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Chin Tiki Livonia Holiday Tiki Party-Dec. 8th

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hulagirl1 posted on 11/27/2007

Chin Tiki Livonia Holiday Party - Saturday December 8th 1pm-12am 28205 Plymouth Rd. Livonia
Featuring a Tiki Art Show and Sale, Our annual Tiki raffle with items donated from the Chin Family,
Vendors including The Cat's Meow, Speedcult and others. Complete line of new Tiki Farm mugs and
the new Tiki Modern book for sale. Also vintage tiki. Exotic music by DJ Del Villarreal. I hope to see
you all there. It's been over a year since our last event at Chin's.
The Chin family has sold the old Chin Tiki and they have moved many items permanently into
the Livonia Chin's. Including the bar, many extremely large tikis and other items. Great opportunity
to come check out these historical tikis.

teaKEY posted on 11/28/2007

Oh man, that is the same night as the Tonga Hut gathering. What to do, what to do. Ok, I'll come to the Chin.

Coming up quick.

Matiki posted on 11/28/2007

Wouldn't miss it Nancy. Thank you for doing this. It's always a nice way to break up the holidays and get my much needed Tiki fix. See ya on the 8th

aintnoblackmail posted on 11/28/2007

i will definatly be there, but it might be early on, i have to work that night unfortunatly

Feelin Zombified posted on 11/30/2007


teaKEY posted on 12/05/2007

Bump for the true meaning of Chirstmas

The Chin is in

[ Edited by: teaKEY 2007-12-06 09:54 ]

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