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What Is Your All-Time Favorite Tiki Mecca?

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christiki295 posted on 11/15/2007

I am wondering if there will be a consensus on the best, or if there is a geographical distinction.

Mine: Tiki's Bar & Grill in Waikiki

It has the highest TIPSY level of any bar, which alone would make it the best.
It also features tiki torches, Hawaiian music, coconut trees and views of the Pacific.

Runner Up: Kon Tiki in Tucson.
Also, an extremely high TIPSY level and the sign itself is magical.
The drinks and tiki mugs are also very noteworthy, as is the interior decor.

sneakyjack posted on 11/15/2007

I'd have to say Mai Kai but I am also partial to the Trader Vics in London.

Haole'akamai posted on 11/15/2007

I dream of the next time I can walk through the doors of the Mai Kai, and then turn left into The Molokai Bar. My heart hurts just thinking it's been a year since I've set foot on that piece of sacred ground.

midnite posted on 11/15/2007

"Be peaceful, orderly and kind. No crushing."

el midnite ben ali

twowheelin'tiki posted on 11/15/2007

Past: Kelbo's.
Present: Tiki-ti

GatorRob posted on 11/15/2007

Midnite, I call your Tiki mecca and raise you 15 drinks.

Lake Surfer posted on 11/15/2007

In my tiki life, I was raised on Hala Kahiki,
but even the magic of that classic Midwest tiki bar pales in comparison to the Mai Kai.

Tough choice too though, when you factor in location with a classic tiki bar. Places like Hawaii, or even a view of San Francisco Bay at the Emeryville Vic's add natural ambiance to the experience.

rugbymatt posted on 11/15/2007
  1. Mai-Kai

  2. Tiki-Ti

  3. Mahiki

  4. Tonga Room

  5. Kowloon

  • Love all the Trader Vic's (90210, London, Berlin...)

Haven't made to Hawaii yet though.

[ Edited by: rugbymatt 2007-11-15 19:03 ]

Son-of-Kelbo posted on 11/15/2007

Gotta be for me:

  1. Kelbo's, on Pico in WLA (now a brain-dead strip joint)

  2. Trader Vic's 90210 (alas, alas...)

  3. The Tonga Hut (back, and back-er than ever -- long may she wave!)

And of course, "Shelly's Dive", at YoYo Island...:wink:


(Ooops! Forgot to indclude the fabulabulous Bahooka! Gotta lay off those Voodoo Gimlets in the middle of the day...)

"Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a Spot,
Where Blowfish all wore sunglasses,
and Tiki-times were hot..."

[ Edited by: Son-of-Kelbo 2007-11-15 16:06 ]

PiPhiRho posted on 11/15/2007

Up until October of 2006 I would have said Don the Beachcomber's.

In October of 2006, I went for the first time to the Mai Kai.

I never had the opportunity to go to the Kahiki, but in my lifetime I have been to many of the Tiki Temples of Los Angeles, including Bora Bora (When I was WAY too little to drink) in the valley, three different Don the Beachcomber's, BH Trader Vic's, and Kelbo's, as well as the Tonga Hut, Bahooka, and Tiki Ti.

None of them compare to the grandeur of the Mai Kai. That is, as far as I am concerned, The Tiki Mecca.

The pain of the distance of my seaparation from the Mai Kai is lessened, however, by the closeness of the Tiki Ti.

TikiDiego posted on 11/16/2007

I'm a big softie for the La Mariana Sailing Club. It's pretty much my "mecca". It has the all the decor and location I could ever want out of a vintage tiki establishment.

The last time we were there the two blind musicians played Quiet Village for us (complete with bird calls), and we met up with Gecko so I could buy one of the blue La Mariana kava bowls. That was an alltime highlight for me.

A runner up for me would be the Kowloon. And if we're talking about modern Tiki establishments, then the Forbidden Island has it hands down for my preferences.

Although, I guess gotta get my behind out to the MaiKai one of these days to see what all the hubbub is about.

[ Edited by: TikiDiego 2007-11-15 16:06 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 11/16/2007

Based on Food, Drinks and Atmoshpere:
Don the Beachcomber, Palm Springs (early 80's)
Trader vic's, Beverly Hills (closed)
Kon Tiki, Tucson (current)
Trader Vic's, Emeryville (current)
Royal Hawaiian, Laguna Beach (Prior to closing in 2006)
Tonga Room, S.F. (current)
Bahooka, Rosemead (current)
Bali Hai, San Diego (current)
Sam's Seafood, Sunset Beach (Prior to closing in 2006)
Conga Lounge, Berkeley (does pizza count? current)

Just Drinks and Atmosphere:
Tiki Ti, Los Angeles (current)
Forbidden Island, Alameda (current)
Trader Vic's Lounge Poolside, Beverly Hills (current)
Purple Orchid Exotic Tiki Bar, El Segundo (current)
Mugoomba, San Clemente (current at Tiki Farm)
Luau Larry's, Catalina (have you had your wicki wacked? current)
Bong's Garage, (current)

Just Atmosphere:
Kona Club, Berkeley (current)
Tradr Sams, S.F. (current)
Drift Bar, Phoenix (current)
Bikini Bar, Phoenix (current)
Reef Bar @ Caliente Tropics Hotel, Palm Springs (changed to Hawaiian Bill's now)
Mai Tai Bar, Long Beach (current)
Mr Tiki, San Diego (current)

Heck! I think there has been something about every bar I've been to that's worth mentioning!!!

"Mortgages and Mai-Tai's...Whatta life!"

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2007-11-15 16:44 ]

Tiki-Kate posted on 11/16/2007

Since I've never been to the Mai Kai, I don't feel like I have enough experience to appropriately answer the question, but...

Favorite Museum = Auckland War Memorial Museum

Favorite Old School Restaurant = La Mariana

Favorite Modern Restaurant = Tiki's Grill and Bar

Favorite Restaurant To Curl Up In A Booth By Myself With Good Book And A Pile O' Ribs = Bahooka

christiki295 posted on 11/16/2007

On 2007-11-15 16:43, SoccerTiki wrote:
Based on Food, Drinks and Atmoshpere:
Don the Beachcomber, Palm Springs (early 80's)
Trader vic's, Beverly Hills (closed)
Kon Tiki, Tucson (current)
Trader Vic's, Emeryville (current)
Royal Hawaiian, Laguna Beach (Prior to closing in 2006)
Tonga Room, S.F. (current)
Bahooka, Rosemead (current)
Bali Hai, San Diego (current)
Sam's Seafood, Sunset Beach (Prior to closing in 2006)
Conga Lounge, Berkeley (does pizza count? current)

Just Drinks and Atmosphere:
Tiki Ti, Los Angeles (current)
Forbidden Island, Alameda (current)
Trader Vic's Lounge Poolside, Beverly Hills (current)
Purple Orchid Exotic Tiki Bar, El Segundo (current)
Mugoomba, San Clemente (current at Tiki Farm)
Luau Larry's, Catalina (have you had your wicki wacked? current)
Bong's Garage, (current)

Just Atmosphere:
Kona Club, Berkeley (current)
Tradr Sams, S.F. (current)
Drift Bar, Phoenix (current)
Bikini Bar, Phoenix (current)
Reef Bar @ Caliente Tropics Hotel, Palm Springs (changed to Hawaiian Bill's now)
Mai Tai Bar, Long Beach (current)
Mr Tiki, San Diego (current)

Way to bring it, Soccertiki, but you still have to choose just one - or at least narrow down to 3.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/16/2007

No question, no competion..The Mai Kai.

rugbymatt posted on 11/16/2007

With the Kahiki lost forever the Mai-Kai does reign supreme as the last of the original polynesian palaces. For those who have not made it down to Ft. Lauderdale for Hukilau or any other reason it is a journey you should definitely plan for th enear future.

Chip and Andy posted on 11/16/2007

Of the places still standing.... Mai-Kai.

And, to borrow from another religion, everyone should make the Hajj to the Mai-Kai because it truly is a Tiki Mecca. 50 years and still going!

And, I think with the recent closing of Trader Vics in Beverly Hills, the Mai-Kai now qualifies as only one of two places (Tiki Ti) still standing since day one. I mean that have been around since 'the original' Tiki fever struck the Haole natives...

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bigtikidude posted on 11/16/2007

I haven't been to Mai Kai, but form Pics I've seen.
I'd say that would have to be it.

for places I have been to,
Old- Trader Vics, Emmeryville, Ca.
New- Forbidden Island, Alameda, Ca.

old beat up joint, but love the drinks,
No Question about it


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Monkeyman posted on 11/16/2007

by far..... the Ona Tiki Lounge
the Rincon Room
the original Lagoon Room
the Novato Grotto

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bigtikidude posted on 11/16/2007

not to say that Monkey Mans favorite's aren't great,they are.
But I am assuming that a tiki mecca was supposed to be a public place, am I right?

If not, sorry for poo poo ing your Post MM.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2007-11-16 15:43 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 11/16/2007

I can't wait to experience the Mai Kai! (and others!)

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Monkeyman posted on 11/17/2007

no poo poo for you... BTD :)

Im simply expressing that my favorite places werent public places at all....

the most inviting tiki environments I have enjoyed have been in the homes of others.

back to regular programming...

GatorRob posted on 11/17/2007

This thread is interesting. The consensus, so far anyway, seems to be the Mai-Kai (and rightly so), which reins as king and queen of them all. Not to diminish the other remaining vintage places or the terrific new ones like Forbidden Island in any way.

It's funny. I occasionally find myself taking the Mai-Kai for granted. It's only a few hours away, so I can get over there 4 or so times a year. But then I read a thread like this with people saying "I've never been, but I'd love to go." It reminds me of two things: that I'm fortunate to be so close and that we are all fortunate that the Mai-Kai still exists at all. It has really beaten the odds. Restaurants are just not supposed to last this long. But it has. And from what I can see, it's doing just fine. And thanks to some long overdue insurance money and a generous infux of tiki creativity from the likes of Will, Chip, Andy, Loki, Stumpgrinder and others, there is some wonderful new life being breathed into the Mai-Kai. And, according to manager Kern Mattei, new Rum Barrel mugs are on their way (from China, of course), woo hoo!

It's all good folks. I just wish everyone the opportunity to experience it in person because it is truly magical. A time machine waiting for you.

Okay, this is killing me. Time to get on down there again... New Years anyone?

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tikijackalope posted on 11/17/2007

You never forget your first, and my first true tiki palace was...

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...the mighty Kon Tiki of Tucson.

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Gaze upon its magnificence.

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Though I've not seen the Mai Kai, and will never know the Kahiki, I've visited 12 or so of this proud tiki nation's regional favorites and one in London. All have charms by which their patrons boasts are justified, but my grinning wooden heart still dwells within these nicotined tapa walls.

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tikibars posted on 11/17/2007

I have to agree that the Mai Kai clearly trumps them all.

So let's make this thread more interesting, and with Christiki's permission, let's re-phrase the question:
What's your favorite place besides Mai Kai (for those of you that have been there)?

I have to go with Kahiki (I'll never forget the first time that Duke Carter and I went there in 1998 during a freaking monsoon), but as far as places that are still open are concerned, I have to say Tiki Ti for drinks, Trader Vic's for food (preferably Atlanta, Emeryville, or London), Tonga Room for Tiki vibe, Omni Hut and Aku Tiki Room (tie) for super-nice ownership, and Hala Kahiki for just being freaking great in its own way.

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Ojaitimo posted on 11/17/2007

My pick is the Trade Winds.

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The Trade Winds trees in 2007

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icebaer69 posted on 11/17/2007

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On 2007-11-17 08:35, Ojaitimo wrote:
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The Trade Winds trees in 2007

PiPhiRho posted on 11/17/2007

OK, well if we are going to exclude the Mai Kai as a given, then it would have to be this:


  1. Tonga Lei/Don the Beachcomber's Malibu

This was my favorite Don the Beachcomber's of my legal drinking days. It was right on the beach, had a very nice, realaxing tiki atmosphere, great food and those wonderful Don the Beachcomber cocktails. In earlier days this same spot was the Tonga Lei, a wonderful tikified Chinese restaurant (see the Book of Tiki). Although the Marina Del Rey Don's was larger and fancier, Malibu was my preferred spot.

  1. Beverly Hills' Trader Vic's.

Wonderful atmosphere, great food, wonderful drinks. What more can you say?


  1. TIKI TI

Forget Disneyland. This is the happiest place on earth (with the possible exception of the Mai Kai). The essence of Tiki, boiled down to one tiny little bar on Sunset Blvd.

  1. Bahooka

OK, the food is nothing to write home about and the drinks are OK at best and the TIPSI factor may be kinda low for a tiki bar, but I love this place just the same.

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Swanky posted on 11/18/2007

As much as I love the Mai Kai, for more reasons than any of you will ever know, I still have a tie for number one: Mai Kai and Hala Kahiki.

The Mai Kai is fantastic in every way, but, it has to lose points for being in a tropical climate, and Hala Kahiki gains many points for being near Chicago. Chicago, historically was the second mother of the tiki boom. California started, Chicago taught it to everyone else. But, Hala Kahiki is the real inspiration for my home bar. Walking in there through 2 feet of snow is far more the real tiki oasis experience than anything in Florida. And the place is just perfect in mood and lighting, etc.

So, I have to urge everyone to be sure and see both. Preferably see Hala Kahiki in winter.

My number 2 is now the Aku Tiki Room in Kewaunee Illinois. Really great place that has really strong mood, drinks and design. In May, I am putting together a fantastic old school event there that will be the ideal time to come see the place.

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Tonga Tiki posted on 11/19/2007

Unfortunately, I have not been able to check out all of the nominees to compare. Of course many of them closed before I was a convert to Tiki culture. But for me the Mai Kai is my Mecca and I can't wait till I visit again. This is a picture from my visit last month. Ahh Yes - sitting in the Molokai Bar with my 2nd Zombie of the evening. Life is good.
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[ Edited by: Tonga Tiki 2007-11-19 12:04 ]

christiki295 posted on 07/16/2009

On 2007-11-15 12:37, GatorRob wrote:
Midnite, I call your Tiki mecca and raise you 15 drinks.

Is the Mai Kai too nautical - which would also take out the Tonga Hut!

christiki295 posted on 07/16/2009

On 2007-11-16 20:01, tikijackalope wrote:
You never forget your first, and my first true tiki palace was...

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...the mighty Kon Tiki of Tucson.

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Gaze upon its magnificence.

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Though I've not seen the Mai Kai, and will never know the Kahiki, I've visited 12 or so of this proud tiki nation's regional favorites and one in London. All have charms by which their patrons boasts are justified, but my grinning wooden heart still dwells within these nicotined tapa walls.

Kon Tiki gets my vote as the best Tiki Mecca!

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Tom Slick posted on 07/16/2009

I'd have to throw in Danny Balsz "The Tiki's" in Monterey Park...Never been, BUT the imagery and the "Tropical Disney for Adults" idea, really makes me think that this was by far one of the best outdoor Tiki Meccas.

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bigbrotiki posted on 07/16/2009

The original must have been insane, the never opened one was out of this world. Here are members of the legendary 1994 Tikis expedition on the trek to said Mecca:

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Here is what it was supposed to become (a staged photo to promote the Lake Elsinore location):

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...and here how I found it:

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AlohaStation posted on 07/16/2009

On 2009-07-15 22:29, christiki295 wrote:

Is the Mai Kai too nautical - which would also take out the Tonga Hut!

That is an image of the Molokai lounge. It is designed to look and feel like your inside a shipwreck. The rest of the restaurant and gardens are all "Tiki"!!

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telescopes posted on 07/16/2009
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