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2010 Elsass Tiki Carving by AKUAE Spring update....

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AKUAE posted on 09/18/2007


this is my first topic here on TC - i hope you will enjoy my work
My first Tiki i have done last summer after a great meeting with Hot Rods and Rockabilly music in Switzerland.
It was cool to see HAIKAI "the greatest carver in good old Germany" carving live his great Tikis, drinking some good cocktails and spending a good evening with my friends - it was a revelation and some days later i bought some knifes for trying out my first Tiki

for me Tikicarving is very important to spending time with my friends - Vinz and Seb hey boys show us your Tikis :) - and creating something with my own two hands, without any stress and near natural things like wood, terracotta or stone

hope you enjoy

no.1 broken in two pieces after two weeks not realy cool :(

after this first emotional birth of my first TIKI some others are luckier than the first one

yes you are right, on the right side it's a knife "Opinel" out of inox steel and a chestnut wood. this knifes are specially produced for carvers like us :)
realy cool stuff out of the french Alpes !!!

voila, that's all for the moment
next projekt will not wait longer on :)


will coming soon http://www.VW-PKR.COM a new site about VW-Aircooled only !!!, TIKI Carving, Beachcruising and some other cool stuff - try it out 10/2007

[ Edited by: AKUAE 2008-07-22 08:42 ]

[ Edited by: AKUAE 2008-07-27 05:52 ]

[ Edited by: AKUAE 2009-06-09 13:50 ]

[ Edited by: AKUAE 2009-12-03 08:44 ]

[ Edited by: AKUAE 2010-01-05 07:19 ]

[ Edited by: AKUAE 2010-04-04 11:18 ]

McTiki posted on 09/18/2007

I love the character in these. Refined carves and beautiful finishes. Way better than my stuff! Mahalo!

benella posted on 09/19/2007

Bienvenue AKUAE,

your pieces look really good.
Can't wait to see more.

Concerning the knifes, check this: http://www.gaignard-millon.com :wink:


AKUAE posted on 09/20/2007

Hello McTiki, thanks for your visit and your kind words

Hello Ben, thanks for the link, I have already some PFEIL Tools for carving they are great tools and it's a pleisure for carving, not cheap but very good stuff

hope to stay in touch, next Tiki is in progress and some photos will coming soon


AKUAE posted on 11/22/2007

Hi guys,

big promise - this week end new pics will coming
i'm very busy at the moment
i have collected much of good logs and good idees now its time
for create



Benzart posted on 11/22/2007

Akuae, your first tikis were Very Nice and Exceptional for "Firsts" and I amreally expecting More excellent work from you soon. Welcome to TC, Hope you're having fun.

AKUAE posted on 11/25/2007

Hello TC's

Benzart, thanks for your kind words - i'm very happy to show my work on TC

here are some new pictures, some Tikis are finished and some are still at work.
The last weeks are very busy for me, all the tools are waiting for new work
and i hope before Christmas time some other Tiki's will following soon

hope you will enjoy.........

big work for me for the moment, a Basswoodlog 65cm high

my AKU had changed the color, Black is beautyful

here some other stuff:



benella posted on 11/26/2007

Salut Akuae !

Very nice work, especially with the new one, it's going to be a superb piece, please post progress pix.


tok-tok posted on 11/26/2007

Welcome to t.c..
Nice to meet another euro-carver here.

You gathered a nice bunch of tikis allready. I like them, wondering how the laughing guy will turn out.
Can you fold this opinel-knife or is this a stiff blade?
Nice toolbox also, looks a bit like the "Bonny & Clyde"- car.


haikai posted on 11/27/2007

Aloha AKUAE, it´s great to meet you here again! Wellcome on TC my friend.
The Moai is my favorite one. I think it´s nearly a perfect form. I realy like the little fellow!
Greetings, Kai

AKUAE posted on 12/16/2007

Hello TC Carvers

Ben, thanks for your kind words i'm very busy with a new little Tiki
hope will finish him soon !!!
will send you latest next week a list with the chisels !!!
sorry for my late answer

TOK TOK thanks, yes the knife can be fold it's not a stiff
I hope i can buy soon more diff. wood knifes like this
it exist also in Olivewood, AHORN and some other nice woods
grat work on your topic also !!!!

Haikai, thanks for your visit in my topic - and always the inspiration of your forbidden paradise

some photos of my new stuff will following soon

this evening we are chilling in a very nice restaurant with all my friends and also Tiki Carvers - hope they will soon put some photos on TC - perhaps santa claus will ring us some chisels or great logs :)


AKUAE posted on 12/19/2007


here some new pictures of my last Tiki
a little one, hope you enjoy

great christmas time

bye Akuae

benella posted on 12/19/2007

Guten Tag,

Very good, my friend.
Will you stain it ?
How tall is he?

Keep up the good work.


AKUAE posted on 01/06/2008

Hello everybody

hope your all fine
here some updates with new pictures
Thanks Ben for your last reply - the little one is now ready
for taking care of my home - no more bad phantoms or spirits will come in :)
take a look - the burning Tiki is about 25 cm high and of good birch-wood

Also my bigger projekt is nearly finished
It's the first time i give arms at a Tiki - it's not perfect but i think not to bad
A about 60 cm basswood laughing one - This Tiki will be watching out for bad spirits in the backyard of very
good friends of me in good old Germany
Conny, Klaus and Julian are the best neighbours in the world.....

some other pictures will following soon

great new TIKI Year to everyone

Traderbob posted on 01/06/2008

Aloha Akuae,

the small new tiki looks really unique and also very good after you burned it and I bet your neigbors will appreciate the big basswood guy !
I like the opinel knife as well, does it fold in ?


Benzart posted on 01/06/2008

Thanks Akuae and Happy New Year to you too!Your latest tiki is Cool and the Moai in Black is Definitely a big upgrade, Keep up the good work.
Have you been holding out on us Though? From the looks of this Mallet, Someone has been doing a LOT of carving here?? :lol: :lol: (Unless you are pounding Nails with it?) :)

benella posted on 01/07/2008

Hey Akuae,

Very good job !
I love the way you carved the hands of this fellow, very good.

Will you put something between his hands ?
How will you finish it ?



AKUAE posted on 01/20/2008

hope you are fine !
Hello Traderbob, thanks
yes the Opinal can be fold in, really cool for
sunday morning brunches in the backyard ( Summertime :)
Hello Benzart,
thank you for your kind words, yes you are right
i do a lot of Tiki's with this mallet but a lot of thems are
flowing into the BBQ :( no pictures of this sad event
Bonsoir Benella,
Yes i will give something in the hand of this Tiki. What ????
Surprise, surprise

some updates will following soon, here 2 pictures for give you some news
LOLO is 1.30 m high and his weight is about 50 kgs :)
will be finished 2009 :)


Benzart posted on 01/21/2008

Just Promise to finish these Before they Rot Away :lol: Looks like they will be Great!

benella posted on 01/21/2008


Super tikis mon ami. I love the cracks on them that make them look natural.
How shall you finish them ?
Was the chainsaw cool to work with ? :wink:

Hat off,


AKUAE posted on 03/13/2008

Hello guys,

sorry but for the moment i'm not Toolless like my friend benella but
timeless !!!!!!
hope to get a great eastern week end for do some new chainsaw cuts :)

bis bald

seeksurf posted on 03/18/2008

Very nice chops they have allot of personality.

benella posted on 03/18/2008

Come on boy, show us what you did this week end :wink:

AKUAE posted on 05/05/2008

thank you Benzart, Benella and Seeksurf
very hard last time - i have to change my job
professional tiki carver why not :)

here some new pics:

first one :
our new AKU Project - a gift for Tom and Fede in Switzerland
it's not easy to work with 3 guys on 1 AKU - very dangerous with the chainsaw :)

updates will following very soon - deadline for the WEDDING AKU 19/06/2008

here some photos of my new one, named Foo Fighter
i'm very happy with the wood - great colors inside and i hope finish him very soon

great week

benella posted on 05/06/2008

Hey boy, Pretty good Lono ( I love the foo fighters too :lol: )
Can't wait for the pix of the big one !


haikai posted on 05/06/2008

Hey friends,
great to see you guys are busy and having fun. Hope all is fine an we will meet us soon again.
Perhaps at the Hangar Rochin? Let the chips fly and post pictures of your threesome project.
Having fun, Kai

seeksurf posted on 05/07/2008

Love it he has some great lines going down.

AKUAE posted on 05/19/2008

thanks Ben, Kai and Seeksurf
i'm proud and happy you take a look at my work

here the latest pics of FOO FIGHTER
i'm very happy with him

the Weeding AKU for Tom and Fede will be hopefully done before the 20 the June
some pics will following very soon

good night and greets from Alsace



keep up the good work my friend

benella posted on 05/20/2008

Bonjour Akuae !

Pretty good work here, your last piece is coool.

Hope to see a lot more like this one.


Traderbob posted on 05/20/2008

Salut Akuae,

great job on the foo fighter, the finish is very cool. What kind of wood is that if you don't mind asking ?
Looking forward to see the big guy you're wotking on.

Benzart posted on 05/21/2008

Your Foo Fighter is an Awesome looking tiki. Love the detail and the finish. Keep up the amazing work.

seeksurf posted on 05/21/2008

Yes very nice I will have to use this fella as a reference
on mine. NICE WORK!

AKUAE posted on 06/12/2008


some days are gone since the last lines and photos

thanks Marcus,Ben, Benzart and Seeksurf for your replys - your work rocks

Traderbob, it's birch / Birke with a nice color after the stain with "brou de noix" :)
please don't ask me the german or english word for it - it is the green part of nuts who will
be cooked in water i think and after you can take this liquid for stain Tikis :) or tables, chairs etc. a bio Tiki staining system

The WEDDING AKU is finished and we will stain it this week end
here some pics

good night

Heath posted on 06/12/2008

Very nice.

seeksurf posted on 06/13/2008

NICE ! He is a good sized hunk a hunk.

benella posted on 06/13/2008

Great. Can't wait to see him stained.


Tikilizard posted on 06/13/2008

Everything looks great! The moai is outstanding. Keep up the carving and posts.

AKUAE posted on 06/16/2008

thanks HEATH, SEEKSURF, BENELLA and TIKILIZARD for your kindly words
our WEDDING AKU is finished yesterday evening with a lot of rain here in Alsace :(
i think he looks great and it will be a great gift for TOM and FEDE for her Wedding !!!
here some first pics some other pics with a great scenario will following soon .....

Traderbob posted on 06/16/2008

Bonjour Akuae,

great moai, what a cool idea for a wedding present !
Keep a good eye on him, there's a custom in Germany where the wedding couple has to saw a log after the ceremony. They may have heard about that in Alsace, too.



Tikilizard posted on 06/16/2008

Excellent stain. You could not have planned the grain any better. The grain on the forehead looks like he's concentrating in deep thought and the grain on the nose looks like Maori warrior art. Great job guys! :D

benella posted on 06/17/2008


I'm with Tikilizard: the grain is absolutely perfect.
What kind of wood is it? And what stain did you put on ? Seems like Teak or "merisier"...


AKUAE posted on 06/17/2008


yes Bobo i knew this Wedding Custom in Germany but WEDDING AKU will survive the wedding is in Switzerland near the Matterhorn

thank's for your compliments TIKILIZARD
we're very happy with the stain and the finish
it's not easy to let the Wedding Aku in Switzerland sniff, sniff

Salut Ben,
merci - the wood is Alsace sapin / stocking for 10 years in the backyard of the grandma from Vinz :) thanks grandma !!!
the first stain is "Broux the noix" you find these stains in Castorama or Leroy Merlin :)
and after we put one Chene claire stain on it - i don't have the english word
( sorry it's late and i will go to bed now )

see you soon for more pics and some new projects :D

seeksurf posted on 06/18/2008

Great Shots love the tikis and the BLACK & WIHITE

benella posted on 06/18/2008

Salut Akuae,

Very cool black and white pix and super nice tikis.

"Chene" is oak in english and "sapin" is spruce wood :wink:

I already wrote it but the color of the moai is really beautiful.


JohnnyP posted on 06/18/2008

The B&W photos look like an album cover with some real positive vibe going on.

virani posted on 06/18/2008

very very cool...I'm jealous of your future wedding friends.

I also love the B&W pictures.

Benzart posted on 06/19/2008

Excellent Company and the Places this guy gets to Visit, DArn, I'd Love to go there. Beautiful, Grandure filled photo and Exellent tiki. What more could you ask?

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