British charity shops are deluged with this kind of stuff. I guess in the 70's, a couple of 'baps' on the record sleeve = sales.

Perhaps more interesting in the long run is this peculiar genre of music where European session musicians aped Hawaiian tunes. These were passed off as being Hawaiian until you checked the liner notes when you suddenly realised that the drummer was from Stuttgart.

Trader Woody

Trader Tiki posted on 05/16/2003

bap = British African Princesses?

Trader Woody posted on 05/16/2003

'Baps' are actually large round buns, but the word is also widely used here as friendly slang for breasts.

Trader Woody

TikiMikey posted on 05/17/2003

I'm surprised no one has made the "Bono" joke yet.

Rain posted on 05/17/2003

two things:

"PROPSPERIOUS" - what does this mean?


mmmmmmmmmm... baps...

Pages: 1 5 replies